The truth comes out

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Clint took out Pup for you, and you sat in silence with Bucky watching the paused television and he continued to read his book. Cloud and Melody were both sleeping, and you figured it was well deserved. You shifted so your legs were more under you and you leaned on the arm of the couch a bit more trying to get more comfortable. When Clint came back in, he sat beside you again after handing you Pup and you shifted more finding it hard to get comfortable. You had a kink in your shoulders, and you figured it was from stress. You were stressing a bit about the mission, and about training for the week. Especially about your mom coming to visit so suddenly. She knew the person you used to be, not the person that the last year had taught you to be. You heard a text go off on your phone and saw it was from Morgan saying he was on his way over. You told him to just come in, you would be in the living room. You figured Tony had him over a few times now, he knew his way around. You wondered why it was taking him a few days to come get his pie, but knew enough he would tell you what you needed to know if you needed to know it.
"Ants in your pants?" Clint finally looked at you.
"Kink in my shoulders" you grimaced.
"You've been carrying extra weight on your shoulders the last few days, its no wonder" he chuckled and stood up and went behind you on the couch. "Only because you're my protégé" he told you as his hands went to your shoulders and he started working out the knot. Pup slipped down a little and you held him between your breasts. His hands were like magic to you. You let out a moan, and grimaced a little as he continued to get the knot out. You saw Bucky look over, but go back to his book quickly.
"Do you normally get kink's in your neck?" Bucky asked gently.
"When I'm stressed, which is a lot lately" you kept your eyes closed, just enjoying the moment.
"You do have a lot to be stressed over" he whispered, and you could feel his gaze on you but you kept your eyes closed and focused on Clint's hands on your shoulders. He finally got the knot out and you laid your head back to look at him.
"Thank you" you gave him a huge smile and he chuckled.
"I normally save those for just Laura or Nat when its bad enough" he came back around and took his seat.
"That feels so much better" you sighed happily. You felt Bucky's gaze still on you, and you looked at him quickly with flushed cheeks and he looked away and looked back at his book. You didn't understand why he kept looking at you, or kept staying close to you. You watched the rest of the documentary in silence, before Clint switched the channel to the news again and you were starting to see his point. You saw potential missions watching it too.

"Baby girl?" Morgan came into the living room, and you looked over at him and gave him a smile.
"I'll get it" you stood up quickly but you saw the look on his face and you lost your smile. "What is it?" you took a few steps towards him as Pup let out a small whine. Cloud lifted his head and stood up to come to your side.
"I don't have good news for you" he shook his head.
"Well, it can't be worse than anything I've already imagined" you shrugged, but felt Clint come up behind you and heard Bucky stand up. "I'll get your pie, you've earned it" you added and started to walk past him. He put out his arm to stop you and looked at you worriedly.
"You've got to listen to me" he dropped his voice a bit. "You need to get out of town for a bit"
"She's not going anywhere" Bucky spoke up quickly. "She belongs with the team" he started walking closer.
"Baby girl, he has people helping him. There's a mole in the department, I don't know how big it is. I was tracking him myself, and I almost had him but three black vans came and got him and he got away. I don't know how far this goes. You need to make yourself scarce. The texts are getting worse and I don't want anything to happen to you" he kept his arm on you. You felt your bottom lip tremble a little bit, but you forced yourself to nod.
"She's safer here with the team" Clint spoke firmly. "Steve and Tony need to know about this" he looked to you. You were too scared to move or say anything, you didn't want to start crying again.
"I'm going to get him, but with a mole, I have to start working a few different angles to keep them off my tail. I told my boss about it, and they're investigating" Morgan started and you felt your eyes burning. Clint took out his phone and wrote something in quickly and put it away.
"I wont hide anymore, I'll burn him if I have to" you could hear the tremble in your own voice.
"Y/N, I don't even know if the cops I have watching you are safe anymore, you need to run" he shook his head at you. "I don't even want to know where you're at until its safe"
"I need a moment" you backed up and headed into the kitchen. You pulled his pie out of the freezer and took a moment to hold Pup close to you.
"Did you want to run, Pup?" Cloud asked you gently. You got down onto the floor, putting your back against the cupboard and he came to you and nuzzled into the side of your neck, opposite from Pup. You wrapped your spare arm around him and heard Tony and Steve walk past and ask at the same time what was going on to Morgan.
