Wanda's pup

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During supper you had Blue back again, and you were relieved to have him back in a way. It really is like having your own child, in your mind. You found you were worried more often than not about him. You also knew he would be safe with no matter who had him in the compound. You had Bucky sitting beside you again, and he filled your plate for you again with a smirk on his face.
"I haven't seen much of you two today, are you staying out of trouble?" you asked Sam and Steve.
"We were helping a friend with something" Steve gave a smile. "We were going to come and join you two for the evening.
"Can you take my pup tomorrow evening, and I'll take Blue? So she can get used to more scents and know she's safe?" Nat asked suddenly.
"Of course" you smiled. "You can stay in the room too, its no bother. I just hold the pups and introduce them to the pack, and talk to them"
"We might just" Bruce gave a small smile. "We know there's missions next week, and we are a bit nervous about it. That and when everyone is in training"
"You might need to ask Happy to help out if Pepper is working from home" you giggled.
"I'm working from home as much as possible right now. I just want to make sure my handsome little man is safe" she sighed. "Tony too I guess" she added with a laugh.
"Supper is really good" you relished in your lasagna.
"Not as good as yours was" Bucky was quick to compliment you.
"You will be cooking for us again, right?" Bruce asked hopefully.
"Of course. I love cooking, I just normally take a while to do meals" you admitted. "I like to make everything from scratch"
"Maybe next weekend?" Tony added another hopeful remark and you giggled. "I can't get those ribs out of my head"
"I'll see what I can do" you promised. "I have a lot of missions this week too"
"With Clint and I" Bucky smiled proudly.
"There's two with teams of four Tin man. I'm on one of them, so is Scott" Sam reminded him. "If you do cook next weekend, can you make extra so we can have some during the week?"
"I'll try my best" you nodded. "I'll try to make a few extra loaves of bread so the cook has something to make French toast with for a change"
"That sounds Heavenly" Pepper sighed happily.

When you got to the living room with Wanda's pup, you saw her and Vision decided to sit on the chairs a little further away from you. You did the same thing with Wanda's pup, and introduced them to the pack, while Bucky sat beside you. You made sure to keep saying they were safe through your mind link, and petting them letting them take in your scent. You put her up on Bucky's chest towards his neck, and introduced him as well, telling her he was safe too. You felt so relaxed just working with the wolves. You eventually got up and sat on the floor with the pack as they talked softly to her and let her take in their scents as they came over one by one and reminding her of their names. You looked over your shoulder once, feeling someone's eyes watching you and saw Bucky was watching you with a relaxed smile, that seemed almost loving. You didn't want to put words on it, but it gave you more butterflies. You smiled softly back at him and went back to the pack. When Steve came in you picked up the pup and went to him automatically and continued to speak internally to them putting them on his neck and introducing him. You did the same to Sam when he came in and took the other couch. He held onto the pup for an extra moment before you pulled her back. You felt more in your element, just using your telepathic powers but with so many voices, it was making you a little bit tired, just like when you were a child.
"Doll?" Bucky's voice broke through as you were on the floor with the pack again.
"Hmm?" you looked at him expectantly.
"You're getting a little bit pale" he looked concerned.
"There's a lot of voices now, its harder to keep my concentration on the room" you admitted. "I'm trying though"
"Why don't you come over and sit with me for a few minutes?" he patted the couch. "She's going to be hungry soon anyways"
"I can feel her stomach grumbling" you admitted.
"I'll go get the bottles" he grinned and got up. He held out a hand to you first and helped you up off of the floor and made sure you sat down before he left.
"What do you want her to call you two?" you looked at Wanda and Vision.
"We would never hear it" Vision shook his head softly.
"Maybe Tony can fix that, but its important for them to address you properly" you smiled at them.
"We've been going by mommy and daddy" Wanda admitted. "And Tony's been tinkering with an idea on that" she smiled. "You're involved in the process"
"I'm not surprised" you shrugged and Bucky came back a moment later with two bottles. You put her in the feeding position and started to feed her before she started to whine. You heard a Mama, in your head and giggled. "Blue smells the milk, he's going to start barking soon" you looked to Wanda with a smile and Vision got up to go get the bottles. "I'll take them both down when they are done, so they can smell each other too" you gave a soft smile.
"I'll join you" Wanda smiled. "I miss our girl time"
"I guess that means I'm staying" Bucky sighed a bit.
"We wont be long" you promised as he leaned in and started wiping the pups face. She seemed to nuzzle into you more and you smiled softly. You went back to telling her how good of a girl she was as you continued to feed her, and explain how much her mommy and daddy loved her.
"This feels weird. She's not talking, but her face has been all night" Sam finally commented.
"She's using her abilities" Wanda shrugged. "Its not odd, its beautiful. Look at her smiling. She loves working with them"
"She is getting a bit pale though darling" Vision pointed out.
"Its because I'm keeping my ears open for human conversation too. I haven't tried this hard in a while. Its easier to block it out" you admitted. "I can still hear you"
"Block us out for a bit, its okay" Bucky continued to wipe her face.
"I have to work on it, mama was right" you squared your shoulders a bit. "It just makes me a little tired, that's all, just until I get used to it again"
"You're pushing yourself pup" Cloud spoke up.
"I need to" you spoke internally to Cloud.
"You should rest after you take the pup outside" he decided for you.
"I'll be okay" you gave him a smile.
"He's right, you should block out the human sounds for a bit" Jasper spoke up. "We can feel you pushing your limits"
"Maybe" you finally gave in. "I'll rest when I come in for a few minutes, but I need to keep my mind open for you all and the pup"
You looked up and saw that Wanda was lovingly feeding Blue. You switched to the second bottle and moved a little closer to Bucky. You looked over your shoulder and saw that Steve was sketching up a storm again. You wanted to peek so badly but Steve seemed to be keeping his sketches to himself a lot lately. You thought back to your untouched sketch book and thought maybe tonight you would take some time to do some sketches of the wolves. You finished with the second bottle and she crawled up in around your neck. You giggled and stood up, seeing Wanda was almost done with Blue. You opened the balcony door, and the pack walked down the steps before Wanda came and joined you.

