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"Close your eyes" Clint spoke up as you got more comfortable. You huffed slightly, but felt Bucky crawl up on the bed and sat beside you and opened one of your books.
"I can read to you" Bucky teased with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"I'll close my eyes" you blushed a deep red and nuzzled more into Cloud, closing your eyes. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep again, feeling comfort with everyone that was in the room.
"My girl Melody fell asleep" Sam whispered after a while. He was trying to be mindful where you were in a deep sleep already, as were most of the wolves. Scott had come back in a while ago, and was still holding Blue close to him.
"The whole pack is sleeping" Bucky checked Cloud, Snow and Jasper. "I think they need it"
"You seem to be taking the package deal real well" Scott grinned at Bucky.
"I like the package deal" Bucky smirked, and leaned over to brush some hair out of your face. You moaned softly in your sleep and moved more into him. He put his arm more around you as you continued sleeping.
"Its not for everyone" Sam grinned at him. "But I'm glad its for you"
"Come on, lets let them all sleep" Steve stood up.
"Got to put my girl in the bed" Sam got up and carried Melody over, and laid her down beside Cloud. She whined softly as she curled up and nuzzled into Cloud's fur.
"I'll get the light" they all walked out, while Scott handed Steve, Blue. Blue whined in his sleep, and nuzzled into Steve's neck. Bucky scooted down into the bed and wrapped both of his arms around you. You automatically nuzzled into him and he sighed happily to himself.

When Bucky woke up in the morning, the sun was shining into the bedroom and he blinked and pulled you closer to him. He felt the wolves starting to stir, and Melody woke up first. She let out a small bark and jumped up to lick Bucky on the cheek.
"Someone's feeling better" Bucky chuckled. Cloud sat up and nuzzled his nose into Bucky's neck giving a small playful growl. "Oh, both of you huh?" he laughed as Cloud started trying to tickle at his skin.
"Wake up" Melody gave a bit of a bark, looking at you.
"She's still sleeping" Snow started sassing Melody.
"She needs to get up" Melody looked at her. "I feel so much better" she playfully stretched and let out a small growl.
"She's been sick" Jasper reminded her.
"But the sun is awake, so I am awake, and I want to go for a run" Melody sighed heavily. You barely opened your eyes and gave a giggle.
"Good morning pack" you wiggled in Bucky's arms and he chuckled.
"I think you are feeling better" Bucky whispered.
"I feel a lot better" you admitted and stretched slightly. You nuzzled into his arms and kissed him lightly on the chest a few times. Bucky pulled you up and kissed you softly on the lips and you hummed happily, and felt a smile break out onto his face. You heard a distinct howl come from Steve's room and you smiled against Bucky's lips as well. "I think the whole pack feels better" you whispered against his lips.
"You gave us quite a scare" Bucky pulled back, looking at you seriously. "I hope it never happens again" he whispered softly.
"It will likely happen, but let's hope not for a long time" you smiled and sat up. "I want a better good morning kiss when I come out" you got up and headed to the bathroom.
"Should I take the wolves out?" Bucky called to you.
"I'll do it" you smiled over your shoulder.
"I'll wait" he decided.
"I'm taking a shower, I'll be a few minutes" you stopped at the door and bit your bottom lip.
"I'll go take a shower too" Bucky decided.
"I need to pee" Melody whined.
"Can you leave the balcony door open for them?" you asked quickly. "The wolves need the bathroom"
"Sure doll" Bucky nodded and headed to the door. You looked at you over his shoulder and smiled softly to himself. He liked the way he woke up this morning, the way the wolves were playful with him and the way you had nuzzled into him more. He wanted to kiss you more, but he knew you probably wanted to brush your teeth. He made his way to his room and started stripping down and throwing his clothes into the hamper. He hurried into his bathroom, and started the shower wanting to go as quickly as possible so he could give you your good morning kiss.