"There's a mole in the department, someone's helping him. I don't know that she's safe even with the police detail because I don't know who's clean and who's dirty right now. I want her to run, and not look back until this is over. The text messages are getting worse" Morgan took out your phone and handed it to Tony. You were watching from your spot their interactions, trying to get your mind wrapped around everything.
"I've been doing my own investigations since this was brought to my attention" Tony admitted scrolling through your phone. You saw his eyebrows raise, and he looked clearly angry. "I know you can hear me Y/N, come out here" he looked over his shoulder at you and Cloud huddled together.
"I need a moment" you said in a small voice.
"He works for Hydra, he's been supposed to bring her in for her work that she used to do with Shield. They think she can make serums that give abilities. He's known for his cruelty and he likes to chase down the individuals until they are too tired and give in. He signed on for a long term fight. I've got proof of the offshore accounts and fake accounts that have been paying off people to keep him out of jail" Tony spoke simply. "It seems I also have guards that are on the same payroll" he added, "I just found out today"
"So what do you think we should do?" Morgan asked bluntly. "I assume you didn't get this information by legal means"
"Not exactly" Tony shook his head.
"So, I can't use it to prove there's dirty cops and judges" Morgan crossed his arms.
"Not without several really good warrants. This is more our jurisdiction" Tony grinned.
"Running isn't going to help stop this from happening" Steve pointed out. "We need to get rid of the dirty guards first"
"That's already been done. I took care of that a few hours ago" Tony shrugged. "Everyone left I did a background check to make sure, and offered open overtime"
"So, what do you want to do Tony?" Steve looked at him.
"We take over the case, its technically our jurisdiction now. He's hydra, and that also means Y/N doesn't have to worry about hurting a civilian" Tony turned to look at you. "Neither does Cloud"
"Its my case for over a year" Morgan looked crestfallen.
"You'll get credit for the arrest when it happens. We will keep you in the loop. For now, keep working the case the way you have been. Let them think we aren't onto them" Steve crossed his arms. Bucky walked past them and came in and sat right beside you, his shoulder leaning slightly against yours. Pup let out a small whine and you knew he was getting hungry soon.
"Did you want to run, or did you want to stand and fight?" Bucky whispered to you.
"If I run, I'll never stop running. I signed up for the Avengers so I could fight back against Hydra. I just didn't realize they were the ones targeting me" you whispered back. You felt him hesitate for a moment before he moved in closer and put his arm over your shoulders. Cloud moved his muzzle so it was more to the front of your neck so Bucky could keep his arm around you.
"What do you say kiddo?" Clint came into the kitchen and you saw Steve, Tony, and Morgan come in behind him. Clint kneeled down behind Cloud and brushed his fur slightly while Melody suddenly came in the kitchen and looked on curiously.
"Let him come for me, I'm ready this time" you looked at them with a determined look in your eyes. "I'll burn him if I have to"
Tony and Steve gave small smiles, while Clint just grinned.
"That's my girl" Clint ruffled your hair.
"That's our girl" Tony corrected. "Both our protégé" he reminded him.
"I'll make it look like I don't know about the dirty cops, and keep the investigation up. Keep me updated on my private cell phone" Morgan gave a small smile. "Y/N has it"
"Deal" Tony nodded. "Want to stay for supper? I ordered in for the night, we are having butter chicken and rice with samosas"
"No, I want to get home to my wife. She's been waiting on her pie" Morgan came over and got it off the counter. "Check in with me baby girl. I like knowing you're safe" he left. Melody came over and sat beside Clint and continued to look at you curiously.
"You okay?" Tony asked. "I know it's a lot of information to process" he started.
"I'm fine. It makes sense. I always called the cops, so he never had the chance to take me. The beatings make sense. He was trying to make me feel weak. Defacing my home, scaring away all the people I thought were my friends, making me feel like I had nothing left and no friends... It makes sense. Without Cloud, or my job I didn't have much left to fight for. He was trying to break me" you assessed gently.
"He underestimated you" Bucky whispered.
"That's his first mistake, our girl is unstoppable and has proved that" Tony gave a smile.
"Cloud and Melody didn't like the smell of some of the guards outside" you looked up at Tony. "When did you fire people?"
