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.:Semi short:.

George hid under the blanket, hearing the thunder from outside.
"It can't- hurt me-" he whimpered, hiding himself from the loud noises.
"I'm- okay.... Dreams says I'm okay- I am okay."

He peaked his head out and soon saw a flash of lightning, quickly hiding back under the blanket- this sucks.

Where did Dream even go...? He's been gone awhile.

"Dream?" George mumbled, peaking his head out... where was he..??? Where did he go?!
"Where did you go.." he lightly winced, looking for the blonde.

"Sorry! Sorry-"
Dream soon walked back in- completely drenched in rain water.
"Holy fucking shit..." he mumbled, rubbing his forehead.
"It's fucking pouring rain out there! Fucking hell.. we are going to have our own ocean on deck"

George slowly peaked his head out.
"Where's... hali...?" He mumbled quietly, glancing over at the empty tank.
"Is he safe..? Away from the edges of the ship..?"

"Oh yeah- he's fine.... He's just Clinging onto my back... like the usual baby mer he is." Dream turned to his side, revealing the mer that's clinging onto his back for dear life.
"He's afraid of the thunder as well."

"Scary.." hali dug his nails into dreams back- utterly terrified.
"No more.." he whined.

"I wonder why! It's scary-" george stared out the window, utterly terrified himself.
"And very loud..." he mumbled quietly.
".... I want it too stop."

"Its alright George.. I'm here" Dream pulled hali off his back, placing him In the small tank.
"I made Sapnap make sure to watch the ship while I helped in here with you two." He reached for a towel and began to dry himself off.

Hali settled at the bottom of the tank, hiding from the thunder.

"But your the captain..?" George had a puzzled look, sitting up.
"You need to watch the ship." He looked over, seeing the bowl of grapes.
"And your crew- you should be out there"

"I have a lazy first mate for a reason." Dream sat down next to george, bringing the bowl of grapes with him.
"Now- here... eat." He smiled, holding it up for the brunette.

George gladly took the bowl, holding it up.
"This is the one thing I hate about the surface.." he mumbled, staring out the window.

"Yeah- it's.. not the nicest thing in Mother Nature sends our way... better then a fucking hurricane- that's for sure." Dream sat down next to george, grabbing a grape and handing it too hali- watching the baby mer peak up and grab it,
"But it's something we pirates need to over come.."

"I ain't a pirate." George puffed his cheeks out, pouting.
"I am uh..." he thought- he should probably figure out what he exactly is.
"I don't know what I am at this point... I'm- weird."

"Well.. which do you like being called...? A merman or a siren." Dream watched at hali struggled to eat the grape... fuckin idiot.
"I'll love you either way and I'll respect your decision... cause too me- there the same thing- they both swim-"

"Pfft.... Well then..Maybe... I would like introducing myself as a merman too the crew and close friends of the crew.. and maybe a siren to enemies to scare them..? If that makes sense." George leaned against Dream, smiling lightly as he felt safe.
"Cause i like being scary as well."

"Yeah." Dream rested his chin on George's head.
"It makes sense.. don't worry." He hummed, kissing the top of his head.
"I love you so much.."

Before George could reply back to the blonde.- the door was soon open forcefully.

"OW! FUCKING ASSHOLES!" Sapnap snapped, stumbling into the room.
"Pussies." He mumbled as he adjusted himself... cowards- can't even walk into the captains quarters.

Dream looked over, puzzled.
"Uh.. is everything alright?" He anxiously glanced down at George.
"Did something happen with the others."

George smiled happily, waving at Sapnap.
"Hi Sapnap!"" he hummed, his smile growing.

"Yeah- something did happen- Oh Hi George- Sorry for interrupting but we need your boyfriend for a little-" Sapnap lightly nodded, smiling back at George- waving a little before giving Dream a serious look.
"We just need some extra hands on deck is all... as Tommy and ranboo both hurt themselves trying to prove who was right.. and slipped down to lower deck.... Being teenagers."

"Oh my god...those Fucking idiots." Dream groaned as he stood up, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry George- I have to go." He ruffled George's hair as he walked over to his trench coat.
"Which jobs needs done."

"Well we need someone to help bucket out the water and to help keep the wheel steady.... But no one can do it as we all have our jobs.." Sapnap sighed, lightly shaking his head.
"Punz and foolish are monitoring below deck for any breaks... Wilbur already managed storage but is watching tommy... and so forth with the jobs."

"Damn.. then we need to figure out something." Dream grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"We don't have enough crew members.. and we are down two"

Before either of the two spoke up- someone else did.

"I can help!" George perked up, his smile growing.
"I can help out then I can help clean the room after!" He sat up straight, placing his bowl down.

"NONO-" Dream quickly shook his head, glancing at George.
"That's unnecessary-" he anxiously chuckled.
"You can stay inside- we don't need your help alright love..?."

George tilted his head- confused why Dream won't let him out of the captains quarters.
"I insist that I can help! I am helpful!" He made a purr like sound.
"You need help.. I can help."

"It's alright George- just wait in here" Dream didn't want George to get hurt outside.
"I need you to watch hali.. I can't take him outside in the thunder." He stuttered throughout his words- he couldn't let George with the crew.. not until he talked to them.

Sapnap glanced at Dream- he wasn't so worried of George hurting anyone.. he knew the brunette was harmless and wouldn't hurt anyone unless it was deserved.

even though George hypnotized him, he did it too get his attention and to save him and the others.

George's gaze softened.
"Are you lying to me?" He tilted his head, this wasn't like Dream- he has been keeping him in the room.

Dream sighed, cupping George's cheeks.
"I'm sorry- I Just want to make sure hali is comfortable.. do you think you can watch him while I handle on deck.?" He tried to change the topic, lightly nodding.

"Of course I can- he's technically my kit too" George quickly smiled, nodding- he trusted Dream... hopefully..
"I'll make sure he's okay." He hummed.

"Thank you George- I'm sorry for putting this on you.." Dream placed a faint kiss on George's forehead before walking over to Sapnap.
"I'll be back soon."

"Okay!" George nodded, picking up the bowl.
"Be careful- I don't want you falling off the ship." He brought it over to hali, letting the baby mer eat then.
"Here you go hali..."

"I won't." Dream lightly laughed, making his way out of the captains quarters with Sapnap.
"I'll be back soon."

Once Dream left- George's smile faded into a firm look.

"He's lying..." George mumbled quietly, frowning.
"That means something bad is going on.." he looked over at hali.

Hali tilted his head, happily holding a grape.
"Food..?" He held the grape out.

"I'm okay hali." George lightly nuzzled hali's forehead.
"Eat as much as you want." He looked back out the window.... What is going on..
"I'm not hungry anymore..."

He stood up, looking over at the door..

"I'm just gonna take a peak outside.." George lightly mumbled, he wanted to know what the hell was going on.

.: total word count : 1304 :.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now