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George sat on dreams lap, laying against the pirate captain comfortably.
"Mmm..." he nuzzled into dreams neck.

"What are you doing." Dream continued reading, glancing down at George.
"You just came and laid on my lap."

"Mmm.. I love you." George mumbled quietly, kissing dreams jaw.
"A lot." He kneaded his chest, bored out of his mind.

"I love you too." Dream kissed George's forehead, smiling.
"Now, what do you want to d-"

Dream was cut off when a crack of thunder cracked through the sky- I guess the storm came faster then they thought.

George quickly fell off of dreams lap, falling onto the ground.
"No-!" He covered his ears, instantly hiding.

Dream looked down at George.
"George, it's okay.. it's only thunder." He chuckled softly.

George heard another crack of thunder, making him slide under the desk.
"No-" he whined.

Dream frowned, he thought George finally got better with the storms and thunder.
"Her-" before he could look down- he looked up and saw hali pinning himself to the bottom of the tank, he was scared... he looked like a scared cat clinging for life.
"Oh fuck."
(Id love to see art of this LMAO)

He forgot that both of them lived at the bottom of the ocean basically.

"Come on darling- it's okay" Dream reached out, wanting to hold George onto the bed.
"Remember the day at the island..? The first night we fully spent together"

George lightly nodded, looking up at Dream.
"Where Sapnap threatened me with his sword and you were mean to me and threatened me on multiple occasions"

"Okay- too be fair, I wasn't expecting to fall in love with you in like a week." Dream held his hand out, offering to help George up.
"Come on, let's get you on the bed"

"This relation ship better not be some trap for you too use me for that treasure or whatever" George grabbed dreams hand, frowning.
"I offered to help-"

"I would never, I put the treasure on hold." Dream pulled George up, soon picking him up.
"Come on, let's get you in the bed.. it's more important.

George clung onto Dream when a loud bang scared him.
"I hate storms!" He whined.

Dream walked over and placed George on the bed.
"Shh, it's okay" he smiled.
"So does hali."

Dream glanced over and still saw hali with wide eyes, laying at the bottom of the tank.

George curled himself under the blanket.
"I hate this boat sometimes" he whined.
"It sucks!"

"It's not that bad." Dream walked over to the tank, reaching into the tank.
"Come here baby" he pulled hali out.

Hali curled himself into a ball, whining.
"Scared" he kneaded Dreams arm stressfully.

"It's just a storm." Dream placed hali on the blanket, patting the top of his head.
"It won't hurt you."

"You try living at the bottom of the ocean for years on end!" George poked his head out from under the blanket.
"It's scary!" He snapped.

Dream sat down next to george.
"Not really" he rubbed Hali's back comfortably.
"It's fine"

George looked at Dream before glancing at his thigh.. he had good thighs.
"Om-" he bit his fangs down on dreams thigh.

"Ow!" Dream looked at George, seeing his head peaking out.
"What are you doing" he furrowed his brows.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now