"We don't do this often enough anymore now that you live here" Wanda sighed as you both sat in the grass.
"I remember after my missions we aways took the time to hang out and have tea before I went home" you gave a shy smile. "I miss that"
"You've been busy with Blue, and now Bucky" she shrugged.
"Did you know he liked me?" you looked at her seriously.
"We all did, just from his behavior. When we went out as a team on the weekends, he would just talk about you and ignore all the other girls. When he finally found out your secret, he had this dark attitude towards himself. He felt so badly for all those months of mouthing off at you every chance he got. It took a few days, but you talked to him and he lightened up quite a bit. You're his main focus now. But then again, you have been for a while" she shrugged. "You were harder to read, I knew you were attracted to him, but there was always so much darkness surrounding you. Especially with Shawn in the picture. Once your mother showed up, there was just light surrounding you, especially once she got you to sing. You're easier to read now. Your feelings are real, you shouldn't second guess them. His feelings are real too" she gave a smirk.
"Its hard to tell now, I've been out of the dating game for so long" you shook your head.
"I doubt he would be looking for every excuse to kiss you, or kiss you publicly if he wasn't sure of himself" she giggled.
"I have been surprised by the public displays of affection" you giggled as well. "Its been nice. Most men I have dated hated it" you admitted.
"They weren't meant for you, clearly" she rolled her eyes as the two pups played on the grass together. Blue let out a small howl and the pack responded with a howl right away.
"They love the pups" you smiled to Wanda.
"I can't wait for her first howl; Vision and I have been going over names" she admitted.
"You won't have to wait long, she's still young, but she's progressing well. I knew she understood me today, which is promising" you gave a soft smile.
"How do you know?" Wanda asked softly.
"How do you know my thoughts? Its something you can tell deep in your heart" you picked up her pup. "See your mommy for a minute" you passed her to Wanda and Wanda wrapped her hands around her pup easily and she snuggled into Wanda easily. You could tell she was more at ease with Wanda, and likely Vision as well. Blue crawled up onto your lap, and you laid back in the grass, letting him find his own spot to snuggle in. You heard him sigh and say mama again and you smiled to yourself.
"I hope Tony can make that invention; I'd love to hear how you hear the wolves" Wanda laid back in the grass beside you.
"They are much louder than human voices" you admitted softly. "Its hard to keep concentration on both, but I'm trying to push it today. Cloud and Jasper want me to rest it for a bit, but like my mama said, human voices are just as important" you sighed gently. "Other animals are a bit louder than the human voices as well, but I can normally block them out if I'm out for a walk in the woods"
"It would be interesting to hear it from your perspective. It might make it easier for us to understand too why you space out so much" she giggled.
"Your Bucky is about to come out and tell you to come in. He's worried about you getting sick" Wanda warned you.
"But the sun is setting, and its nice out" you pouted.
"He's worried, besides you have another date in the morning" she giggled.
"I can't believe how many dates he's asked me on already" you looked to her.
"I can, he's done wasting time. He really cares for you" she smiled serenely and you both heard the balcony door open.
"Y/N, come on doll, you might get sick if you stay out too long without a jacket" Bucky called down. Wanda giggled, and you smiled at her.
"We are coming" you called up, but saw he was waiting regardless. You traded pups with Wanda, and got up and went up the stairs and Bucky was looking at you worriedly. You leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and he broke out into a smile. You went back inside and sat in your new normal spot and Bucky came over quickly sitting beside you and putting an arm around you. You leaned into him and gave a small sigh of happiness.  

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