Strike two

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When you got off the jet, you unstrapped yourself quickly before doing the same for Cloud and Jasper.
"You are headed for the medical wing" Clint reminded you.
"I'll take Cloud and Jasper to grab something to eat really quick, and wash them up" Bucky offered. "As soon as I'm done, I'll be coming in to check on you"
"I'm staying with her" Clint looked at him seriously.
"What do I do?" John asked after a sigh.
"Go wash up, work on your report. Be as thorough as possible" Clint shrugged. "Don't be surprised if you are on strike two by the end of supper" he took your hand and started leading you towards the compound, across the tarmac.
"Cloud, Jasper, stay with Bucky" you looked at the pair of them and they just looked at you.
"You can't be serious," Cloud demanded.
"He's going to feed you and wash you both down. You are caked in blood. You don't want the pups seeing that" you spoke through your mind.
"Clint will take care of her" Jasper growled looking at John again. You looked away from them, trying to keep your mind on the pain. Your brain kept going back to when Shawn used to stalk you, and that time in the cell again. You didn't understand why, but you figured it was because of the smell of blood and admittedly John was reminding you of Shawn. You squeezed Clint's hand, and he gave a small squeeze back before he walked through the door and led you inside. You both headed for the medical wing where doctor Cho looked up and frowned.
"Not her fault this time, and it's only a knife wound, '' Clint told her quickly.
"Let me see" Doctor Cho came over and Clint pulled up on your sleeve again to show how he had already taken care of the wound. Some blood had oozed out already and Doctor Cho tsked to herself. She cleaned the wound again and led you to the regeneration machine and made you sit down so she could put your arm in. She turned on the machine for an hour and you sighed as Clint sat down beside you.
"You okay?" he asked after Doctor Cho was gone for a few minutes.
"He reminds me of Shawn" you spoke meekly.
"I figured he was" he took your spare hand and held it for a moment. "Close your eyes for a moment, and try to relax"
"I can't relax, everytime I blink I see myself back in that cell again" you whispered. Clint sighed heavily and pulled his chair closer to you, letting go of your hand. He got straight beside you and wrapped his arm over your shoulder.
"I"ve got you kid, just breathe through it" he leaned over and gave a fatherly kiss on the cheek. "Just wait until I tell your other dad" he joked.
"Tony's going to lose it" you rolled your eyes. "He was pretty upset at himself for the heat incident" you looked at him.
"He felt pretty bad after. I really came down hard on him" Clint admitted.
"I don't want to be on your bad side" you giggled softly.
"I'm going to talk to Tony about John. He almost cost us a member of the team, he shouldn't be on missions" Clint pulled you in close.
"He's scheduled for two more," you reminded him.
"Yeah, no. I don't think so" Clint shook his head. "Unless he stays on the outside '' he sighed. "We can't have someone on a mission that can't follow orders. Talk me through what happened" he looked at you. You started going over every detail from when you walked in, to clearing the rooms. How you wouldn't have known there was an issue, if there wouldn't have been that quick warning from Jasper, just before John was behind you. You went over the fight before Clint had arrived in the room, explaining how Bucky got to the hallway fairly quickly after the first shot rang out. You told him about the smell of blood and metal just flooded your memories back again. He rubbed your shoulder and sighed heavily. "I'll keep him away from you" he promised. "Although, I think Bucky's had enough of him at this point, I won't have to work hard at it" he tried to make you smile. "That was a pretty good right hook. He already had a bruise from you yesterday" he added. "That was a proud dad moment" he chuckled and you finally let out a small giggle.
"You sassed me about the rules of engagement" you looked at him.
"I thought you knocked him out to be honest, he hit the mat pretty hard" Clint gave a proud smile.
"I hope Blue and Snow are okay" you frowned a little. "Snow is going through enough, she's probably worried sick"
"She's stronger than you think, so is your pup. I guarantee it" Clint rubbed your shoulder.
"Can you go check on them?" you looked at him hopefully.
"I'll go, but I'll be right back" he nodded and stood up, walking out the second door to go into Tony's lab.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt