Bad news

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You hadn't been gone a few hours when Tony received a call from Director Fury. There was quite a bit of shocking news and Tony sat down in the lab trying to process it, feeling afraid of how you or the team would take the news. They had spent the last week interrogating Shawn instead of sending him to the raft, knowing that he was one of the higher up agents. They had been trying to break him, but they had been unsuccessful. He had managed to escape, and Fury was afraid it was likely with some internal help the night before. Shield had spent the entire night, and most of the day so far searching for him, but he was in the wind. When Fury had to make the call, he felt sick to his stomach, feeling like he let you down.
"What do you mean he escaped, he was supposed to be on the raft" Tony asked angrily and Bruce had looked up in surprise.
"We think he had some help, we were interrogating him before we sent him to the raft. He's a high profile agent, we needed the information on what they were actually looking for from her" Fury sighed. "He's been in the wind since last night" he admitted.
"She's on vacation, we sent her away to an undisclosed location for a few days to get her head together after he kidnapped her" Tony wanted to punch something.
"We don't know if he is going to go after her again, or if he's going into hiding. Its hard to tell what his plans were, he was a tough nut to crack" Fury spoke softly. "Tell her we aren't giving up the search"
"I'm pulling the team from recons for the rest of the week. We will help look for him. I'm sure we will find him. He probably thinks she is still here" Tony sighed heavily and hung up.
"That did not sound like the kind of news I want to hear" Bruce looked upset.
"They lost him" Tony growled and threw his screwdriver across the room. "They were interrogating him instead of sending him to the raft like they should have. I better call her"
"She will turn around and come back" Bruce shook his head.
"I'm going to tell her to stay there for a few extra days. I'm putting the whole team on this. Lets start with the data, and I'll call a meeting tonight. We have enough info on this sadistic son of a bitch, we can catch him" Tony growled. "Lets start with his entire work history and start pin pointing his habits first"
Tony picked up the phone to tell you to stay a few extra days. You answered the phone, but as soon as he started talking the call cut off. He looked down at his phone and wanted to throw it. He went and checked the GPS on the SUV and saw it was offline, and he shook his head. He couldn't risk sending a jet to your uncle's when that might draw attention to where you were. Not yet at least.

"So you are telling me you've spent the last year in a private Hell, and decided to keep it to yourself. You joined the Avengers, got fire powers, four more companions, and moved in with the Avengers after he trashed your house... You've been kidnapped only last week, and you already tried to go back to work... they forced you on vacation and now you are here" Uncle Brad looked at you with shock on his face. "And your companions join you on these missions against Hydra, which according to the papers has been a problem since the second world war" he continued.
"Yes" you nodded, sitting across from him in his recliner while you had taken the couch with all four wolves up on the couch watching him and his facial reactions.
"Not to mention you are dating Sargent Barnes now" he added after a moment. "The former winter soldier"
"That's correct. He's not like what you think. He's sweet, and kind, and such a gentleman" you started flushing at the memory of Bucky. "He goes by Bucky" you added with a wan smile.
"That's the same man you fought with for over eight months, because you harbored a secret" he rubbed his face trying to digest everything.
"I told you, I couldn't tell you in a letter" you shrugged.
"At least your mother knows. I would hate to be the one to tell her all this, you shouldn't keep these kind of secrets from family" he looked at you.
"Says the man that has pushed all his family away" Soren spoke from his perch. You could see his broken wing was almost fully done mending. Your uncle must have taken a lot of time to take care of him.
"I did it because I wanted to die, and it if wasn't for you, you little shit I would still be on that same path. Now I have you to worry about too" your uncle Brad glared at him. "Let me see this fire power" he looked back at you and you raised your hand and flames started dancing along your hand, slowly making its way down your arm but you called it back. "Do you know how to use weapons?" he finally asked.
"Clint tried teaching me knives first, but I'm terrible" you admitted softly. "I even grabbed the knife wrong and sliced my palm open.
