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George struggled, he was restricted in the small tank..... fuck fuck fuck- he should have just listened to Dream and not touch that object in the water- he really fucked up.

He looked around, trying to see his surroundings.. he was contained in a small glass box- where was he..?

George was scared... but.. if he can unrestrained himself.. he can escape... and find Dream- he just has to get his arms untied from his back.

As he began to scratch the leather straps around his wrists- the container shifted, making him hit his face into the glass, hitting his nose.

He winced, shaking his nose.. where- why is he moving?!

George began to panic at the container began to sway side to side as the container must have been picked up.... Nononono- there taking him somewhere now.

"Don't worry- we aren't too far now." Techno patted the glass container- making a ring sound in George's ears.. Jesus Christ.
"Then.. that treasure will be mine... and your life will be ruined."

George winced, tucking his head down as he tried hiding.... He doesn't know what to do..

.: Dream POV :.

Dream threw on a spare trench coat, adjust the cuffs.
"It's been awhile since I've worn this... my old trench coat." He looked over, seeing hali try and reach for a box.
"What are you doing now child"

Hali whined, pointing at it... he needed help grabbing it.

Dream walked over, opening the box and revealing the smaller trench coat hali gave him.
"Oh.." his gaze softened, smiling softly.

Hali was trying to grab it.
"I wanna help mama too.." he tried grabbing it once more.
"I want coat!"

Dream took the trench coat off, carefully wrapping it around hali.
"Here.. Put your arms through here." He helped hali put on the coat.
"You got this."

Hali gasped, holding his arms up.
"I can help find mama!" He smiled, trying to climb onto Dream.

Dreams gaze softened.
"Not this time hali... I need you to stay here.. alright..?." He placed the baby mer on the bed.
"It's too dangerous for you and i don't want you getting hurt"

Hali whined- he wanted to help.
"But... I wanna help mama.." he pouted.

"And you have been... but this is too dangerous... you need to say here." Dream began to wandered the room, tripping over various items as he continued gathering weapons.
"If anyone comes in here, you hide- even if it's me... alright..?"

Hali sadly nodded, whining.

Dream turned and gathered his gear.
"Now- let's try and bring George back." He made his way out onto deck.


Once George walked out- he Everyone was all gathered and ready to board the island.

Dreams attention turned over, seeing puffy looking at the map... she's been very focused on this.
"Captain Puffy!" He called out, quickly walking over.
"We are close now, are we not."

"You can just say mom." Puffy chuckled, looking over at Dream.
"It's easier duckling."

Dream had an unimpressed look.
"I'm not doing that- but answer my question... are we close??" He spoke up.

Puffy nodded, chuckling slightly before looking over.
"We've successfully caught up to technos ship, he's across the isle now." She turned to dream.
"We've been preparing where to go... and we are suspecting he will be here.."

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now