John's departure

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When the jet landed you and Bucky held hands as you came off the tarmac and went into the compound with Clint, Cloud and Jasper close behind you.
"I'm starving" you sighed as you walked through the doors.
"You could use to gain a few pounds" Cloud spoke through the bond. "Humans are always so worried about their weight"
"I think the opposite" you sighed again, forgetting yourself and speaking out loud.
"Opposite of what?" Clint asked quickly.
"Cloud thinks I should gain weight" you frowned looking over your shoulder.
"I think you are just perfect the way you are, if you gain weight, I'd still find you perfect" Bucky took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
"Women worry about the weirdest things. As long as she's strong enough to take down Hydra, I don't care what size she is" Clint spoke up.
"Why are we talking about this again? I'm getting uncomfortable. I don't like my weight being talked about" you flushed red.
"Even if you are five hundred pounds, I'd still want you to sit on my face" Bucky leaned down and whispered in your ear. You felt your ears and neck burning.
"I didn't need to hear that" Clint cleared his throat.
"ABSOLUTELY NEVER AGAIN" you heard Nat yelling. "I REFUSE TO WORK WITH HIM!". You perked up, a little scared since Nat rarely ever raised her voice.
"You realize you are on strike three, right?" Steve's voice was a little louder than usual. You held Bucky's hand a little harder, worried about what was going on.
"You guys are being ridiculous. You should have given better orders" you heard John raising his voice back as you came into the living room you saw them all standing there. Bruce was holding Nat while Tony had his arms crossed and looked pissed off. Sam looked like he was uncomfortable and upset, while Scott looked like he was ready to deck someone.
"What's going on?" Clint asked as the three of you stopped in your tracks.
"John decided he didn't like orders and stormed the base. He almost got Sam and I killed, when Hydra got alerted of our whereabouts" Nat answered for everyone.
"Didn't you learn from yesterday?" Bucky asked in a stern voice.
"We didn't have a choice, we had to take the whole base down. I'm disappointed, we didn't have to shed blood today" Steve shook his head. "For what you did today, I can see you are not fit to be a part of this team. You can pack your bags and head back to Shield. That was strike three" he spoke calmly.
"You don't call the shots" John snorted looking at him.
"No, we both do, and I agree with him, just like he agreed with the other two strikes. You are out of here" Tony spoke up.
"This is your fault" John rounded on you and you saw red. You were thinking about how he almost got you killed on the mission, and how Bucky could have gotten hurt or the wolves. You stepped away from Bucky as your body became encased in flames and you took a few dangerous steps towards him. He looked scared, and rightly so.
"Your actions are your own fault, I had no part in this" you growled.
"I want my strike back, I challenge Steve and Bucky in the gym. I can make a better teammate than you" John glared at you, but gulped as you took another step towards him.
"You can challenge my mate, but it's me that you'll be fighting" you growled again.
"I accept your challenge" Bucky put his vibranium hand on your shoulder and you immediately calmed down and the flames went out. You looked at him apologetically and he gave a small smile, and leaned down to kiss you on the cheek. "You won't get your strike back though"
"You need to pack your bags, you are leaving" Tony spoke up.
"After I show Barnes how it's done" John gave a cocky smile.
"After you" Bucky took off his tactical vest and gestured to the gym.
"Baby, you don't have anything to prove" you touched Bucky on the arm.
"I've got this doll" he gave you another kiss on the cheek. Steve rolled his eyes but John led the way to the gym. You held fast onto Bucky's hand as he followed him into the gym. You only let go once John picked a ring and Bucky went to slip in. You stood to the side wishing it was you instead of Bucky in the ring. You wanted to teach him a lesson. Clint put his hand on your shoulder and shook his head, as if telling you this was something Bucky had to do on his own. Bucky was barely past the ropes when John attacked him with a strong punch to the jaw, and Bucky only turned his head slightly and raised his eyebrow.
"We have rules of engagement in this building" Steve growled a bit.
"You're kicking me out anyways, why should I care?" John shook his head.
"You should always care" Scott looked at him as if he found him very distasteful.
"Got anything to say, doll?" John looked at you, and you knew he was trying to goad Bucky on. He didn't have much of a chance. Bucky raised his fist and gave John an uppercut, knocking him clearly off of his feet as he flew back and hit the mat with an audible thud as he made contact with the ground. He went to get up, but fell to the side and was holding his head.
"Don't you ever call my dame, doll, again" Bucky spoke dangerously. You could tell he was upset with such a simple word. "That's my mate" he growled, and looked like he was going to hit him again, but was politely waiting for him to stand up again.
"Mate, what kind of fucked up kink is that? Are you stupid? She's just a girlfriend" John demanded.
"Oh no, now he's done it" Steve chuckled while Bucky took a few dangerous steps towards John like a predator going after it's prey, he grabbed him by the front of his shirts collar before pulling back his arm and he punched John straight in the face with an audible crack of his nose bridge and John yelped in agony before crumbling to the ground as his eyes rolled back into his head showing just the whites of his eyes.
"Asshole" Bucky growled.
"Yeah, he's never going to learn" Tony shook his head.
"I'm going to go pack his bags, he almost got my little gingersnap hurt today" Bruce offered. "Are you okay, honey?" he cooed, still holding Nat.
"I'm okay, just mad he almost got us hurt. I can see why Y/N didn't want to work with him again" Nat sighed looking at you. Bucky stood watching John who was still passed out on the ground, as if waiting for him to get up again.
"Alpha? He's not getting back up from that for awhile" you whispered softly to Bucky. He bent down to John grabbing a fistful of his shirt and wiped the blood off his knuckles and nodded before standing back up to his full height and getting out of the fighting ring. He pulled you into his arms and gave you a soft kiss on the lips. You hummed softly leaning into him. "That was kind of hot" you winked at him.
"None of that right now" Steve chuckled.
"Okay, nothing to see here. Let's clear out, and let him have his nap. Bruce will get his clothes and belongings packed up. I'm calling Fury from my lab to have him picked up. Impressive. He lasted three days, seven hours, thirty four minutes, and sixteen seconds " Tony said with a smile looking down at his watch.
"I'm relieved, I didn't want him knowing about my abilities" you whispered.
"None of us trusted him enough for that" Clint murmured softly. "Come on kid, get showered up and work on your reports"
"We're going" Bucky nodded and led the way out for you, holding the door open for a moment.
"I'm going to take a shower too" Nat announced. "I need to get this hydra grime off of me" she grimaced with a shiver.
"You and I both" Steve agreed quickly and followed the way out.

