Almost civil conversation

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After Tony had shown you around, you took the time to finish unpacking everything and setting up your room the way you wanted it. You went so far as to move the swing outside on more of an angle so you could look out at the woods more, and keep an eye on the stairs that led up to the balcony's. You put your three new teddy bears proudly on the bed, and heard Cloud chuckle inside your head.
"They're cute" you said out loud.
"They look like I could rip them apart easily" Cloud countered quickly.
"You wouldn't dare!" you gasped looking at him.
"No, but it would be fun" he got up on his bed and laid down.
"I have to do my laundry, did you want to stay here?" you asked as you pulled out all your dirty clothes and put them in a basket. You had noted earlier that the soaps and fabric sheets were in the laundry room already, so you didn't have to run to the store.
"You're safe here, I'll take a nap. I stayed up most of the night" he finally admitted. "The Captain is right, we can't leave the balcony door open for the breeze like we would at home"
"I'll just use the windows" you sighed and started making your way to the door and paused for a second. "We will get through this Cloud" you told him directly and he grunted.
"I'm just glad we are in a safer den" he yawned and you gave a small smile before opening your door. You brought the noise cancelling headphones with you and your phone so you could just read off an app on your phone while you waited, and listen to your music without bothering anyone. You made your way into the laundry room and saw someone was using the dryer already and bit your bottom lip. You didn't want to encroach on someone else's time. You slowly filled up the washer with what clothes you had left from your life, including your cat suit and added the soap before taking one of the chairs and sitting down to wait for the washer to finish. You heard the dryer go off, and tried to curl up more into yourself more reading your book and your music was turned up loudly. Bucky came in and stopped when he saw you, and you looked down to your phone hoping he wouldn't say anything.
"Do you get nightmares often?" he asked over his shoulder.
"All the time" you took your headphones off, wondering if this was going to be a civil conversation.
"Don't lock your door, that punk will break through if he hears you screaming" he offered, putting his clothes on the table and started to fold it silently.
"Thank you" you nodded, and heard the washer go off, and you got up to put it into the dryer. You quickly went back to your chair and watched the dryer anxiously. You didn't want the mouth to start giving you a hard time again.
"Who's looking for you?" he asked as he was going through.
"It was the wrong number" you quickly lied and he looked at you with a frown.
"We are all on the same team, you shouldn't have secrets" he bit out.
"You've never treated me like I was apart of the team" you shook your head, and put your headphones back on and turned up the music as loud as you possibly could. You saw him look at you like he was about to lose his temper again, but he stopped and just went back to folding.
"You're a horrible liar" he finally spoke softly. You chose to ignore him, and go back to your reading, pretending he wasn't there. From your peripherals you admired his physique, and how he held himself. Internally you thought he was such a good looking man, it was that mouth and that attitude. You went back to your book again, and tried not to hum to the music. Bucky eventually finished folding and took his belongings and left. You were silently grateful. You waited for the dryer to finish and started folding everything dancing slightly to the music as you went. When you finished you brought it all back to your room and saw Cloud was still sleeping on his bed. You left the door open, not thinking much of it and put your clothes away in the closet and hanging your suit up. You then took the headphones out and let the music play softly from your phone as you crawled up on Cloud's bed with him and curled into him to take a quick nap. He grunted in his sleep, but moved to lick your face, opening one eye then going back to sleep.
"Rest pup" he commanded and you stifled a giggle. He sometimes treated you as an equal, and other times treated you like he would a younger generation in his pack.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now