Breakfast in bed

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When Bucky came back in you were passed out again. He grinned to himself and waited for the wolves to get in the bed before he got in the center and pulled you close from behind. You moaned softly in your sleep, and snuggled in closer to him unconsciously. He gave you a kiss on the back of your neck, and held you closer. Your breathing was even and soft against the skin of his arm and he smiled secretly to himself. There was no where else he would rather be. He moved his arm so he could touch your cheeks and forehead just to check, and confirmed that the fever was gradually going down. He wondered if you would be up to that date he wanted to take you on if you were feeling better tomorrow, hopefully after you talked to Sunny. He thought about the first time he saw you, how you barely looked up at first. But it was your eyes when you finally did. He figured that's what did him in. They were so haunted, but beautiful. He remembered you had looked away quickly, and the small flush that had been on your cheeks. He knew you were hiding something back then. He wished he had kept following you home after those two weeks. He could have helped you sooner, if only he had known about that monster of a man that was torturing you. Now that the nightmare was over for you, he was astounded at all the changes in you happening so quickly. You seemed so much happier now, especially since visiting your uncle Brad.
You moaned slightly in your sleep and gave a shiver. He automatically kissed the back of your neck and held you as tight as he could. You let out another soft moan and rubbed yourself against him. He felt himself get hard automatically and let out his own groan. Even in your sleep, you had the same effect on him. You sighed his name in your sleep, and moved against him again and he had to clench his teeth not to wake you up. Your hands moved to between your legs in your sleep, and you moved your hips against him again sighing his name in your sleep. He could smell the heat pooling between your legs, and he let out a groan. It took all of his willpower to take your hands and move them away from between your legs. You rolled your hips against him and turned in your sleep, throwing one leg over his hip.
"Y/N, you need to wake up doll" he finally gave in. Your arms wrapped around him and pulled him close and you nuzzled in again. He was hard as a rock, and he groaned as you rubbed your body against him. He wanted you, but not while you were sick or sleeping. He wanted it to be mutual, and you both to agree to it. Hell, he didn't even know if you were on birth control or if he had to go get condoms, since the last time he bought any were a few years ago and long past expired. He wanted to make sure you both had that discussion. It was important in any relationship. You moved in your sleep again, and he grunted and moved away from you and got off the bed trying to keep control of himself. He looked to the couch and sighed. Until you were done that dream, there was no way he was getting any sleep. He woke up Cloud, deciding he had to take care of himself. He whispered that he was going to his room for a moment, and would be right back. Cloud gave a soft bark and watched as Bucky took the balcony to go to his room.

When Bucky came back, it was almost morning. He didn't want you to wake up alone, but also wanted to make sure that he could keep himself in check. The way you moved against him last night made him want to lose control. Cloud yawned looking at him and moved away from your side as Bucky crawled back into the bed and wrapped his arms around you again. He touched your cheeks and forehead gently and saw that the fever was nearly gone, but you were still warm to the touch. He sighed worriedly and felt you nuzzle into him again. He was just getting comfortable when you started to stir in your sleep and turned in his arms and smiled slowly at him.
"Good morning" you sighed, and reached up touching the side of his face giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Good morning" he couldn't help but smile back. "You are still a bit warm, but the fever is almost gone" he whispered to you.
"I feel a lot better, much more relaxed this morning" you snuggled your face into the curve of his neck and gave a soft yawn.
"Good. You needed the sleep" he chuckled, still thinking about the sensuous way your body moved against him. He had to take care of himself twice during the night so that he could calm himself down enough to come back into the room. "Did you have those vivid dreams the doc talked about?" he asked with a bit of a smile. He felt you still in his arms quickly and saw the tips of your ears go red from blushing.
"Nope, no dreams" you hesitated before answering. He wanted to chuckle since he knew the difference, but continued to smirk instead. "Did you have any dreams?" you moved your head to look up at him and caught him smirking.
"Good ones" he assured you. "I dreamt we were back at your uncle Brads and swimming in the river" he lied quickly. You studied his face for a moment before you gave a smile.
"I'm glad you liked it there" you cooed to him, and stretched a little bit. "I'd better get the pack out for their walk" you sighed going to sit up.
"Let me take them doll, you are still recovering. Why don't you go take a nice long hot shower, and see if your up to going to breakfast when your done" he touched the side of your cheek.
"You're spoiling me" you pouted slightly.
"Only as much as you deserve" he chuckled and leaned down kissing you softly on the lips. You hummed happily into the kiss, and opened your lips slightly for his tongue to slip in and run against your own. He ran his hands up and down your back, and leaned more into it until you were both nearly breathless and he pulled back with another smirk. "You'll get more if you're feeling better after" he winked at you and bit his bottom lip. He liked knowing exactly what he was doing to you, especially knowing what you dreamt about last night.
"Can I wear one of your shirts today?" your eyes were still on his lips, but finally you looked up to gaze in his eyes.
"That's why I brought a bunch, I was hoping you would wear them more than just for the night" he chuckled. You smiled and gave him a quick chaste kiss on the lips.
"I'll go take a shower, thank you Bucky. I love waking up in your arms" you smiled broadly at him, and he felt his heart flip. He watched as you got out of bed and headed to the bathroom quickly and closing the door behind you. He flipped onto his back and let out a sigh and saw Cloud staring at him from the corner of his eye and looked over at him.
"You can't tell her I left because of her dream" Bucky whispered to him. Cloud let out a small bark and licked his cheek. "I'm going to go get changed, and will come back for you four in a few minutes" he rolled out of bed and headed back to his bedroom.