When you got out of the shower you quickly dried off, put on some make up, and did your hair. You hurried into the closet and put on a pair of jeans and socks. You knew you would have to change later before going to Clint's place. You looked at the t-shirts from Bucky that were on top of the dresser and slipped a black one on. You slipped on your sneakers and opened the door and came back out and saw the wolves were back from the quick bathroom break.
"I feel so much better" Melody jumped to you, and put her paws on your chest.
"I'm sorry the bond makes it so much harder on you five" you looked at them worriedly.
"It shows our bond is getting stronger" Jasper brushed himself against your leg. "I'm glad for it"
"Will we be going for our walk?" Snow asked, licking your hand as you made your way to the chair and sat down to wait for Bucky to come back.
"I am waiting for future mates morning kiss" you admitted softly.
"That's worth waiting for" Melody decided, going to Cloud and licking his muzzle. "I like mine too" she cooed to Cloud who turned and licked her muzzle back. You smiled softly to them, loving that they were becoming mates quickly.
"Its good that you are feeling better pup. I don't like it when your sick" Cloud sat down beside you. You ran your hands through Cloud and Melody's fur. You got so lost in the moment you barely noticed Bucky walk back in with a huge smile on his face. You stood up quickly and walked towards him, swaying your hips a bit more as you went towards him.
"You put on makeup again" Bucky sighed a bit. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to ruin it" he grinned impishly.
"You can give it your best try" you purred as you got to him, and placed your palms on his chest and rubbed your hands upwards over his shoulders. You loved the grey sweatpants and white t-shirt he went with this morning. "Are you going for the puppy meeting?" you gazed lovingly into his eyes.
"I'm going with you for a walk through the woods" he smirked confidently. His hands went down to your hips and pulled you in closer so you were flat against his body. He slowly leaned down, and brushed his lips against yours. You eagerly went up on your tiptoes to deepen the kiss, and opened your lips to him. He deepened the kiss automatically and hummed in the back of his throat. You brought your hands up and laced them behind his head and pulled him impossibly closer. You gave a soft sigh, enjoying the way his body felt against yours. His hands slid up and down your back slowly, and went down to squeeze you slightly on the hips and you wiggled a bit against his hands, just wanting so much more. He pulled back for air a few times, however when he came back the last time he started kissing a tail down the side of your jaw to your earlobe and to your neck. You sighed his name happily and he hummed again before he pulled away.
"Walk in the woods it is" you looked at him with hooded eyes and he was grinning ear to ear.
"I ruined your lipstick" he spoke proudly.
"Worth it" you pulled away and hurried into the bathroom to fix it first.
"I like your t-shirt by the way" he came to stand against the side of the door and was watching you curiously.
"Well, they are pretty comfortable" you blushed slightly as you finished fixing your lipstick. "I already have to do laundry now anyways" you shrugged.
"Sunday" Bucky decided for you.
"Sunday?" you asked with a bit of a laugh.
"After breakfast. We are going to the farmers market again, and tomorrow you are with the girls all day" he waited for you to get close and leaned down to give you a lingering kiss on the lips.
"Is this another date?" you smiled at him.
"There's going to be a lot of dates in our future" Bucky grinned and pulled back. "Did you know that Melody is quite the cuddler? I think she takes it after you" he chuckled.
"Sam's comfortable" Melody chirped. "And you were taken" she added quickly.
"Did you cuddle with Sam last night?" you looked to her, trying to hide the smile on your face.
"I like him, he's a good human" Melody gave a soft bark.
"It was pretty cute" Bucky chuckled. "She has him wrapped around her paws. He even carried her to bed"
"So, that's how I got in bed" Melody brushed against Bucky's legs. "Come on, we want to go for a walk" she added quickly.
"Come on honey" you took Bucky's hand, not realizing you used a term of endearment. He pulled back on your hand and his face was lit up as he kissed you softly on the lips. You blushed realizing what you had done, but he brushed your hair out of your face and gave you another gentle kiss.
"Anywhere you lead doll" he grinned happily, and kissed your knuckles.  

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now