"Tonight" he shrugged. "I needed a few days to get through all the bank accounts and background checks"
"Come on, you might get sick if you sit on the floor too long" Bucky took his arms off your shoulders and got up and held a hand out to you. Clint stood up and continued to smirk and shared a look with Steve who nodded before chuckling and shaking his head. Cloud moved away from you and you took Bucky's hand to get up. You heard another whine and steeled yourself and went to start making bottles.
"I'm still on guard duty tonight" Bucky told you gently as you walked past him.
"Bucky, that's three nights in a row. I'll be okay" you gave a small smile. "You need your rest too"
"I already offered to take a turn, he fought me on it" Steve announced and Bucky looked at him quickly.
"Shut up punk, I don't sleep much anyways" Bucky shrugged. Clint came over and took over making the baby bottles for you.
"This news changes nothing, I'm still going on the mission on Tuesday" you watched Clint as he continued to mix the bottles for you.
"We know. You always excel at missions anyways" Steve looked at Tony who nodded.
"We better go over the plans for the two teams" Tony snapped his fingers and Steve followed him to one of the offices. You watched them for a moment then turned your attention back to Clint.
"I'm going to go check in with Laura and the kids. I'll see you two at supper" Clint gave you a wink, and you were a little confused as to why, and he handed you the bottles. You heard Pup whine again and kissed him on the tip of his nose.
"Lets feed him in the living room" Bucky offered. "Its easier sitting down anyways" he grabbed some paper towels and started leading you back to the living room. You carried the bottles and Pup and sat in your normal spot on the couch while Cloud and Melody took the dog bed again. Bucky sat directly beside you, his body was pressed up against yours as you put Pup in the feeding position and he started eating right away.
"Are you okay?" he asked after a brief silence, wiping Pup's mouth.
"It's a lot of information for one day" you admitted. "But its better to know the truth"
"That's not really an answer" he countered quickly.
"I'm angry" you looked at him. "This whole time, I could have fought back had I known the truth. I would still have my home, and my stuff"
"You would have had to move to the compound eventually" he wiped more milk off Pup's mouth and he stopped to stare into your eyes.
"It would have been on my terms though. I wouldn't have had that secret that made us fight for the last eight months. I could have fought back this entire time, and I'm angry that I didn't" you shook your head.
"Anger isn't the answer. It will just lead to more regret" Bucky spoke wisely. "We will get him, as a team"
"I've never wanted to burn someone so much in my life" you gazed back into his eyes. "Does that make me a bad person?"
"It just means your hurting. You're a good person" he gave a small smile. "Try not to worry about it too much"
"I want to learn to fight like you Cloud. I want to help protect our human" Melody suddenly spoke up.
"Tomorrow I'll start training you. You still need to learn the leash" he warned her. "Its about being one with your human. Even when your fighting, you need to be one with your human"
"If you can do it, so can I" she wagged her tail and laid down beside him on the bed.
You brought your attention back to Pup and started humming slightly as Bucky continued to wipe his little face from the milk. Every once in a while, your gaze would go to Bucky who would give you a smile, and you would smile shyly before looking back at Pup. Once Pup finished his second bottle, Bucky reached for him automatically and you let him take him. He hurried outside and went down the stairs to bring Pup to the bathroom. You curled up more on the couch, lost in your own thoughts. You wanted to get past the anger, but could only feel your thirst for revenge. Bucky came back after a few minutes and handed you back Pup before grabbing his book and taking Clint's spot on the couch, putting his feet up and went back to reading. He put his arm up over the back of the couch, and you felt the slightly cold fingers of his vibranium hand brush against your shoulder. You figured he didn't realize it, so you shrugged it off and turned the TV back on looking for something else to watch for a bit. It wasn't too long until supper, so there was no sense in going to your room to get a book to read as well. You figured you would after supper. It was comfortable in the living room, and it wasn't like you'd be alone. Someone usually was in the room. You found another documentary, this time on the Amazon rainforest and put the converter down and curled up a little more while you watched it. You found yourself stealing small glances from the corner of your eye to Bucky who seemed enthralled in his book. You had to wonder what it was about him that made you feel like you wanted to be around him more. He was a calming presence, you supposed. He seemed to steal glances at you once in a while, and you wondered why. You felt self conscious you had something on your face or on your clothes. You decided it was likely he was looking at Pup. You leaned back a bit more, and felt his fingers flex slightly against your skin but he barely moved. You stole another glance at him, and he looked over at the same time. He gave a smile, and you felt your insides melt a little. You gave back a smile and then turned back to the tv.

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