"What about a gun?" he stared at you. "If you are so bound and determined on this life, I'd like to know you are protected"
"The wolves don't like the sound of a gun" you shook your head.
"They'll have to get used to it" he sighed. "I know what we will be working on the next few days. I'll teach you what I can"
"I'd rather learn a bow and arrow" you flushed.
"After you learn a gun and knives. You've always been a quick learner songbird" he leaned forward in his chair and studied you. "That rat bastard is in jail right?" he asked, looking livid.
"Once they are done processing at Shield, they send them to the raft. There's no getting out of there once he's in" you smiled. "The only one's that have ever broken out have been actual Avengers"
"I need to go fishing to get Soren his supper" your uncle stood up. "You and your wolves can come, but I ask that you remain quiet. I have a lot to think about songbird. You were supposed to be safe"
You gave a nod and watched as he grabbed Soren and then a fishing rod from beside the front door. You brought your phone with you and followed your uncle out the door, and out to the back of the house where there was a large river. You immediately sat down on a large rock beside the river and took off your shoes, putting your feet in the water. The rest of the pack came up behind you and laid down in the grass remaining silent. You watched your uncle as he seemed so focused on his task, looking to you once in a while and giving a soft smile. It reminded you of when you were a kid, only back then you were invited to fish with him. You took a few photos of the view, and of your uncle with his eagle. You didn't have any service on your phone, but sent some pictures to Bucky anyways since once you were back in a service area it would automatically send. You watched as Soren flapped his wings a few times and went a few feet into the air before groaning and landing back on your uncle's shoulder.
"You are supposed to be resting your wing" your uncle said out loud.
"I miss flying old man" Soren quipped back, and you tried to hold back a giggle. "Are you like this with your companions?"
"I'm normally giving her a hard time, she gets injured easily" Cloud finally spoke up. You saw your uncle look over at you and shake his head. You glared at Cloud and he realized his mistake. "The regeneration machine they have at home always heals her up quickly. Especially after the bullet wounds she got the last month"
"You really picked a dangerous life" your uncle looked at you.
"I froze up on a mission, it was my own fault. I saw bloodied shackles and remembered when I was in that dingy cell and couldn't escape the memory" you spoke softly. "That's why I'm on forced vacation. They want me to take some time to heal, and what better place than here where no one knows it exists"
"Newer cars have that GPS in them" he grunted.
"We are too far in the mountains" you reminded him.
"Were you followed?" he glanced at you again.
"Just a car that was taking their time on the country roads. Once I came in the driveway they sped off" you shrugged.
"No one really comes up this way anymore, which is good for me" your uncle filled a basket beside him of fish, and picked one out and handed it to Soren who ate it quickly. "Come on songbird" he brought his basket of fish with him and started back towards the house. The pack followed you closely and you went back inside. "You have pictures of you and your boyfriend on that thing?" he asked you as you started to put your phone away. You nodded and pulled up your pictures and started proudly showing him pictures of you and Bucky. "You look happy" he decided after a few minutes. "He hurts you and I'll shoot him" he added after a moment.
"Uncle Brad" you glared at him.
"I wasn't joking. I'd like to shoot this Shawn character" he frowned a bit. "I'd have killed him for both your sake and Cloud's sake"
"The only ones that knew I was going through anything were the police, and Wanda. Wanda wanted to take him down too" you admitted. "She was so against me living on my own, instead of at the compound for a long time"
"She's the one you think of as a little sister, isn't she?" he asked quickly and you nodded. "What about these boys you talk about?"
"They treat me like an older sister, they are sweet kids. Its Spiderman and Quick Silver" you grinned. "They go to university all day during the week, and keep an eye on the city at night. They are good kids. They study hard. I like to bring them dessert or make it for them when they have tests" you admitted.
"Its been a while since I've had one of your pies" he mused. "I'll go get groceries tomorrow and pick up some. Will you make me a pie?" he asked hopefully.
"Of course I will" you smiled.
"You still sing when you cook right?" he smiled at you.
