Apple pies with Laura

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Both you and Laura worked well together while making the apple pies. As soon as you both came into the kitchen you both agreed that one more than one pie needed to be made. She helped you core and skin the apples easily and you both chatted back and forth in soft tones. Bucky and Clint sat at the table happily having a beer each while they talked softly about work that Clint was planning on doing around the house. He was planning a new renovation on the house, adding in a third bathroom on the main floor. Laura took the time to jot down the recipe as you both worked at the counter. She would look up once in a while at Clint and smile at him lovingly, you found yourself doing the same to Bucky. He kept stealing glances at you, and giving you a secret smile as you worked.
"Alright, they're all in the oven" you sighed happily, taking a step back.
"I'm so excited for the pies," Laura grinned happily.
"That's my grandma's recipe, so keep it safe" you winked at her and walked over to the table. Bucky sat back away from the table and tapped his lap. You slipped onto his lap easily, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"Are you having fun, doll?" Bucky asked you softly.
"Of course, Bucky bear" you gave him another kiss while Clint chuckled in response.
"You two remind me of us when we were younger" Laura sat beside Clint, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"The pies are going to take an hour, why don't you two take a few minutes alone" Bucky offered.
"I should get started on supper" Laura shook her head.
"We can just have sandwiches, vegetables and some fruit. I can prepare that" you rubbed your hand up and down Bucky's back. "Bucky can help me"
"What do you say babe, you up for it?" Clint wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Well, the kids are outside..." Laura bit her bottom lip.
"I did just have to tolerate their week of mating" Clint reminded you both, and you looked away rolling your eyes.
"We are headed outside for a bit" Bucky tapped the side of your hip and you giggled standing up. Bucky stood up quickly and took your hand leading you outside while Clint and Laura made a beeline for the upper floor.

"What's it like to work with my dad?" Conner asked when you had been sitting outside and playing with the kids and the wolves for a while.
"He's a pretty swell guy. He likes to train Y/N while we are working, and keeps her on her toes. Me too. I've learned a lot from him" Bucky answered quickly while Blue was content to play with Lila. You were showing Nathaniel how to throw as far as he could with the ball, and to put a curve in it. He was having a lot of fun mirroring your actions, and you were giving him a lot of praise for doing such a great job.
"Can I brush Blue?" Lila asked, seeing the dog brush sticking out of your purse.
"Of course you can, honey" you smiled at her, taking your attention away from Nathaniel for a moment. She reached forward and grabbed the brush and started brushing Blue right away. Blue growled playfully but tried to sit still, but kept trying to climb up more on her lap happily. Melody saw that Blue was getting brushed and came over to Lila and laid between her two legs where there was free space, hoping to get brushed again too. Lila giggled and moved between the two wolves, brushing them both.
"Melody likes it too" Lila looked at you with glee.
"They all do, it helps get rid of the dead skin cells as well as the extra fur that they don't need. It's been getting hotter out, so its hard on them" you gave a gentle smile
"Does dad get hurt a lot on missions?" Nathaniel asked, bringing your attention back to him and you saw all three children were looking directly at you.
"To be honest, your dad saves my butt more often. He rarely gets hurt, it's normally me" you paused for a moment before answering. "He helps me a lot on missions, and I've learned so much from him. It's been a blessing to work with your dad" you reassured him. You didn't want to mention the time you saw Clint take on a tank on his own, or the time you thought he was speared by a Hydra trap. "He's one of the bravest men I've ever met, and one of the smartest. You are lucky kids" you added.
"We know" Lila smiled and went back to brushing Melody and Blue.
"Dad talks a lot about you and Bucky and the pack when he's home on the weekends" Connor threw the ball for Cloud and Jet who both took off after it.
"He talks about aunty Nat and uncle Bruce too" Nathaniel added. "Aunt Nat likes to visit a lot. Uncle Bruce doesn't come as much as she does"
"He gets anxious out in public" you gave a half smile. "It's hard for him to leave the compound"
"Have you ever seen him as the Hulk?" Lila asked and you flushed, remembering when they had saved you from Hydra, and saw Bruce hulked out and smashing buildings and tanks.
"Just once, your aunt Nat calmed him down pretty easily when the mission was over" you wanted to gloss over the details. "You know what he loves? Classical music. It keeps him calm"
"We should get him that for his birthday!" Connor smiled happily.
"Yeah, that's coming up" Clint's voice caught you off guard and you turned around to see Clint and Laura standing there. Laura had a small flush on her cheeks, but they were both all smiles.
"We made supper" Laura smiled at you and Bucky. "Thank you for giving us a few minutes"
"It's the least we could do" Bucky chuckled.
"I was going to head in, in a little bit to make something" you pouted.
"We had enough time to put the sandwiches, fruits and veggies together. Clint also insisted that we have raw steaks and ground beef ready in plates for the wolves" Laura looked at Clint lovingly.
"Gotta take care of the pack" Clint winked at her.
"Come on, let's go in" Laura called to the kids.
"Come on pack" you clapped your hands together while you watched Lila pick up Blue a little awkwardly and she carried him inside. You grabbed all the toys and the brush, stuffing them all back in your purse.
"Are you going to come visit again next weekend with aunt Nat?" Nathaniel asked as you got to the front porch.
"My mama and uncle Brad are coming to visit, so I won't be leaving the compound for a few weeks. But Bucky and I will be back" you promised.

