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You found the formula that Pup needed when you walked in, and Steve grabbed two cases of it right away. You went through and bought as many toys as the cart could handle before getting two collars, and buying the licenses with name tags, and two more beds to bring back. You figured one would go good in the living room where you figured the team sometimes would hang out. You bought two new sets of dishes while you were at it, and Steve chuckled as you tried to decide over the pink with white polka dots, or the pink with white daisy's for Melody. The one with daisy's won out. You picked a baby blue one for Pup for when he would be old enough to eat solids, and then bought books on puppy care since you had no idea what to expect. Steve grabbed a few more bottles so you wouldn't have to keep refilling and would be able to wash them between meals. You also noticed he grabbed a larger size. By the time the three of you were done, there were three carts full and Happy proudly produced the credit card and asked for delivery. You let out a large yawn and Steve put his arm around you again as you walked out.
"You need some sleep" he commented as Happy opened the back door for you.
"I need coffee, and to work on my report" you leaned into him a bit. You were starting to trust him more since he had been around so much. He was a likable person, and you were surprised you hadn't noticed before. You both had always kept your distance, until your secret came out.
"I'll stop for coffee" Happy got in the front, and you strapped in and leaned against the window trying to rest your eyes. He stopped at Starbucks and grabbed your usual, while Steve said he was fine and started making his way back. Steve noticed that Happy was keeping an eye on the review mirror, and started changing lanes in odd places.
"What is it?" Steve asked after a moment and that jolted you up from your partial sleep.
"We are being followed. Can't tell if its paparazzi or..." he trailed off.
"Make a left at the lights" you looked back and tried to find the car that was following. When he made the left you saw Shawn's car was following closely.
"How did he find me this time?" you started to hyperventilate.
"Deep breaths, don't worry. Lets just go to the police station, it worked last time" Steve told Happy who nodded and started making his way there. As soon as Happy parked, you jumped out of the car and ran inside knowing it was Morgan's station. He looked out of his office as you came in, and he was holding the phone. Steve walked in behind you and that grabbed a lot of peoples attention.
"Morgan..." you started.
"Get in here" he called to you and Steve followed you into Morgan's office.

"Did you get he license plate?" Morgan looked at you pointedly as you sat down. You shook your head but Steve started rattling it off easily.
"He's been changing the license plate every time we almost have him" Morgan admitted. "Patrol almost arrested an elderly couple yesterday over this" he sat back in his chair. "He started sending pictures of you"
"That's impossible, I was on a mission all day yesterday" you shook your head.
"Baby girl, he knows where you're living now" he looked at you seriously. He took out your old phone and showed pictures of you sitting out on the swing at night in your nightgown from the night before last. He had also sent pictures of you shopping with Steve and Happy and a photo of Steve with his arm around you. The text message under said "He's not taking what's mine". You immediately started crying and put your head between your legs. Steve took the phone and looked at it, then looked at you worriedly.
"Its time the team was brought in on this, you need to let us protect you" Steve kneeled in front of you and brushed your hair back.
"But I was so happy earlier" you whimpered.
"We will get him back in jail, I found a good judge this time that can't be bought off" Morgan promised. "You should get out of town for a few days, really disappear"
"I can't, I just brought home a new pup" you shook your head. "I'm tired of running" you wiped at your face. "I shouldn't have to live in a cage just because he can't let go"
"I'll have a police car patrolling by the compound then, but you should get away for a few days. I really mean it. He's escalating Y/N" he looked at you worriedly.
"Steve, please, we can't tell them" you looked at him pleadingly.
"He knows where you are now, we have to" he shook his head.
"They'll judge me" you started crying fresh tears.
"You're family" he reminded you. "Let us protect you"
"I'll just go for a few days with the pup, Cloud and Melody. It'll blow over" you started trying to bargain with him.
"Its not going to go away that fast" he shook his head. "Trust in me and Tony"
You finally nodded, and Morgan started filing more paperwork about him following you again.

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