Pack leash training

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Bucky drove back to the compound a little bit slowly, as if he was contemplating something. You looked at him, and he seemed deep in thought.
"Penny for your thoughts?" you asked gently.
"Hmm?" he looked at you and smiled.
"What's wrong?" you asked softly.
"I'm just looking forward to our date on Friday" he grinned. "I have this great place planned out for after supper"
"What's it going to be?" you asked, forgetting what he had mentioned.
"You'll see" he shrugged and pulled into the compound parking lot. "Wait for me to get your door" he instructed, and you slowly took off your seatbelt and grabbed your large wolf that he had bought for you and your purse. He pulled open your door, and you jumped out. He pulled you close and closed the door before leaning you against the truck and leaning down to kiss you again. You sighed happily as he nipped on your bottom lip and he deepened the kiss again. You knew you never get tired of his kisses. The rampaging butterflies or not, this was Heavenly. He pulled back after a few minutes and took your hand.
"Thank you for the lovely date" you finally remembered that words were important.
"My pleasure doll" he opened the front door and you walked in. You leaned up and gave him another kiss on the cheek.
"I'll see you at the table in a moment, I need to put this away" you blushed and went to your room.

When you got to the dining room, Bucky was seated in Clint's normal spot and grinned at you as you came in. You slipped in beside him and sat down.
"Blue was a good boy, before you ask" Steve smiled. "He just ate not that long ago" he was still holding him.
"Good, I'm so glad" you beamed, still having your mind on your date, you had forgotten about the wolves for a moment. "Do you mind helping with leash training this afternoon?" you asked worriedly.
"Tinman already asked for you, we both said yes" Sam gave you a smile.
"Thank you" you gave a sigh of relief.
"I get Melody though" Sam warned you.
"I wanted to try with Jasper" Steve looked over expectantly.
"I wanted to try with Snow" Bucky whispered to you.
"Did the three of you already plan this out?" you giggled.
"We might have" Sam shrugged. "How was your date?"
"Delightfully wonderful" you sighed happily as Nat and Bruce came in and sat down with their pup. Wanda, Vision, Tony, Pepper and Happy close behind.
"Where did he take you?" Pepper asked with a smile.
"A diner that had some of the best pancakes I've ever had, and the farmers market. I haven't been in forever, it was wonderful" you gushed. "He bought me this necklace, and a big wolf stuffy" you couldn't help yourself. "I bought some wolf earrings and a wolf necklace, but now I don't know that I'll wear it. This necklace is so beautiful"
"It suits you" Nat smiled.
"I love the color on you" Wanda cooed.
"Nice choice Manchurian Candidate" Tony grinned.
"Bucky was such a gentleman, and really spoiled me" you continued happily. You saw him flushing a bit beside you, but you couldn't stop yourself.
"We received a few calls to confirm that Bucky is dating" Tony looked over at Bucky with a grin. "Did you forget your hat you normally use?"
"I just wanted to spend the day, not worried about it" Bucky admitted.
"There were a few good photos taken, not to worry, I bought them already" Tony let you both know and you blushed.
"Can I see them?" you bit your bottom lip, and he passed you his phone. You scrolled through the photo's and secretly sent some to yourself.
"Send them to me too" Bucky whispered to you with a wink and you flushed but did as he asked before handing Tony back his phone.
"You're getting announced at one point, I'm feeling like a party at one point" Tony let you know as food was passed around the table.
"Why though? I've been with the team eight months. There's no rush" you shrugged.
"Nine months" Bucky corrected you.
"You're permanent, and I want a reason to throw a party" Tony shrugged as well. You bit your bottom lip and nodded.
"I should probably send my uncle a letter to warn him before he sees it in the daily newspaper" you decided.
"I thought he was a hermit?" Bucky asked quickly.
"He still reads his mail and newspaper" you gave a shy smile. "We used to be close before he lost his companion. I've been wanting to go check my mail to see if I have any news from him"
"I'll have your mail forwarded to the compound, and have one of the contractors bring over anything that's already there" Tony decided for you.
"I still have so many bills to update" you sighed remembering you had been putting it off.
"You were supposed to have cancelled most of your bills" Pepper reminded you.
"A lot has happened. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around everything" you admitted. "I haven't been dealing with things the way I should have been by now" you shook your head, and Bucky touched your thigh under the table.
"Don't you think you should take some time for yourself? You were kidnapped, and that's still haunting you quite a bit" Wanda asked gently.
"I don't know" you bit your bottom lip.
"Tell you what, if you can't handle training or your missions, we will put you on a small vacation and get you in touch with a psychiatrist. Maybe you can go visit with your mom for a few days, or a week" Steve offered. You gave a small nod.
"I think a psychiatrist is probably needed either way after the last year of hell she's been through, no offence" Nat spoke up quickly.
"It wouldn't hurt to talk to someone about it" Bruce nodded. "Before you say it Tony, I'm not that kind of doctor"
"No, but we can get the doc we all use to come in and help her out a bit" Tony nodded. "It'll help with the nightmares too" he hinted and you flushed a bit.
"We all talk to the same psychiatrist, they've been pretty helpful. His name is Doctor Smith, but he just wants everyone to call him Sunny" Sam offered. "He used to work out of Shield, but he got transferred to just us since we all need someone who can give us their full focus"
"I'll look forward to meeting him" you decided and dug into your lunch. You were admittedly hungry after the walk you had with Bucky. You saw he had pulled his chair a little closer to you while you all ate. Cloud came around the table and sat beside you. You got up quickly to grab some wet paper towels for all of them, and came back to sit down and wipe his face.
"I'm glad you had fun on your date pup" Cloud licked your hand. "I'm looking forward to their leash training.
"Are we taking them to school?" you giggled to him.
"Only if they ask for it" he licked your hand again before leaving and you went back to eating.
"Are you grabbing the leashes after?" Steve asked suddenly.
"Yes, as soon as I'm done eating" you nodded. "And then tonight after supper I get time with Nat's pup" you smiled softly.
"We decided we would join you for it" Bruce let you know. "We are having a hard time letting our little girl out of sight" he admitted.
"Its okay, I just introduce them to the pack, and to each person and talk to them the whole time. You can hold Blue while I'm doing it" you gave a soft smile again.
"We've been trying to get the pups used to each other in the morning's now" Bruce grinned.
"It's been fun, we learned a lot from watching you with them" Tony nodded.
"It's one of my favorite parts of the day now" Vision smiled over. "We all try to take a turn each holding a pup or Blue"
"We are so excited for their first howls" Pepper added, and you finished your meal and took a drink.
"Well, if it goes the same way as it was with Blue, so will their first words. Did you all choose their names yet?" you asked curiously.
"We did" Tony offered.
"We are still talking about names" Wanda admitted.
"We chose our girls name" Nat cooed to her pup.
"They are about the same size as Blue, so it could be anytime now" you offered. "I'll go grab those leashes" you smiled and went around to grab Blue from Steve before heading to your room.