"I stopped for a long time, but Mama got me to start singing again, so yes, I'll sing for you" you blushed a bit.
"Good, I miss little things like that. The kids used to love having you over. I still miss them" he sighed and started taking vegetables out of the fridge, and pulled rice out of the cupboard. He fed Soren another fish quickly who seemed happy with himself. He jumped down on the counter and started eating his fish properly. You went to the fridge and pulled out several steaks and grabbed a knife starting to cube them. Your uncle handed you four plates and you gave a soft smile as you started portioning out the food to feed to the wolves.

At supper that night, Tony and Bruce were deep in thought of all the data they went over, trying to ascertain where they would be able to best trap Shawn so they could bring him back in. The fact they were so quiet wasn't missed by the team, or the boys that had come home to have supper for a change.
"Tony, what's going on?" Steve asked as he took a bite of his pork chops.
"We need to have a meeting after supper" Tony spoke hesitantly. "I haven't had time to keep you appraised yet"
"Does it affect the team?" Steve asked gently.
"It will" Bruce nodded.
"You should just tell us" Nat spoke up. Tony looked to Steve who just nodded, as if asking for him to continue.
"Shawn escaped Shield custody" Tony sighed finally saying it out loud.
"What?!" Bucky and Clint exclaimed at the same time.
"He's supposed to be on the raft" Wanda added.
"We just captured him last week" Scott added.
"They were processing him, and doing interrogations. They think he had help from the inside. He got away last night. Shield's been on high alert looking for him. They think he went underground" Tony admitted. "I got a call from Fury earlier. I tried calling Y/N to ask her to stay with her uncle a few more days, but the call got dropped. She's already at her uncles"
"She would be safer here" Bucky looked livid.
"This is the first place they are going to look if they still have an interest in her" Tony winced.
"Which they very well might, since she did show her fire abilities while she was fighting her way out of the base" Bruce added.
"That should scare them off" Scott argued.
"It proves that she knows how to make a serum to create abilities, which is exactly what they've been working on" Tony reminded him. "We need to help find him and bring him in"
"We need to cancel the rest of the missions the rest of the week" Clint spoke up. "I don't want her coming home to this mess"
"I'm going to try to text her, postpone our date and ask her to stay a little longer" Bucky took out his phone and started texting you quickly.
"We don't want her to know he escaped" Steve told him gently. "We need her to think she's still safe" he reminded him. "She's been through enough. We will take care of this as a family"
"I'll just tell her I have extra missions" Bucky bit his bottom lip, hating to lie to you.
"Its not exactly a lie" Pietro shrugged. "Should we look for him in the city, or should we take time off school?"
"No, don't miss out on school for this one. You have tests this week. We will take care of it. We might need your help this weekend. Hopefully she gets the message to stay longer" Tony texted you as well.
"Give me some high profile targets, I'll go and do interrogations" Nat offered.
"We have a list honey, I'm not sure you should go alone" Bruce looked at her worriedly.
"This is what I'm good at" she reached over and touched his cheek. "I'm going to help find him so she can come home safely"
"I need some targets too" Wanda spoke up.
"We know" Tony sighed. "We are honestly reviewing a lot of data"
"Let us do it as a team" Sam spoke up.
"I want to help with bringing him in" Peter spoke up. "Pietro and I are good at our Avenger work"
"On the weekend we will need you. You need to focus on school" Wanda reminded him. "Y/N would be disappointed if you missed out on more school again"
"We have the data up in my office, we can start printing off the targets names and we will split them up" Tony decided.
"We should have all jets in the air, and try to get to as many as possible. Bucky is good at interrogations as well" Steve spoke up.
"I'll bring Sam with me, just in case I have to throw someone off a building again" Bucky grinned.
"I do enjoy when we do team work like that" Sam admitted. "Just don't start bragging about your girlfriend again"
"I am a lucky man, Sam" he grinned even more. "She lights up the room, you don't see that happen anymore. I want that bastard on the raft for what he did to her" 

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