When it was time to leave, Clint helped you strap in both Cloud and Melody while Bucky held Blue. The journey back to the compound was fairly quick, and you couldn't help but think of the kids and how they kept asking you to make sure that you and Bucky came back soon with the pack. They also gave lots of hugs, which just warmed your heart. Laura told you she would be sending you one of the pies, once she tried the recipe on her own before giving you a hug before you left. You really hoped that it wouldn't be too long before you could come back and visit again.
The moment the jet landed, Bucky handed you Blue once you got your seatbelt off, and he was already out like a light. He was clearly tired from playing all evening with the kids, and you couldn't help the smile that graced your face. Bucky helped both Cloud and Melody out before grabbing your purse for you.
"I'll see you kids on Monday morning, thank you for watching the kids" Clint called to you both as you went out the back.
"Anytime" Bucky waved.
"See you Monday morning" you called happily while Cloud and Melody tiredly led the way back into the compound. Bucky put his arm over your shoulder and pulled you in close while he walked. "Can you watch the wolves for a few minutes, I need to check on my work" you looked at Bucky as soon as you were in past the doors.
"Are you coming to bed?" Bucky whispered softly, wishing that he could just drag you to bed, but he knew this was important to you. He craved that intimacy that you both shared, even if it wasn't sex, it was just being together that mattered to him. The last few days reminded him of how important that was.
"I'll be there as soon as I can" you promised, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and you rushed away to check on your concoction. You were worried it wasn't stirred enough during the day, and would have to start that part over from scratch.
Bucky sighed softly to himself and made his way to the bedroom with Blue still sleeping in his arms. He went into the suite and saw that Jasper and Snow were both on one of the dog beds, snuggled into one another with a few toys hanging around them. He knew instinctively it was likely from Jasper trying to get Snow to move around a little bit. He went into the bedroom and set Blue down carefully on the bed, while Cloud and Melody both laid down on the end of the bed, getting comfortable for the night. He made his way to the closet and looked in his drawer to pull out a clean pair of boxers, hearing a small thump as you pulled them out. He reached in the back and pulled out the little velvet box and stood back for a moment, opening it up to look at the diamond engagement ring that was in the shape of a rose, with vines engraved all along on the band. He bit his bottom lip unsurely, knowing that soon he was going to be asking your mama, uncle Brad, and the pack for permission. He was worried about your response, and if you would be ready for that step. He felt like he had waited his entire life to meet someone like you, and had been crazy about you for a long time. He knew his love was real, and your love for him was real as well, otherwise you wouldn't have bonded. He closed the ring box, and thought about when would be the best time to bring it up to you. Should he do it romantically? Should he wait until all of the missions were over and you both finally had a vacation? He wanted to talk it out with Steve again, since Steve had gone with him to get the ring designed and when he picked it up. The chances for him to get Steve alone were rare though, he found most of the time he was looking to spend more time with you than anything. He thought about how his best friend had only smiled, chuckled and said "it's about time" in response to seeing where his secret mission was when they went shopping. He had thought about bringing Sam, but Sam had a big mouth sometimes, and he was worried he would spill the beans. He closed the velvet box and slipped it back into the back of his drawer, under his old boxers again. He only hoped you never found it by accident. He looked at all the laundry you both needed to do, and decided he would take that on over the weekend, while you would likely be working. He slipped on a pair of pajama pants and walked back into the bedroom and moved to the center of the bed, pulling Blue in close. Jasper and Snow didn't even bother leaving the living room to join him, which reminded him of how close she was to giving birth. He was worried about the pain you would feel through the bond, and wondered if you could handle it. He knew he would stay with you, throughout the experience to make sure you were okay. Little did he know, that would be very soon.  

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