"I never want to work on another report again" you whined as you hit send on the email. Bucky was sitting with you in the living room of your suite, both of you freshly showered and still slightly dripping water onto the material of the couch.
"It's not so bad, doll, we got in and out without them being any wiser" Bucky gave a proud smile. "And we got the pack of wolves out too" he added quickly with a sense of pride in his tone.
"They are still working on that werewolf project. They're starting human trials soon." you spared Bucky a glance filled with concern.
"We will stop them," Bucky reassured you. "We have you"
"You flatter me" you giggled.
"We will stop them as a team, don't worry about it. Tony and Bruce are on the data once John is gone" he gave a small smile.
"I heard him leaving earlier with Director Fury" Cloud raised his head. "He sounded pretty upset"
"I can't wait to hear about it at dinner" you giggled, speaking out loud.
"What is it?" Bucky asked quickly.
"John was brought out by Director Fury already. It's too bad, I would have loved to have seen him leave" you looked at Bucky.
"I'm sure we will hear about it at dinner, like you said" he smiled at you. "Speaking of..." he drifted off and looked at the time on his watch.
"I'm making cookies tonight after supper" you gave a soft sigh. "I promised the boys cookies" you added softly.
"Hmm... can I help?" Bucky hummed, pulling on your arm to pull you into his lap and giving the side of your neck soft kisses. "I liked baking with you at the cabin," he added huskily in your ear.
"There was more in it for you at the cabin" you cooed to him.
"There's just as much in it for me here" he chuckled, running his teeth softly over the bite mark on your shoulder. He gave it a soft kiss, and hummed to himself.
"Come on, let's get to dinner" you giggled and gave him a loud kiss on his cheek and stood up. He quickly followed you and grabbed at your hand as you led the way out of the suite with Jasper and Cloud behind you both.

"Mama, uppy!" Blue exclaimed as you came into the dining room. He came bolting through the kitchen and ran to stop at your feet, and whined loudly and barked.
"How is my baby doing?" you stooped down to pick him up quickly. You gave his muzzle a quick kiss, and cooed over him while he playfully growled and wriggled in your arms. "Papa!" he called quickly. You leaned more over to Bucky who leaned down to give him a kiss on the muzzle.
"You missed it!" Wanda told you excitedly. "Director Fury was quite upset with John, and almost slapped him upside the head when he started to try to challenge Steve too"
"It was humorous to see," Vision quickly agreed. "We were all glad to see him gone"
"I've been waiting for him to leave since he arrived" Pietro sighed heavily.
"It was hard keeping your abilities to ourselves while he was here" Bruce nodded.
"It was hard to keep them to myself too" you agreed. "The wolves all seem relieved," you added.
"Now that John is gone, we can finally get back to normal" Tony sighed happily.
"He was getting on my last nerve," Bucky admitted.
"Yeah, the second shiner he was sporting was no indication of that" Scott smiled proudly.
"That did feel good," Bucky sighed with a huge grin on his face. "I almost wish he would have gotten back up. I hated the way he kept trying to take a crack at my dame" he grimaced.
"You know I'm yours baby" you gazed at him lovingly. He took Blue from your arms and set him down on the ground so he could eat his food. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and you moved your way to the other side of the table to sit down. Bucky hurried to come sit beside you, and Clint passed down the food.
"John is being taken off missions with Shield. He's being put back into training after the report we gave on him" Tony gave a smug smile.
"I tried to find some positives, but I really couldn't" Steve sighed, admitting it softly.
"That guy was an ass wipe" Scott took a large bite of food.
"He gave me the creeps" you shivered involuntarily.
"Me too," Nat agreed quickly. "He kept staring at me in my cat suit"
"He's lucky I didn't catch him," Bruce frowned. "The hulk loves you too, my little gingersnap" 

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