A night to remember

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When it was time for bed, your mom handed you three bottles since Pup was already whining for more and she gave you a kiss on the forehead.
"Come on Jasper, Snow, Melody, and Cloud" you got up off the couch. "Good night gentlemen" you flushed when your eyes met Bucky's again.
"Are you feeding him out on the swing?" Bucky asked gently.
"Yeah, I figured it's a nice night out" you nodded with a smile.
"I'll join you, I'm tired anyways" he shrugged and got up.
"Good night you two" Clint waved. "Don't forget you have that big shopping trip in the morning"
"I wont" Bucky grinned.
Bucky followed you and the wolves carrying the paper towels to the bedroom, and he opened your bedroom for you.
"This is our den" Cloud explained the Jasper and Snow. "We go outside to use the bathroom, so don't mark your territory in here. We mark it outside" he continued to explain.
"That will be easy enough to remember" Jasper seemed to be taking everything in stride.
"Are you sure that being my companions is what you both want?" you asked Jasper and Snow internally.
"Absolutely" they both answered at the same time.
"Its going to be a lot of learning pups" Cloud warned them. "You're doing well so far" he seemed to approve. Bucky walked past them and opened up the balcony door for you and you stepped out and sat in the middle of the swing while Cloud told Jasper and Snow to follow him so they could see more of the grounds while you took care of Pup. Melody quickly joined them, wanting to make sure she got in a few words as well. Bucky sat beside you and tapped his legs and you moved so your legs were across his lap again. Without a word you started feeding Pup and he would wipe his face. He still had a smile on his face as he looked at you shyly. You bit your bottom lip, trying to hold back a smile as well.
"What made you uncomfortable earlier?" he broke the silence. "You normally look me in the eye, but you stopped"
"The wolves and Billy talking" you flushed. "They like you quite a bit" you admitted.
"Do you?" he whispered.
"Of course" you nodded without thinking and felt a blush go across your cheeks. "You're a very likable person. You even have my mama won over" you giggled a little. "That's not an easy feat"
"She liked Timothy too" he frowned, and you looked at him in surprise.
"I don't know what she was thinking there, he's not even my type of guy" you shrugged. "Guys my age don't know how to treat a lady anymore"
"What is your type?" he bit his bottom lip looking at you in the eyes.
"Someone who is more than a friend, treats me like I'm the only woman in the room. Remembers the little things. A little mysterious, but honest when asked questions. Understands that I'm a package deal, and doesn't mind it" you added softly. You wanted to just tell him he was your exact type, but you did the best you could without saying it. "Doesn't mind long drives, or going to the museum. Protective. Sweet. Kind" you stopped there thinking you were being too obvious. "What about you?"
Bucky blushed a bit but gave a small smile. "Loving, protective, fun to be around. Doesn't mind just doing small things. The type of dame that lights up the room just by being in it" he gazed into your eyes with a small smile. "Kindness is important, you don't see that often these days. It helps if she's a good cook" he gave a wink and you blushed again. You weren't sure if he was talking about you, because you've never thought you lit up a room, so you let it go.
"It feels like I'm getting to know you more and more" you gave a smile gazing into his eyes and he leaned forward more than necessary to wipe Pup's face. You saw him lick his lips and your eyes flicked down to his lips for a moment before you went back to holding his gaze. Pup let out a bark, and you realized he finished his bottle, and grabbed the next one. The moment was broken, and you felt saddened by it. You were enjoying looking into his eyes, even though someday you would likely have to see him start dating someone else. You bit slightly at your bottom lip at the thought, and quickly let it go. You knew he was offering friendship and you didn't want to jeopardize that.
"What's wrong?" he asked after a moment.
"Nothing" you looked at him and gave your best smile. You knew you were a terrible liar, but this was something you needed to protect. Just his close proximity gave you butterflies, or even seeing him walk by. You couldn't imagine a life without him. "I was just thinking about something" you admitted.
"Are you omitting again?" he touched your cheek, and brushed some hair behind your ear.
"Let a girl have a few secrets Sargent" you whispered. "I do have a lot of pie to make to thank everyone for getting me out of that base" you decided. "Especially Tony, getting that bomb off of my neck"
"Were you scared?" he asked gently.
"Angry, but I knew the team would come for me. I just didn't know how long it would take. It was a lot quicker than expected" you admitted. "I kept trying to get Shawn to come into the cell so I could burn him, but he had the damn remote on him for the bomb. I never even got to punch him" you growled, and noticed Pup was done his bottle and went for the last one. "Scott knocked him out so easily" you shook your head.
"You know, Tony's going to want a report on what happened from you. So is Steve. The whole team is going to know" he reminded you.
"I'll work on it tomorrow. Its still a bit fresh" you admitted. "I'm scared to go to bed, and find out my freedom was just a good dream"
"Let me sleep with the pack tonight, please" Bucky said after barely a moment. "I can help with Pup, and when you wake up, you'll see me and know its not a dream" he offered. "I was scared, I let you out of my sights for just a second, and you were gone" he admitted softly.
