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After you finished washing both Cloud and Jasper, you grabbed the soap and got completely undressed, knowing you were pressed for time and jumped in the shower. Bucky took a moment to clean out the tub while you washed your body down, and started on your hair. He stripped down naked and jumped in with a mischievous smile.
"We don't need to see that" Jasper went and sat by the closed bathroom door.
"We are just bathing" you called out to him.
"We don't have enough time for what I want to do." Bucky added, knowing already what the conversation entailed. He took the soap and started washing up while you switched to conditioning your hair.
"Thank you for cleaning out the tub." You moved in the small space to let the conditioner set in your hair a little longer, and gave more water to Bucky.
"Can't wait on the cleaners for everything, doll" he winked at you as he finished washing, and quickly grabbed the shampoo. You waited a moment and rinsed out your hair and hummed happily as you felt a small kiss on the side of your neck, near one of your bite marks. "You two are taking Blue for a walk tonight" he pulled back from the side of your neck, and looked through the glass doors at Cloud and Jasper.
"We planned on it anyways" Cloud gave a little bit of sass back, and you repeated it for him.
"Good" Bucky nodded as he reached for the conditioner. You took the washcloths and put them up over the side on the top so that they could dry out before you put them in the laundry. Bucky moved to the side a bit so you could slip out of the shower. You grabbed your towel and huffed a little at the slight cramping that you were experiencing. You hadn't spotted since the other day, and your period hadn't started yet. You wondered silently about it, but knew you had been under a lot of stress. You knew you were forgetting something, but couldn't put your finger on it. You continued to dry off, then went to grab the hair brush and started brushing out your hair before trying the towel around you securely and squatting down on the floor and using one of the wolves towels to dry them thoroughly before you ran their brushes through their fur. Bucky finished up in the shower and came out, tying the towel around his waist and squatting down beside you and started working on Jasper so you could focus on Cloud. You both worked in tandem until they were completely done.
"That was easier than I thought it would be" Bucky gave you a smile.
"Teamwork" you giggled and leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips.
"They are taking Blue tonight, right?" Bucky asked as he gave you a second kiss.
"Yes, we are taking him. You can mate after we leave" Jasper internally rolled his eyes, and you snorted slightly at Jasper's antics before repeating it to Bucky who chuckled. "We aren't staying out all night" he added, so you repeated it.
"I just need a few hours" Bucky's gaze went to your lips as you both stood up.
"We can make it less" you smirked.
"Not for what I have planned" he winked at you. "Do me a favor, wear the satin tonight. John looks at your ass when its lace"
"I'll wear the satin" you promised and you both opened the bathroom door and headed into the closet. You grabbed one of Bucky's t-shirts and a jean skirt to go on top of your pink satin panties and bra. You saw Bucky slip on his black boxers and you bit your bottom lip, looking blatantly at his ass. He looked over his shoulder at you and chuckled to himself. He slipped on a pair of dark blue shorts and a white t-shirt and you hummed to yourself, already excited to take it off of him, or at least help him get it off.
"You keep looking at me like that, and we will be late for supper. Cloud and Jasper might get a little traumatized too." Bucky chuckled.
"I can't help that I know what I want" you purred out and slipped off the dresser you were sitting on. You gave him a playful slap on the ass and walked out of the closet before you felt his hand connect with your ass in retaliation. The only difference was after he slapped you lightly, he gave you a bit of a squeeze and you giggled dancing away.
"Supper, remember?" you asked innocently.
"Keep reminding me" he wiggled his eyebrows at you, stalking towards you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close and you hummed happily as his lips connected with yours in a gentle kiss. You rubbed your free hand up and down Bucky's chest as he tilted his head to the side and started to deepen the kiss. His tongue perfectly massaged against yours as you felt the butterflies filling you up on the inside. The love you felt for this man never faltered. You moaned softly into the kiss as he took a step forward, forcing you to take a step back. You felt the back of your legs hit the side of the bed and gave a small giggle.
"None of that, we don't need to see that" Cloud sassed you both.
"We have an audience" you pulled back from the kiss.
"I almost forgot" Bucky gave a guilty smile. "Sorry you two" he took a step away from you. "She's hard to get away from" he looked at you in the eyes as he spoke, and he took the hand he was still holding and brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
"Don't forget mama and Uncle Brad will be here next week" you cleared your throat. "We will have to behave ourselves then too"
"You make it hard" he gave his flirty grin and you looked down pointedly, and used your free hand to rub up and down his erection. "Always hard for you" he moaned at the small touch.
"Careful, there's a lot of power in that" you wiggled your eyebrows.
"Doll, you have me forever. I hope you know that" he leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips. "Come on, let's go to supper"

"Finally, we were starting to wonder" Melody sang as you came into the kitchen and dining room area. "You got hurt again"
"Not her fault" Cloud came over to her and licked her on the muzzle while Jasper went to Snow and nuzzled into her neck for a moment.
