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This is kinda rushed- so I'm sorry

"Give me the music box!" Dream tried reaching into the tank to get the music box.

Hali scratched Dream, hissing at him.
"Mine-" he clutched the music box.
"Not yours."

Dream huffed, resting his hands on the side of the tank- glaring down at hali.
"Just give me the box hali! I will take it from you"

George sat on the bed, watching the pirate captain struggle.
"Your losing to a baby kit, I hope you know that-" he giggled, making fun of dream.

"SHUT-" dream looked over at George, pointing at him.
"I don't want to hurt hali!" He glared at George, he couldn't hurt his basically only son.

"Just grab it." George shrugged, curling himself in a blanket.
"It's not that hard."

Dream rolled his eyes before looking at the tank- he was going to need to figure out how to get the box.
"Alright hali- give me the box" he glared at hali, scrunching his nose.

Hali hissed at Dream, shaking his head.
"Dada don't get box!"

Dream thought for a moment- he would probably have to hold hali from behind.
"Fine then." He scrunched his nose.

Dream reached into the tank, grasping hali from behind, picking him up.
"Come here you." He started lifting him up.

Hali let go of the box and started attacking dreams hand, scratching it.
"No! Let go!" He hissed, attacking Dream.

Dream used his other hand and grabbed the music box- heh.. idiot.
"There we g-"

Hali noticed Dream got the box and he started attacking dreams hand, clinging on to it and biting it.

"OW- LET GO!" Dream waved his hand a little- trying to shake hali off.
"Hali!" He snapped.

Hali growled as he bit dreams hand, not letting go.

But while Dream was trying to pry hali off, George grasped the music box from his hands.

"Thank you." George lightly giggled, holding the music box in his hands.
"Thank you hali"

"Oh come on! Both of you are against me now?!" Dream looked back at George, trying to get hali off him.
"That's unfair!"

George shrugged, laying on the bed.
"I want to listen to it." He was about to wind in.
"One last time."

Dream pulled hali off and dropped him into the tank- rubbing his wrists.
"Nope-" he took it from George.
"This is being sold later today."

George pouted- he was going to get that music box... if Dream like it or not.
"No it's not- we are still on the island" he glanced out the window- seeing the ocean.

"George- we left hours ago.. and the winds on our side" Dream crossed his arms, looking down at the merman- smirking.
"Which means we will get there in probably a days time instead of a week- the winds are very strong today."

George scrunched his nose tightly.
"I'm not giving it." He shook his head- refusing.

"I will come and take it from you George." Dream smiled, he wouldn't hurt George of course- just tickle him.
"That's worth gold in your hands."

George hissed at Dream, baring his fangs.
"No" hugging the music box tightly.

Dream made his way over to George.
"You don't need to be so aggressive you know." He tried reaching for the box.
"It's just me"

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now