"If you can find room on the bed with all the companions, you are more than welcome to stay" you gave a smile. You saw Pup was finishing the bottle. "I'd better go run him down" you put the bottle to the side.
"I'll come with you, and then I'll go change" Bucky stood up with you and followed you down the stairs. You gave him a shy smile as you set Pup on the ground. Jasper, Snow, Cloud and Melody came over quickly.
"Bucky wants to spend the night with the pack too" you told them internally.
"I told you to swish that tail" Melody wagged her tail happily.
"As friends" you reminded her, and her ears fell a bit.
"Humans move slowly in these matters, its tragic" she sighed. "Help me out here Snow. Would they not make great mates?"
"I thought they were" Snow wagged her tail slightly.
"No, just friends. For now" Cloud sat down and nosed at Pup who was moving around a bit more than usual. You smiled down at him proudly. "She doesn't want to ruin their friendship, but she did kiss him on the cheek"
"I kiss the boys on the cheek all the time" you argued internally a bit.
"Not with the same reaction" Cloud licked Melody's muzzle and you knew if she could, she would be blushing.
"So we sleep on the big square thing you sleep on?" Jasper asked, getting back to the task at hand.
"Unless you prefer the floor. I don't mind where you sleep. It matters that your comfortable" you offered.
"We want to do what the other companions do" Snow spoke resolutely.
"Doll?" you heard Bucky's voice break through.
"I'm sorry" you flushed, and bent down to pick up Pup.
"Did you need a shower before bed?" he asked gently.
"Very much so" you nodded. "I still feel filthy, even though I had one earlier" you admitted. "Do you mind watching Pup while I'm in the shower?"
"Not at all" he grinned. "I'll wait for you with the pack" he winked and held out his hands expectantly and you handed him Pup.
"The four of you need to be groomed soon" you decided seeing there was a lot of mud and some blood on them.
"We should bring the groomers here so I can talk the pack through it" Cloud decided. "Its important to act domesticated in front of the humans that are grooming you.
"Do you always have to wear that thing around your neck?" Jasper asked, and you knew he was hesitant since he just had Hydra's one taken off.
"It shows I belong to Y/N, I wouldn't take it off if I had to" Cloud spoke with pride.
"I don't regret putting mine on. Its an honor to be apart of this pack. They are gentle with us, and they train us hard" Melody told them easily. "See the jewels? It tells them if we get separated, to bring me home"
"It might be best to also have Billy present for the grooming" Cloud mentioned to you and you nearly walked into the stairs. Bucky grabbed you quickly and put you back on your feet.
"Careful" he spoke softly.
"There's so much conversation" you blushed. "They are so curious" you started up the stairs and Bucky stayed close behind you.
"Maybe work with your mom a bit on trying to find that happy medium she's always sassing you about" Bucky gave a half smirk, and you wanted to touch his lips again and felt butterflies in your stomach.
"I'll talk to her, maybe she will have some better advice than just the sass" you giggled and headed to your room.
"I'll go get changed" he gave another smile and went into his room.
"Just come in and get comfortable when you're out. I'll find room" you smiled at him and headed into your room, going straight for the closet and grabbing a dark green lace negligee and matching panties before heading into the bathroom for your second shower of the day. You made sure to use extra soap so you could smell your favorite scent during the night, which hopefully would keep you grounded. You washed your hair again, trying to make sure there was no trace of the time in the cell left on you. When you got out, you realized you had been a bit longer than usual but shrugged at it. You brushed your teeth, and put on deodorant before braiding your hair back since it was still wet and coming out to see Bucky very close to your side of the bed, and the wolves all piled on the other side near the window. He had Pup up on his chest and looked uncomfortable. You bit your bottom lip, and kept repeating to yourself you were just friends. You gave a smile and walked over confidently.
"This is the softest thing I have ever laid on" Snow sighed happily.
"This is paradise" Jasper agreed.
"They treat us well here" Melody was up against Cloud and snuggled in.
"There isn't much room, I can sleep in my room" Bucky started to sit up.
"Don't be silly, we cuddle on the couch all the time" you flushed admitting it out loud and slipped into the bed and moved until you were straight against Bucky and he put his arm out so you could rest your head on it, but you decided to push it a little, and rested your head half on his arm, half on his chest, and rested your arm across him. He pulled the blanket over you, and you looked up to see he was blushing a deep red.
"I washed the bottles, and brought in a bunch for the night since I had time" Bucky stammered a little, and you cuddled in a little more.
"Thank you, we are ready for a night with Pup" you smiled against his chest. The butterflies in your stomach were growing like a wildfire, but you didn't care. Even if he only saw you as a friend, at least you had this. It might be one night, but it was a night you would remember for the rest of your life.
"I also remembered paper towels" he added softly.
"You also remembered to bring yourself, that's promising" you nuzzled in a bit more like you would with Cloud. He finally wrapped his arm around you completely and rested it on your shoulder. You sighed happily and could already feel yourself falling to sleep, feeling completely safe especially with Bucky holding you.  

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