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As most of you heard, techno blade has passed away- and honestly I nearly didn't post because how heart broken I am, he was such an inspiration to me and to many.

He's brought us all so much joy and I didn't expect this so suddenly, I hope now that he's at rest.

If I see any hate comments about techno blade saying he deserved to die, you will be muted from typing and blocked from my Wattpad acc. I do not tolerate that kind of shit here, that is not okay.

Good day.


Dream walked down the beach, letting hali hang onto his head.
"I thought someone was coming." He glared at George.

"I was lying" George giggled, sticking his tongue out.
"I wanted to be quick to get onto the ship!" he swayed side to side.
"I miss my little room"

Dream huffed as he began to button up his poet shirt.
"I swear." He cussed under his breath.
"I'm never trusting you again- you liar."

George happily walked forward, enjoying every step in the sand- feeling it between his toes.
"I'm excited to be sailing again!" He looked out at the ocean, smiling happily.
"It's so peaceful!"

Dream looked shocked at George.
"Really...?" He softly spoke, having a faint wide eye look.
"You enjoy Being on the ship..?"

"Ya! Of course I do! I love living on the ship with everyone!... I did enjoy staying here for a little- and I feel bad that everyone set up camp here just for us to go... but it's a little dangerous due to the mermaids or sirens that might be lurking.." George was anxious that more mermaids will come and hurt them- he loved his small family... he didn't want to lose it.
"So i think it's more peaceful on the ship! Especially with you!"

"So.. you don't mind the hole pirate thing..?" Dream lightly grinned , nudging George's side.
"With us doing bad things and so on..? You don't feel uncomfortable by it?" He wanted to double check.

"Pfft- you idiot.. i do bad things to!" George lightly giggled, shaking his head.
"Let's just get on the ship... you have a long night if your going to be helping them set up ship for sailing."

Dream then realized- yeah.. he is probably going to be up awhile.
"Fuckkkk" he groaned, tilting his head back.
"I don't want too do anything-"

"I get to sleep with that fluffy new duvet!" George cupped his cheeks, giggling.
"I'm going to be so comfortable~ while you work your ass off" he pictured himself laying happily in the blanket.

"Well- I think hali should stay in his tank a bit." Dream carefully picked up hali, pulling him off his head.
"He's uh.. a bit sun burnt-... actually a little bit more then a bit.."

Hali whined as his back was red.. yeah- maybe too much sun bathing was a bad idea.
"Ouchie..." he tried scratching his back- but his arms didn't reach.

"Sun-... burnt..?" George gave a puzzled look.
"Whats that..?" He had no clue what that was.. was it bad.
"Is it bad..? Is he hurt..?"

Dream held hali up, turning his back towards George.
"He got burnt because of the sun" he lightly wheezed.
"It just leaves a burn- it can be painful"

"We should get him inside then!!" George gasped, seeing the red mark.
"That must hurt!" He frowned, he forgot if they lay in the sun to much it burns them.

"He will be okay... I get them a lot." Dream rested hali on his shoulder.
"He just needs to stay in his tank- let his burns relax in the cold water."

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now