When you got out of the shower, the pack was already gone. You went over in your towel and made the bed quickly. You giggled to yourself thinking of the way your dream felt almost real. You bent over to smell the roses on the coffee table and smiled to yourself before heading to your closet. You put on your pink lace undergarments, and had to give your head a bit of a shake feeling nauseous still. You stood and looked yourself in the mirror, frowning that the kiss marks that Bucky had left on you were almost gone. You pulled on a pair of black jeans, and a pink spaghetti strap shirt before putting Bucky's baggy t-shirt on top. You padded across the room and headed towards the door but had to stop for a moment. You took a deep breath and thought the boys were likely waiting on you. You made your way out and headed to the dining room. You weren't feeling a hundred percent better, but you wanted to make sure you made it to breakfast. Especially since Pietro brought you orange juice yesterday.
"Princessa!" Pietro jumped up as you came into view. "How are you feeling?" he asked quickly.
"A little better" you smiled and went to set between him and Clint. Peter gave you a hug on your way by. You slipped into your chair and felt Clint reach over and place his hand on your forehead.
"You're still warm" Clint frowned at you.
"I'm feeling a lot better" you gave a small smile.
"You're pale, I'm not liking that your sick" Clint sighed.
"I feel a lot better, honestly. Yesterday was just a bad day" you reassured him.
"No, you should go back to bed" Clint shook his head.
"Clint is right, you were running a pretty high fever yesterday" Bruce nodded.
"Hey, what's going on?" Steve came in.
"Y/N is going back to bed" Clint stood up and picked you up from under your arms. "I'm taking you to bed" he announced.
"But I'm kind of hungry" you pouted.
"You can eat in bed" Clint leaned down and grabbed you from behind the knees and started carrying you. You pouted slightly, but put your arms around his neck. You saw Bucky walking towards you with the pack and looked at you with questions in his eyes.
"Where are you taking my dame?" he asked quickly, and walked over to take you from Clint's arms.
"She's still running a fever, she needs to be in bed" Clint told him and let Bucky take you.
"I'm hungry" you pouted.
"I'll bring you breakfast" Bucky cradled you close to his body and headed to your room. You saw the pack make their way to the kitchen.
"But I got dressed" you looked at him sadly as he shouldered his way into your bedroom.
"Go take off your jeans for a bit. Clint's right, you shouldn't be out of bed yet" Bucky looked at you seriously. "I'll bring us both breakfast in here, and we can eat on the bed. Watch some tv on your computer, we will make a date of it" he grinned at you and kissed you on the forehead.
"What about your gym time?" you asked as he started to set you on your feet.
"I'll go once we are done" he touched the side of your cheek and smiled softly.

Once Bucky left the room, you went into the closet and took off your bra, and slipped back into your shorts for bed. You sighed and went and crawled into bed waiting on Bucky. He returned quickly with a tray and a large grin on his face. You saw he had two plates made up of bacon, eggs, and toast and two glasses of orange juice.
"Pietro and Peter insisted on orange juice for you" he grinned and put the tray down beside your bed. You patted the side of the bed and he sat down next to you, putting one of the plates on your lap. "How come you don't have a tv in here?" he suddenly asked.
"It didn't come with the room. I wouldn't really use it anyways" you shrugged. "The tv in the living room is easy enough to get to"
"You really were moved in last minute" Bucky mused and grabbed his plate sitting back beside you.
"Pretty much" you shrugged, and closed your eyes for a moment feeling nauseated again.
"You feeling okay?" Bucky caught it and reached up to touch your forehead again. "I'll send Doctor Cho down to see you again" he decided.
"Is it going up again?" you raised an eyebrow.
"I'm just worried about you doll" Bucky spoke softly. You ate slowly, but couldn't finish and he took your plate and put it on the tray. He handed you your glass of juice and you drank it down quickly, not wanting to disappoint the boys. You curled up under the covers and Bucky got up and tucked you in. "Blue is with Tony and Bruce for today. The pack was given the choice to go to the gym or come back in here" Bucky started and looked towards the bedroom door and saw Cloud and Melody came in.
"Snow wanted to stay with the pups, and Jasper didn't want to leave her" Cloud updated you.
"Jasper and Snow are staying with the pups" you smiled at Bucky.
"That leaves us with you, we don't feel good still" Melody stopped and put her muzzle on Bucky's lap. He scratched her behind the ears.
"I'm going to bring this back to the kitchen. I'll see you at lunch" Bucky leaned down and kissed you on top of the head. "Get some sleep" 

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