A walk in the woods

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You woke up twice during the night suddenly from nightmares, but the screams were stuck in your throat. The first time Bucky was gone with Pup, but Cloud and Melody were both quick to try to calm you down. You went back to sleep at their insistence. The second time you woke up, Bucky came into the room quickly as Pup started to whine at the sudden loss of warmth. He sat beside where you sat on the side of the bed and started rubbing your back.
"Its just a dream" he spoke softly. "You're okay" he reminded you.
"I don't feel okay" you looked at him with tears in your eyes. "He's going to find me and kill me, or worse, kill one of the wolves" you hiccupped trying to hold back your emotions.
"He won't get you, not on our watch" Cloud put his head on your shoulder and licked tears off your cheek. "I'll kill him if he comes for one of us" he vowed.
"Its been quiet outside tonight, I haven't seen any movement. I think the police have him scared off" Bucky spoke gently while he still rubbed your back.
"You should get some sleep" you rubbed your face. "I think I'm good for now. I don't want to sleep anymore" you shook your head.
"You need your sleep; I'll get some after breakfast" he shook his head at you. "Come on, just try to lay down for a little longer" he stood up and pushed you down gently until you were laying down. He then pulled the comforter back around you, and Pup went back to sleep in your neck again.
"Are you sure he's not mate?" Melody asked.
"Humans are too complicated" Cloud grumbled.
"Thank you, Bucky," you bit your bottom lip and he gave a smile.
"I'll be right outside" he promised. "I won't let anything happen to you or the wolves" he added gently.

When you woke up the last time, you could feel Cloud and Melody's need for a run. You sat up and saw Bucky was sitting on the swing holding Pup closely and watching he sunrise with him. You got up to use the bathroom and to brush your teeth. When you came out you saw Bucky look up and smile at you.
"How do you feel about a walk?" you asked shyly. You figured you would be nice enough to ask, since he kept watch over you all night.
"I could use a stretch" he nodded.
"Cloud and Melody need a run" you gave a small smile. "I just need to change"
"Are you sure it's a good idea to go outside?" he bit his bottom lip worriedly.
"I can't stay inside forever" you shook your head and went into the closet. "I can ask Steve if its makes you more comfortable" you added through the door.
"I don't mind it just being us" he said quickly. "I am bringing my gun" he warned you.
"The wolves don't like the guns. I know your good with a knife though" you called through the door.
"Knife it is" you heard a chuckle in his voice. "I'll be right back" he left to go to his room.
You pulled on a pair of black leggings, and a low cut white top with a hoodie and your black sneakers again. When you came out Bucky smiled, and was still holding Pup.
"I uh... I think we need to feed him" he stammered. You raised an eyebrow at the way he kept staring.
"Sure" you nodded, while Cloud and Melody ran towards the door as you made your way to him slowly. He opened the door for them, and waited for you to walk out before closing the door. You both headed to the kitchen slowly. You saw that he had kept the bottles cleaned during the night. You went to go mix up the formula but Bucky handed you Pup and went to fill the bottles for you, making both at the same time. He even brought over a paper towel for while you were feeding Pup. While you fed Pup, he would reach over and he would wipe his face, giving you a small smile.
"Thank you" you smiled at him, and rocked Pup while you were feeding him. "He's so tiny" you sighed giving him a kiss on the tip of his nose between bottles.
"Does he talk to you like Cloud and Melody do?" Bucky asked gently.
"No, not yet. I think he's too young" you shook your head. "I'm excited to know what his first words will be. Its like having a real baby" you admitted.
"He is" he agreed. "What does Cloud think of him?" he asked.
"He's a miracle" Cloud answered quickly.
"I agree, we didn't think he would make it when you found us" Melody answered.
"They both think he's a miracle" you gave a soft smile. "Melody didn't think he would survive when we rescued him"
"Did you?" he looked at you curiously.
"I was determined he would" you nodded. "He is a strong little one" you smiled as he finished the bottle and Bucky wiped his face again.
"Come on, lets go for our walk. I need the stretch" Cloud whined. You looked over at him and gave another small smile.
"I need to get them outside" you stood up and Bucky put the bottles in the sink for you before following you to the front door. You walked outside first and he was quick to come out and stand in front of you looking around carefully. He walked towards the grass where you squatted down and let Pup down to walk around. He starting whining and wanting back up. You giggled and made him walk around. He finally squatted going to the bathroom. He wiggled back to you, and you picked him back up.
"You ready?" Bucky asked gently.
"Yes, of course" you nodded and started following him through the parking lot.
"Y/N!" you heard from behind you and turned to see Timothy getting out of one of the police cars that was in the parking lot.
"Oh, hey" you gave a smile.
"You really are living here" he gave a huge smile. "Looks like you have more wolves now"
"Yeah, on a mission" you nodded.
"You're looking good" he looked you up and down and you flushed a bit, not used to seeing someone be so blunt about checking you out. "I kept watch all night. We haven't seen him"
"Morgan will find him" you gave a smile.
"Well, I'll be here again tonight in case. You don't need to worry" he promised. "I better get back" he walked away looking back at you once or twice. You turned to go back and Bucky was looking at you curiously.
"He's been on my security detail before" you admitted. "Last time my truck got tagged with some harsh words. He had to run inside for a second"
"He seems happy to see you" Bucky tried to hide the remark. You looked at him surprised for a moment, and he didn't miss the flush on your cheeks.
"Some people are just nice" you shrugged as Cloud and Melody led you both into the woods. You fell into steps behind them, and Bucky walked behind you. You enjoyed stretching your legs, a little surprised that Bucky was so silent. Cloud sniffed around, and so did Melody while they wagged their tails. A few times they went into a gallop but would circle back to you both. Cloud went up into the trees some more and sniffed around before coming back.
"I don't smell him here" Cloud reported to you as you finished your walk, and headed back into the compound. You saw Cloud and Melody head straight to the dining room, and Bucky closely behind you.