When you came back you had the four leashes around your neck and Blue snuggled in your arm. You smiled shyly to Bucky as you came around and sat beside him again.
"All their faces have been washed" Steve let you know.
"Are you all ready to go then?" you asked him curiously.
"We are ready" Sam nodded and you stood back up. You handed Bucky Snow's leash, then proceeded to hand Sam Melody's, and Steve Jasper's. You walked towards the balcony door, and Cloud waited patiently with the other wolves for you.
"I'm so excited" Snow cooed.
"You'll be with Bucky" you let her know. "Jasper, you are going to walk with Steve, and Sam wanted to walk with you Melody"
"Its good that we know who to go to" Melody seemed to approve.
"Remember not to pull on your leash, it will hurt your neck" Cloud reminded them as you opened the door and started down the stairs. When you got to the grass Cloud went to the side and sat down, and the others followed his lead. You went over and easily clipped Cloud's leash on and he stood up and stood at your side proudly. The boys went to their respective wolves and snapped on the leashes.
"I want you to stay beside your human no matter what, do not look back or veer off. For today, its just walking forward" you spoke out loud for the boys benefit. "This is important because once you are on missions, you wont have the leash, but you still need to stay one with the human you are with. You need to understand their movements and keep your eyes out for danger. Sometimes you'll see something before we do, and we need to rely on your senses too" you explained.
"Watch how we do it first, then follow" Cloud instructed.
"Watch us go first" you spoke out loud again. You and Cloud started out on the track and walked around it, sprinting at some points but it was hard to manage while you were holding Blue. When you got to the group again, you nodded and they started following going in a line behind you.
"Jasper, keep your head up" Melody called. "You too Snow, stop looking sideways"
"She's so bossy" Jasper grumbled.
"I heard that" Melody responded quickly.
"You need to follow my lead pups" Cloud called back.
"I don't see how this helps us" Snow called up and you stopped, forcing the others to stop.
"Lets take them to school" Cloud looked at you.
"Bucky, can you hold Blue for a few minutes?" you asked him with a shy smile. He nodded seeming a little confused. "They need a demonstration of why its important" you explained softly.
"Being one with your human is always important. Its how we have learned to fight in battle. If you are not in tune with your human, you can put them in danger, or yourself in danger" Cloud explained. "Watch how we do without the leash" he offered, and you unsnapped his leash.
"Stay" you spoke out loud. You were trying to mindful of your dress while you mapped out what you were going to do. Cloud stood at your side, and you put it on the ground in front of Bucky and started sprinting forwards with Cloud right beside you. You got to a park bench and you put one foot on the seat and launched yourself over while Cloud jumped over it easily staying beside you. You made a run for the woods and zig zagged through the trees and he never left your side once. You came to a full stop and he stopped beside you before you went for another sprint back to the boys, vaulting yourself over the bench again and stopped in front of them and you crouched down and picked up the leash.
"You figure out how to use the leash, you can figure out your human" Cloud spoke proudly as you snapped his leash back on.
"Wow, he never left your side once, just like on missions" Sam smiled at you.
"That's what they needed to see" you panted a bit from rushing so much.
"That was beautiful" Snow decided. "I want to learn this now" she looked to Bucky to start moving.
"You didn't look to the side once" Jasper seemed in awe.
"I don't need to. She looks out for danger for me too" Cloud puffed out his chest while you started walking again. You felt your neck getting sore as you continued to walk and Melody kept calling out to stop veering off, and to remain beside their human. You knew the bond was getting stronger from the feels of it, their pain was becoming yours. You all walked around the track several times before the pain in your neck started to ease and you knew it was more successful this time.
"Okay, that's good for today. We will try this again next week" you smiled. "Or you can train with someone during the week as well while I'm on missions. You just need to bring your leash to someone, and they will understand. Pick someone that's in the gym more often then the others". You leaned down and unsnapped Clouds leash, and saw the boys do the same with the other wolves. You rubbed at your neck, you had another kink in it again.
"Come on, its almost supper time" Steve started leading the way up the stairs after handing you back the leash, Sam and Bucky followed suit. Bucky handed you Blue and stopped you before you started up the stairs, he stopped you.
"What's wrong Bucky?" you asked gently.
"You have another kink in your neck" he went behind you and started rubbing out the kink for you. You moaned happily as he got the knot out, then rubbed your shoulders. He stopped and suddenly kissed you on the back of your neck, and you felt your face blush.
"Thank you" you smiled shyly at him.
"Come on doll" he took your hand and led you up the stairs.  

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