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Hali is kinda the main baby mer in this story- i kinda regret adding the others but I have plans for them.

But for now hali is like the main mer for Dream and George 👍🏻

George gently held the plate for the mers, letting them grab small bits of fruit and eating it.

"Om." Alon took a bite of a strawberry, eating it happily.

George smiled, rubbing the top alons head.
"See..? The fruits good." He mumbled quietly- giggling.

Beach and coral ate a few grapes while hali and Aqua ate a slice of apple.

Before George could take the plate away- a voice made him jump.

"George..?" Karl peaked his head into the captains quarters, mumbling quietly as to not wake Dream up.
"Are you in here..?"

George jump and looked over- seeing Karl, he was holding a blanket.
"Oh.. hello..." he mumbled quietly- is he gonna be upset..?

Karl frowned- he could tell George was upset.
"Do you mind if I come in..?" He asked softly, wanting to help the merman.

George thought for a minute, nodding.. Karl was one of the first to be nice of him.
"Okay.." he spoke quietly, nervous.
"You don't have to ask.."

"It's your room too- I don't want to walk into your personal space." Karl gently walked in, closing the door behind him.
"It's not just dreams room."

George just looked down at the mers, feeding them.

"I had a feeling you were still traumatized after what happened with Punz.." Karl quietly spoke, walking over to George.
"So I came to see if you were okay."

"I don't think the crew likes me very much.." George sighed, rubbing the top of the mers head.

"The crew does care... it's just- that dumbass Punz just wanted to scare you." Karl carefully sat down on the other side of the windowsill.
"Don't pay any mind to him at all- alright?"

George nodded softly.
"But then- why did that other person join in." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Cause foolish thought it was a harmless joke and you wouldn't be hurt.. but one he saw you were upset he quickly tried to stop, but Dream did first." Karl looked down at the mers.
"Aww! There so cute!"

"What did I do to them to deserve that though.." George continued to give fruit to the mers, mumbling to himself.

"You didn't do anything- Punz is that type of person to bring people down." Karl frowned, it made him upset that George was treated that way... he was always so nice.1
"Sapnap dealt with him once he found out."

"Was he hurt..?" George glanced over at Karl- even though he did something mean.. he
Didn't want anyone hurt.

Karl shook his head.
"No- he wasn't." He hummed.
"They talked things out"

"Good." George softly smiled.
"I don't want people getting hurt" he gently picked up coral.
"It wouldn't be fair." He carefully hopped off of the windowsill, picking up each mer individually.

"You have a big heart George." Karl softly smiled, he liked how George still cared even though.. they did kinda kidnap him- dreams fault of course.

"I don't like when people get hurt unless it's deserved." George quietly walked over to dreams bed, carefully placing the mers onto Dream.

Dream tiredly shuffled on the bed, turning over.

George just let hali cling onto dreams cheek, nuzzling into him.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now