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When you got to supper you had to go feed Blue first. He had been barking while you were out training on leashes, but you had to put it off, because the other wolves needed your attention too. You saw that Jasper, Snow and Melody seemed a little tired. Cloud still had his chest puffed out proudly, knowing that he showed them the importance with your small demonstration. You only regretted not changing out of your dress before going on the walk, afraid that when you vaulted yourself over the bench both times you may have given a bit of a show. You had Bucky sitting beside you again, and you smiled shyly at him while you started eating.
"I'm looking forward to taking them for leash training again this week" Sam suddenly spoke and you smiled at him. "I can see the importance of it now that you and Cloud gave them that demonstration.
"Snow said she didn't understand why it was so important, so we had to show her and Jasper the reason for it" you shrugged. "I knew they were starting to get better at it when my neck stopped hurting as much, and I only had a kink in it" you explained.
"You and Cloud were a pretty good lead" Steve gave a smile.
"We've been at this a long time. Its training others we aren't so used to" you admitted.
"We will get there" Cloud promised you.
"I know we will" you looked to him speaking out loud again.
"What did he say?" Bucky asked you gently.
"That we will get there" you smiled at him. You went back to eating again. Jasper went to Tony to get his muzzle cleaned, while Snow went to Sam. Melody waited a moment and went to Bucky while you finished eating as quickly as you could since you were last to start. "I just need to run out Blue before we switch pup's" you let Nat know.
"Let me take him out, you can enjoy your food a little more" Bucky offered and you blushed.
"Thank you Bucky" you smiled at him shyly and he took Blue from your arms and headed outside. You slowed down a bit and continued to eat at a slower pace.
"We thought we would come join you, and have a puppy date" Wanda smiled over.
"We were talking about it earlier" Pepper nodded.
"That sounds like a good idea. They can get used to each other's scents at the same time" you nodded approvingly.
"Maybe don't keep your ears open for human conversation at the same time this time. You got pretty tired out last time" Steve suggested.
"I need to work on it, not to worry. The tiredness will go away" you smiled softly. You finished eating and Bucky came back in. He handed you back Blue and took your plate into the kitchen with his own. You stood up slowly and went to Nat and she took Blue before handing you her pup. You led the way into the living room and the rest of the team took a few minutes but got up to follow you in. You did the same as what you did with Pepper and Wanda's pups, and took them to each of the wolves and introducing them giving them a moment to get used to their scent while telling them that they were safe. You introduced yourself again, and let them get used to your scent. You continued using your telepathic abilities to talk to them and reassure them as you went to each person and let them take in the scent and introducing them. Wanda, Pepper and Nat got down on the floor with you and put the pups and Blue beside you and they all wiggled on top of you and you put Nat's pup down with them. The four of them laid in a big pile together and seemed to go for a nap. Your heart warmed at the sight of it, and you saw the other girls were just as happy about it.
"Looks like they like you" Bucky grinned at you.
"They just like the warmth" you shrugged petting them gently.
"They are so trusting at this stage" Wanda sighed happily, reaching over to pet Blue who looked up and gave a small happy howl. Snow came over and put her head on your lap and nuzzled the pups a little bit before relaxing against you.
"Snow will be helping the boys in the lab this week" you looked at Tony and Bruce purposely. "She will let you know if the pups need anything, so you can continue your work and don't have to carry four pups all the time"
"Is she ready for that?" Bruce asked gently.
"Of course I am, I'm going to be a mother too" Snow raised her head a little.
"Of course, she is. She's getting used to domestication quickly, and Cloud has been helping a lot with mannerisms. Don't forget she's going to be a mother soon too" you reminded them. "She wants the practice with pups" you gave a smile. "They are going to be hungry soon" you observed, feeling the grumbling of stomachs.
"Come on jerk, lets go get the bottles" Steve stood up and Bucky went with him.
"Thank you Sam, by the way. The swing looks beautiful" you looked at him and he grinned.
"I knew you'd like it" he nodded in acknowledgement. You waited for Steve and Bucky to come back, and Blue let out another bark before he started saying mama over and over again. Nat picked him up and cooed to him saying her name softly to him. Steve came over and handed her three bottles, Bruce came over with some napkins and sat down with her. Wanda and Pepper picked up their pups and went to Tony and Vision while Steve handed them their bottles. Bucky came in with two more bottles and a roll of paper towels and you stood up with Nat's pup and went to the couch to sit beside Bucky while you fed the pup. He used the paper towels as milk spilled over a bit. You noticed he was leaning in more and more, to the point your noses were almost brushing against each other. You flushed slightly, not used to someone being so forward with their affections. As soon as pup was done eating, he gave you a soft kiss on the lips and you couldn't help but smile at him.
"Lets run them out together, just us girls" Wanda announced standing up. Pepper, Nat and yourself got up to follow her quickly and went outside.

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