A full pack outing

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When you got in the suite, Clint looked around the room with a grin and went to take a seat on the couch and put his feet up while you and Bucky curled up together on the love seat. Clint took the converter and turned on the documentary he was talking about. Bucky wrapped his arms around you and you both paid attention to the TV.
"You are dealing well with John," Clint commented after a while. "I mean Bucky by the way" he added to make sure he was clear.
"I know he won't lay a hand on my dame, she's a fighter. She chose me, I'm confident enough in that" Bucky gave a grin. "He is starting to really annoy me though"
"Your girl put him on his back, twice," Clint chuckled. "Damn I was proud"
"So was I" Bucky gave a grin and kissed you on the side of the neck again. "It was right after she put me on mine too"
"And Scott too," Clint continued chuckling. "His face was priceless. I guess all that army intelligence and Shield training didn't quite cover the Avenger training"
"What's your take on him?" you looked at Clint.
"He has potential, but Tony doesn't like him already," Clint shrugged.
"Neither does Stevie, I can tell he doesn't trust him" Bucky nodded.
"It's hard to talk to the wolves, and have him there all the time. I just want a minute alone to talk to them like I normally do. I'm not used to hiding my abilities this much anymore" you gave a sigh.
"That was a brave move, having all the pups go with the pack tonight. I'm surprised there wasn't much more of a fight" Clint looked at you.
"They've been wanting to take the pups out for a while," Bucky admitted. "They take Blue on the weekends" he gave a small smile. "Give us some time alone"
"You two got loud last week, was the heat that bad?" Clint barked a laugh when he said alone time.
"It was pretty bad. We found out this weekend we bonded, it's not quite the same as the bond she shares with the pack. It's apparently rare, but it happens" Bucky looked at Clint.
"It was like my body was on fire, and the longer we were apart, the more it hurt" you spoke softly.
"I could kind of feel something like that too. I couldn't bare to have her out of my sight. I'm still struggling with it" Bucky added.
"You two making out in the back of the jet told me something happened between you two. Neither one of you were handling it well being even just beside one another" Clint shook his head.
"Thank you for letting us do that, it helped believe it or not" you admitted shyly.
"You scared the shit out of me when you pulled the 'Not my mate' line. Try to keep your head in the game this week. We have three missions together. One tomorrow with John so you'll have to be careful with the wolves" he reminded you.
"We both read the mission dockets for the week" Bucky nodded. "We will just have to wait to find out what was really going on with the mission reports"
"I think Cloud should go with you when we go in, I'll take Jasper" you looked up at Bucky. "He will keep you safe for me" you whispered.
"I know Jasper will keep you safe too" Bucky rubbed his hands up and down your sides. You nuzzled more in between his legs and tipped your head back on his chest to look at him. He looked down at you and kissed your forehead.
"The kids are excited to see how big Blue has gotten, I told them about how he is on solid foods now" Clint gave you an update.
"He's almost too big to carry around" you gave a soft sight, and looked back at the TV.
"He still likes his bottle" he chuckled.
"I can't believe you are the one that keeps sneaking it to him" you looked over with flushed cheeks. "I've had to play the bad guy"
"I highly doubt all the kisses he gets when you play with him makes you the bad guy" Clint shook his head.
"He really loves the bottle" you pouted.
"Zora is the only one that still hasn't gotten weaned off of them completely, she doesn't mind sharing" Clint shrugged. "Besides, Snow is going to be having her pups soon"
"Very soon" you nodded. "I've been getting so tired from our bond, she's really ready to pop anytime. I'm a little worried about going to the cabin this weekend, in case she has her pups" you admitted. "They wouldn't be ready to be moved at all"
"Snow trusts you if it happens" Bucky reminded you.
"She trusts you too, Alpha" you winked at him with a cheeky grin.
"What is with this Alpha and Luna business? Is that what the pack calls you two?" Clint asked curiously.
"Yeah" Bucky nodded proudly. "We went with it" he grinned.
"Trust me, everyone knows you went with the names" Clint laughed at how red your face was getting.
You heard a few small barks and Snow walked in first before Blue came bounding in.
"Clint!" Blue ran to Clint and jumped at him.
"Hey little man" Clint picked him up quickly.
"Y/N" Edwin and Anastasia came running in and you got out of Bucky's hold and got on the floor holding your arms out for them.