"We were safe," Jasper whispered to Snow.
"I felt the wound" Snow looked at you pointedly.
"All of us did," Melody added.
"John didn't do his job right, and our human got wounded. We took care of the bad men" Jasper promised.
"You smell like our humans," Snow observed.
"We were covered in blood, and needed a quick grooming," Jasper advised her quickly.
"Today would be nice you two, I'm starving" Tony called from the dining room.
"We are coming" Bucky took your hand and pulled you away from the wolves. You saw that Blue was face first in his food dish already, and seemed to be in a rush beside the other pups. Bucky led you into the dining room, and you both went around the table to your seat, and he took the spot beside you. You noticed Wanda, Vision, Peter and Pietro were missing and looked at Tony curiously.
"Where's the rest of the team?" you asked quickly.
"Still on a mission" Tony grimaced. "They should be back in the next few hours though"
"We need to work on our reports, we had to wash up Cloud and Jasper before we took our showers" you blushed.
"You do have another mission tomorrow, and then again on Thursday" Tony reminded you.
"Not with John" you said quickly.
"No, I'm with Nat's team tomorrow" John shook his head at you, rolling his eyes a little.
"I'm looking forward to your report, I'm curious as to how Y/N got injured while you were supposed to have been watching her back. Or how the entire base got alerted that you four were even there"
"I figure the wolf gave us away" John shrugged, not taking responsibility.
"Jasper knows how to hide, it wasn't Jasper" Bucky glared at him. "You should learn to trust your teammates. It doesn't matter the species"
"I'm losing my appetite" you went to stand up when Clint put his hand on your shoulder and pushed you back down.
"You need to eat, the regeneration machine takes a lot of energy and you need the energy for writing your report" Clint reminded you. "Just eat, kid"
"Alright papa Clint" you gave a soft smile and he passed you the platter of food. You were happy to see chicken wings and french fries and filled your plate before handing it to Bucky who chuckled and filled his plate as well.
"I've been craving chicken wings for weeks" you sighed happily and started digging in.
"You should have said something, we could have gone out for supper one night" Bucky looked at you.
"No, I didn't want to spend the extra funds if we didn't need to" you shook your head. "The only time we seem to have time is on the weekend, but then we have Blue with us when we go out on Sundays, and we would be wasting food if we ate out"
"I'm doing a two day grocery order for this weekend since you two are going to be at Clint's on Friday" Tony reminded you.
"Thank you Tony" you gave a wide smile.
"It's going to arrive Saturday morning, first thing, just in case you spend the night at the compound" he added quickly.
"We don't mind making the drive later at night" Bucky shrugged.
"Yeah, we like sleeping with the door open, and the wolves take Blue out exploring at night" you nodded.
"How do you know they will always come back?" John asked, breaking into the conversation.
"You trust your pack" Bucky answered for you easily. "Just like you trust your team to have your back" he gave a small glare.
"Look, it was an accident" John sighed heavily.
"That bullet almost hit me in the head" you reminded him with a glare, hissing slightly as you spoke.
"You were taking forever to get the data," he shrugged with no remorse.
"You know you are on strike two, right?" Tony looked at him with a grimace. "I hope tomorrow you can keep your head in the game"
"Look, accidents happen" John shrugged nonchalantly as though he wasn't worried about his position on the team.
"Accidents can cost lives, so can hubris" Tony looked down at his food.
"Fury think's I would be a great fit" John shook his head.
"He doesn't run things around here, we do" Steve spoke up. "I'll be on the mission with you, Nat, and Sam tomorrow. You need to remember that we work as a team and depend on one another as a team"
Steve's small speech seemed to calm things down at the table, and everyone went quiet. You finished eating as quickly as you could, wanting out of John's presence as quickly as possible. Bucky finished eating before you, so when Blue came running over for attention, he quickly picked him up and started playing with him, letting him bite at his vibranium fingers.
"He's almost getting too big for us to be carrying him around" Scott gave a small smile to Bucky.
"Nonsense. He's still just a baby" Bucky gave him a kiss on top of the head and you gave a small giggle. You pushed your plate forward and then stood up and grabbed both your plate and Bucky's plate to bring into the kitchen. You came back out and Bucky handed you Blue.
"Are you working on your mission reports?" Clint asked expectantly.
"Yeah, we have another mission tomorrow and Thursday. The one tomorrow we should be back early for though, right?" Bucky nodded, and asked hopefully.
"Yeah, I was hoping to get some baking done" you nodded and looked at Clint.
"We will try" Clint shrugged. "I'll go grab my laptop and come to your suite" Clint stood up and followed you down the hallway.  

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