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They were getting closer and closer to manberg.. about days time away.

George started to organize Dreams room.. if there is one thing he hates- it's cluttered and messy rooms.

"God.. he's so messy!" George started to pick up a bunch of empty glass bottles, placing them in a pile.

He eventually organized and put away everything... does he have a broom though.. Karl showed him what one was awhile ago and what to do with it.

George some how ended up finding a broom in the corner of the room.. it was so dusty...
"Of course he never sweeps.." he grumbled as he started to sweep the floors.

Karl taught him basically how to clean- since George ended up helping out where the crew usually sleeps and helped keep it clean.

"Nasty..." George swept everything into a pile.. then he noticed his and Dreams messy bed.
"Oh- I should probably make our bed..." he hummed.

He put the broom down and walked over to the bed, picking up the blanket and flicking it over the bed, making it nice.

"Hopefully Dream doesn't mind me cleaning.." George adjusted the blanket on the bed as he put the pillows resting against the wall.
"There! Nice a clean!" He smiled.

He made his way back over to the broom,
Sweeping up the rest of the pile.

After a few moments the door open.

"Jesus.. getting to manberg is harder then I thought.." Dream huffed.
"Anyways George how are yo-" he glanced up at his newly organized room.

George just looked over at Dream, clutching the broom... he was going to finish sweeping the floor then fall asleep- kinda dodging Dream and his reaction to his newly clean room.
"Heyyy- how was— err... being a pirate..?"

Dream took off his mask.. he didn't look mad- just confused.
"You- cleaned my room..?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It was gross-" George shrugged.
"You live like a pirate." He lightly huffed.

"Well- no shit." Dream chuckled as he kicked the door shut.
"I am a pirate, I don't have time to clean." He threw his mask onto the desk.
"Or I'm too lazy."

George just pouted.
"You literally sit All day and cuddle with me." He looked unimpressed.

"Yeah? I am busyyy" Dream took off all his gear + boots, putting them on a chair.

"Busy doing what??" George put the broom down for a moment, he's not busy at all,

Dream soon walked over, grasping George by the hips and pulling him close.
"Spending time with you~" he smiled.

George chuckled.
"Your such a lover for me." He looked up at dream.

"Only for you." Dream pecked George on the lips.
"Darling~." He said in a flirtatious tone

George felt his cheeks beat up.. he's not used to being called such names.
"Ahhhh.." he quietly and softly screamed as he covered his face.
"Don't do that."

Dream broke into a wheeze as he backed up.
"I'm going to go get us something to eat.. you can listen to to music box until I get back.." he let go of George and picked up the music box.. he knows George likes the music box and he always plays it before he leaves every time.

"Thank you." George smiled as he made his way over to the window seat.

Dream soon winded up the music box and placed it on the desk.
"I'll be back.." he soon made his way out of the captains quarters.

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now