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Dream fluttered his eyes awake.. groaning in pain.
"Ow.." he hissed, staring at the sky.

"Sorry-" Tubbo frowned, wrapping a bandage around dreams arm.
"Jesus.. I'm just replacing the bandage.. don't gotta be rude." He awkwardly looked at hali- not wanting to be attacked.

Dream had on hand rest on his chest, hali tucked right under his hand.
"Is George okay...?" He mumbled, looking around.
"Where is he.."

"Why do you want to talk to him..?" Tubbo cocked a brow, looking over at Dream.
"Didn't George do this?" He tightened the bandage, placing a patch on dreams shoulder.
"God- he did a lot of damag-"

"No!- OW-" Dream quickly sat up, instantly straining his shoulder.
"George- didn't-" he held hali carefully.
"Do this.."

Tubbo cocked a brow.
"But these claw marks-" he looked at the different claw marks on dreams body.
"There too sharp to be from a person"

"It's was from another mermaid- I thought it was George at first too... but- it was a girl and she had a red tail.." Dream hissed in pain, looking down at his now ruined clothes- stained with his blood.
"George was the one that saved me-" his attention turned to hali.
"And hali-"

"Oh" Tubbo nodded, continuing to bandage up Dream.
"Your were asleep for awhile- almost the entire day." He stared out the tent.

Dreams attention turned up.
"Wait- the entire day?!" His eyes widened- looking up at the now dark sky.

"Its almost sunset again." Tubbo nudged his head over.
"I recommend you rest the night here- everyone else is near the campfire." He finished patching up dreams shoulder.

Dream looked over at the water.
"But I need too-" his gaze softened.

"No." Sapnap leaned against the wooden beam of the tent.
"You need to rest- you can't risk getting an infection." He shook his head.

"But George-" Dream was cut off again- Jeez...

"He's fine- he's in the water right now." Sapnap nudged his head over at the water.
"No one's checked on him since what happened this morning- everyone's to freaked out to go near the water... but he must be fine."

"That gives me more of a reason to go!" Dream tried getting up- but the claw mark on his leg wouldn't allow it.
"FUCK-" he gripped his leg with one hand.

"Please dream- just for one day... rest..? Alright." Sapnap gave Dream a sympathetic look... he understood that he loved george- but he was worried for him to hurt himself more.
"You need it."

Dream huffed, leaning again at the stone wall, not saying a word.

"Thank you." Sapnap had a sigh of relief.
"I'll get you something to eat... alright..?" He gave a soft nod.

"Well- I'm going to go eat." Tubbo waved, walking past Sapnap.
"Peace's." He just wanted to get out of the situation.

Dream held hali close with one hand.
"How much food do we have." He glanced up at Sapnap.
"We need to keep an eye on it."

"Just enough for a few, the rest is on the ship." Sapnap sighed, Dream needed the food.
"But on the ship we have enough to last us months."

"Give it to the baby mers, they need it more." Dream softly rubbed hali's back.
"They must be hungry too." He tilted his head, scrunching his nose,

"You sure dream- you really need the food." Sapnap stood up straight.
"But I can give it to them." He spoke quietly.

"Please do." Dream nodded, smiling softly.
"They need it more then I." He watched as hali snuggled into his chest, sleeping soft and soundly.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now