When you sat down at the breakfast table, you sat between Peter and Clint again.
"I saw you have more formula" Tony smirked.
"Pup eats a lot, I'm not sure what to expect" you admitted as Clint filled your plate for you before he handed it down to Peter.
"How did you sleep?" Steve asked you with a small smile.
"Very well, Bucky kept guard all night" you admitted and Wanda smirked looking at you. "He also took care of Pup for me"
"Easiest guard duty I've ever had" Bucky gave you a smirk. "I got lots of time with Pup"
"I'm jealous, Pup is so cute" Nat grinned. "He's so quick with the bottle"
"He is" Bucky grinned and looked at you quickly before looking back down. You started eating as quickly as you could, and sipped at your coffee. "We went outside for a walk this morning, and it went well"
"Was that such a good idea?" Steve looked worried.
"There's a lot of police around here, and Bucky was with me" you gave a small smile. "Timothy was here in the parking lot"
"The one from the hotel?" Tony didn't miss a beat.
"He was on night watch with a partner, from what I could see in the car" you nodded.
"He came to say hi" Bucky grimaced.
"At least he wasn't alone last night" Steve sighed.
"Cloud also didn't smell Shawn outside, so we are good" you shrugged. You felt pup start to move in his sleep and felt his stomach start to grumble. You tried to eat a little faster, and sighed when he let out his first whine.
"I like the new addition to the living room. We should have a movie night tonight" Tony suggested, mentioning the new dog bed.
"I thought they would be more comfortable" you flushed.
"We will need a few more soon" he shrugged. "Pup won't stay that small forever" he grinned.
"Its hard to believe, but I know he's going to grow" you finished your breakfast and heard another whine. You got up quickly and went and started making the two bottles. You made yourself another coffee at the same time before coming back and sitting down again. You started feeding pup and he wiggled happily in your arms.
"What is he going to do with himself when you're in training next week" Clint chuckled watching you happily feed Pup.
"He can stay with us" Bruce offered quickly. "He can't get into much"
"I'll stay with Pup" Melody started to offer.
"You'll be in training with me" Cloud told her quickly. "You need to learn"
"Do you have a rubber dummy for the gym?" you looked to Tony. "The one like what we trained Cloud with?"
"Still have it. Why?" Tony asked quickly.
"Melody needs to be trained" you flushed. "Cloud wants to train her"
"She needs to train hard if she wants to go on missions" he responded looking at her directly. She gave a small bark and puffed out her chest.
"I'll train hard" she spoke to you.
"She said she would train hard" you promised Tony. Pup finished his first bottle, and you switched to the second bottle.
"How long until he starts eating meat?" Bruce asked curiously.
"I have no idea, we need to wait for teeth" you wiped Pups face. "Even then, I've never dealt with a pup before, I'm not sure. I'll have to rely on the wolves to help me"
"Does he speak yet?" Bruce leaned forward.
"Not yet" you gave a soft smile. "I'm excited to hear it. He's like a real baby right now. He still waddles more then he walks or runs" you giggled as he got more milk on his face. You put down the bottle and wiped his face before bringing it back and feeding him again. Once he finished he crawled up and nuzzled into your neck and hair again.
"Are you taking them out?" Steve asked expectantly.
"Yeah, I don't want any accidents inside the compound. He needs to learn young" you finished your second coffee.
"I'll go with you" Bucky offered as Clint grabbed your dishes and the bottles and put them in the kitchen for you.
"Its okay jerk, go get some sleep. I'll go with her" Steve gave a smile.
"Thank you" you said to all of them just in general. You walked around the table and Steve came over and walked beside you to the front door with Cloud and Melody behind you. You brought Pup over to use the bathroom while Cloud and Melody had went about their business.
"How did last night go?" Steve asked you gently.
"He's not so bad" you blushed a little. "He was a gentleman"
"Do you still hate him?" Steve pushed a little.
"I never hated him. Heavily disliked. He's growing on me" you looked down.
"I told you", he grinned. Pup half waddled, half ran back to you asking to be picked back up.
"I still see him as a grumpy wolf" you smirked.
"He is known in some places as White wolf" he chuckled. "What's the plan for today?"
"I'm going to do some baking, I think I owe quite a few people some pie at this point" you admitted.
"Bucky likes plum" Steve hinted and you flushed again while he put his arm over your shoulders.

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