"Bucky" Zora came running to him and he picked her up as she got close, while you wrapped your arms around Anastasia and Edwin.
"How was the walk?" you looked up as Cloud, Jasper and Melody came in.
"They have a lot of energy" Melody giggled.
"They did well. The shadow wolves were curious about the human raised pups" Jasper came over closer. "The pups all growled at them and barked until they realized they were friends" he added proudly.
"Blue is getting better with his tracking skills" Cloud came over to you and you smiled softly, leaning forward, still holding the pups and gave him a kiss on the side of his muzzle. "He's going to be good in the field"
"If that is what he chooses" you gave a soft smile.
"Found squirrels" you heard Blue telling Clint excitedly. You looked over and giggled as his words were coming out as playful growls.
"He's telling you about finding squirrels" you whispered to Clint.
"Well, that's quite the story, little man" Clint talked to him easily.
"Zora's pretty quiet" Bucky whispered to you.
"She looks exhausted" you cooed to him. Edwin licked your hand while Anastasia wriggled a little bit and gave a few barks.
"Squirrels... wolves" you heard three little voices going all at once, and tried to focus, but you weren't having much luck. Zora let out a loud yawn and fell to the side, falling asleep on Bucky.
"We should all probably take them to their parents" Clint looked at Zora pointedly.
"Want to go see mommy and daddy?" you asked Anastasia and Edwin who both barked.
"I'll bring up Anastasia to her mommy and daddy" Clint got up and put Blue down beside Snow who went and laid on her side, seeming to have a hard time getting comfortable.
"Snow, why don't you go lay on the bed, and let Melody watch Blue for a few minutes. We will be right back" you promised, speaking out loud.
"Mama" Blue ran to you.
"Stay with Melody, I'll be right back" you gave him a soft kiss.
"Don't forget to be geared up in the morning" Clint picked up Anastasia.
"We won't" Bucky promised for you, still holding Zora, and he stood up.
"I'll bring Edwin up" you decided, and picked him and snuggled him close. Bucky opened the suite door for the three of you and you and Clint walked out first. You saw Clint pass you quickly on the stairs, and knew he was excited to say good night to Nat and Bruce before going to bed. When you got into the upper floor hallway, Bucky went behind you and knocked on Wanda's door and it was thrown open almost immediately.
"Oh my baby" Wanda took Zora automatically from Bucky and you gave a giggle as you continued walking your way down to Tony's door. "How did she do?" you heard her ask Bucky.
"They did great, she's pretty tired" Bucky whispered, so softly you barely heard it. You got to the end of the hallway and heard murmuring from Bucky and Wanda's direction. You lifted your free arm and knocked and Pepper threw open the door and you saw Tony come out in a rush.
"How did he do?" Pepper took Edwin and cuddled him closely.
"Wonderfully, he's been telling stories about the other wolves and the squirrels he saw" you gave a smile.
"Is the pack going to start taking them out more often like this?" Tony came over, looking a little worried.
"Yes, they want them to learn to be wolves too, not just human babies" you gave a soft smile. "They are learning tracking for right now" you added softly.
"He's not heading on missions, why does he need to know tracking?" Pepper asked.
"It's part of being a wolf" you giggled.
"He's still our baby" she cooed to Edwin who was still telling stories to his mama about everything he had seen tonight.
"That's what I say about Blue" you nodded and gave a soft sigh. "Bucky and I spoil him too much according to Cloud"
"At least that parts up to you two" Pepper gave a wink as Bucky made his way down the hallway towards you. "Luna" she added in a whisper and your face turned red and she giggled mischievously.
"It's what the pack calls me" you bit your bottom lip and felt Bucky get up behind you and he wrapped an arm around you.
"It's interesting" Pepper smiled.
"I'll see you in the morning" you smirked and turned in Bucky's arms and wound them around him.
"See you in the morning" Tony called and they closed the door.
"Luna, are you ready for bed?" Bucky whispered huskily in your ear.
"I know what I'd rather be doing, but we have a mission in the morning" you sighed.
"I can make it quick" he chuckled and started leading you back towards the stairs.
"Not in front of the baby" you giggled as he leaned down and kissed you loudly on the cheek.
"Tomorrow, you, me, and the shower" Bucky looked at you expectantly.
"Possibly" you leaned up and gave him a kiss softly on the lips. "Let's get ready for bed" you pulled back.
"I miss sleeping naked in bed with you" he sighed heavily.
"You will soon enough" you promised.  

AN: Thank you GSWritter for the assist

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