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When the jet landed you felt like Pup was becoming almost a dead weight, and you could feel his poor little stomach growling. You jumped off the back of the jet before the hatch was even fully down and started making your way inside. You noticed Cloud and Melody were close behind. You walked off the tarmac and headed straight to the kitchen. It was almost five in the morning, and you didn't anticipate anyone else being awake at this hour. You grabbed the formula and followed the instructions to mix it together and put it into a large bottle and started feeding pup. He seemed to shy away from it at first, but once he got a taste he started eating it happily.
"When do we go hunting?" Melody's stomach was growling, and she looked to Cloud.
"We don't, they feed us what we need" Cloud sniffed at her again.
"No hunting?" she seemed surprised at the idea of it.
"Just give me a second" you saw Clint come in. "Can you help me? She needs to eat, and so does Cloud"
"I got it" Clint nodded. "Scotts gone to bed" he informed you. "He doesn't want to miss breakfast"
"You mean when I get yelled at again?" you quirked an eyebrow.
"I don't think Tony meant to raise his voice yesterday as much as he did. You shouldn't have taken those pills to save us all some sleep" he shrugged pulling four steaks out of the fridge and he started cutting them for you. Pup finished the entire bottle in the meantime, and you started mixing another bottle for him immediately. He took to the bottle immediately this time, eating as much as he could while you rocked him as you walked around the room the way you would with a real baby.
"This is my human now too, right?" Melody asked Cloud suddenly and you heard him growl a little.
"If you wish, I will share" he grumbled.
"You will teach me to be a wolf like you?" she seemed to be full of questions.
"Are they talking?" Clint asked you as you kept looking at the pair of them.
"Yes, although Pup hasn't yet" you shook your head. "I've never dealt with one so young before" you admitted.
"Maybe that's normal. Babies develop slowly" Clint reminded you and put down the food in one of Cloud's dishes and in one of the plates they had on hand. Melody and Cloud started digging in immediately.
"This is like the best part of the prey" Melody hummed to herself as she ate.
"That's one of the reasons of what I like about living with the Avengers. They feed us good" Cloud grunted. Pup finished his bottle and nuzzled into your neck.
"You better take them out to the bathroom. I'll see you at breakfast, I'm going to start on my report" Clint grinned.
"You just don't want to miss out on it either" you grinned.
"Wouldn't miss the look on Tony's face for the world" he chuckled leaving you. You put the bottle to the side and waited for Cloud and Melody to finish eating.
"I'll clean your faces when we get back" you gave a small smile.
"What's wrong with our faces?" Melody looked to Cloud.
"She washes off the blood, we have to interact a lot with humans, and quite a few live here. They like us to be clean" he shrugged internally. You led them both to the front door and walked out to the grass. You tried putting Pup down to do his business but he kept running back to you wanting to be picked back up. When you refused, he finally went to the bathroom, following suit to Cloud and Melody. He ran back to you and you picked him back up again and let him nuzzle into your neck. You led them back inside and into your room. Thankfully the compound was still quiet. You weren't sure how long that would be for. You knew you needed to feed pup again at breakfast, and weren't looking forward to the conversation you would need to have with Tony and Steve. Steve seemed more understanding, but you were afraid of Tony's temper coming back out again.
"This is our den" Cloud told Melody as you closed the bedroom door. "Its safe in here" he added.
"Where is the grass?" she looked at him.
"We don't have grass, we go outside to use the grass" he explained.
"Come on you two, lets wash your faces before I take my shower" you spoke gently out loud instead. You led them into the bathroom and you tried to put Pup down again but he whined loudly until you finished washing their faces, and his and picked him up again.
"Cloud, Melody, I need you two to keep him entertained and warm while I take a shower" you decided.
"Put him on my bed, you'll get one of your own today too Melody" Cloud went to his large sized bed and laid down. You put Pup down with him and Melody came over and laid down so Pup was between both of them. He started whining again, and it was breaking your heart. You ran into the closet and found a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with matching undergarments and ran into the bathroom to take a hot shower. You were exhausted and just wanted some sleep, but you had a few things to do today, and Pup was going to need a lot of care. He was too young to be away from his mother. You rushed out of the bathroom as soon as you were done, and didn't even bother with makeup, and just left your hair down to fall over your shoulders. When you came out Pup was sleeping soundly between Cloud and Melody. You check the time on your watch, since Tony still had your phone and saw you had an hour before you had to be at breakfast. You laid down gingerly on the bed and closed your eyes for a moment.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now