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George quickly woke up as the ship as it aggressively swayed, it really freaked him out.
"Dream...?" He muttered looking around for his friend.. he was on the windowsill bed, Dream must have moved him when he was asleep.

He looked around and noticed Dream was fast asleep on his own bed.

"Oh" George smiled as he laid back down.. as he was about to fall back asleep,until a crack of lightning struck causing him to jump back up.

"No no no..." George winced as he fell off his bed, He hated how loud it was.

He some how quickly made his way back towards Dream, lifting himself up onto dreams bed.

"Hopefully he doesn't mind-" George crawled across Dream, digging himself between the wall and the pirate.

He cuddled into dreams chest as lightning stirred out through the night.

~Dream POV~ |Morning|

Dream slowly stirred awake.
"Fuckk..." he groaned with a splitting headache..

As he tried to sit up to go take control of deck, he felt pressure on his chest.

"What..?" He glanced down.

George was on his chest.. asleep.. again.

"What..? But I brought you to your bed last night??" Dream mumbled confused.

His gaze did eventually turned down to George's 'lower back'
"Okay- maybe Sapnap was right.. he does have a nice ass" he chuckled.

"What..." George murmured as he hugged Dream.

"I- uh! Nothing! Nothing, nothing at all- just curious why the fuck your in my bed is all??" Dream stuttered as he quickly changed the conversation.

"There was lightning and it was scary.." George rubbed his eyes.
"And your very warm.." he rested his head on dreams chest.

"You know this isn't normal right " Dream yawned as he rubbed his eyes, trying to stir himself awake

"Sorry- I'll get off you.." George mumbled as he sat up, about to get off of Dream.

"I'm not saying that you have to get off me now" Dream lightly grabbed George's waist, pulling him back down... he just wants to cuddle to George more.

"Are you sure?." George lightly nodded as he laid back on dreams chest.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Dream chuckled as he wrapped his arms around George's back, holding him firmly.

George chuckled as he looked up at Dream..
He felt this feeling again stir in his chest..

what is this feeling... I've felt it before..

Dream soon calmed himself down, looking into George's gaze...

shit- he's so.... Pretty..

Dream thought as he stared into George's soft eyes..

His hand soon travelled up from George's back to his soft porcelain cheek, circling his thumb lightly against his soft plump lips.

He wanted to know what they left like against his...

Dream soon leaned in, parting his lips as he did..

He soon collided his lips slowly with George's.. feeling his soft lips press against his rough scarred ones.

It felt like overwhelming bliss..

.:The Raging Sea:. Dnf Pirate X mermaid/ Siren AuWhere stories live. Discover now