Gun practice

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Bucky decided that him and Sam made a good team, while Steve and Scott were on their own missions for intel from different higher up Hydra agents. When Bucky had taken his target, he brought him to a roof, and asked where Shawn was. They pretended that they had no idea. Bucky just threatened to drop him off the roof, but they refused to budge. Getting tired of the lies, he kicked him over the side, and Sam flew up and brought him back to the roof. The man had pissed his pants in fear, and cowered. He started singing a new tune automatically while both Sam and Bucky stalked towards him.
"He's looking for the target. He wanted to finish his mission even though we told him he needed to go under for a while. We don't know where he is. He took a team and took off. He does a daily check in, but its all in code, I don't know what it says. I'm not that high up" the man was shaking. "Don't throw me off the roof again"
"You are headed for processing" Sam decided.
"They'll kill me before you get me to the raft" he shook his head. "I'd rather die" Bucky saw him go for the fake tooth in his mouth, and grabbed him by the jaw and fished it out. He was trying to say Hail Hydra, but Bucky was too quick, and threw the pill to the side.
"There's no easy way out of this for you. That's my girl your after" he grit his teeth.
"We know she has powers, she must have given them to herself. When we get her we will test on her and replicate her serums" he spat at Bucky who clocked him, and knocked him out.
"Well, I'm not carrying him. He peed everywhere" Sam looked at Bucky who grimaced and picked him up.
"Lets just get him to the van" he sighed. He felt like he wasn't any further ahead, but knew he had more information than he started the day with. He felt a little awkward walking through a busy building with a man passed out over his shoulder. Both he, and Sam were getting curious looks. They got back down to the main street and handcuffed the man before sliding him in the back of the van. Sam took off his wings and got in the front passenger seat.
"She's going to be fine, she's strong and she's in no man's land" Sam reminded Bucky as Bucky got in the front.
"I just want him on the raft before she comes home" he growled. "She went through the nightmare long enough. Now they want to use her as a guinea pig" he shook his head.
"She's an Avenger, she could kick their ass if they tried" Sam shook his head. "Your girl has moves"
"That's the truth, she took me on in the ring a few times" Bucky blushed remembering when you both last sparred together. He loved the way it ended. You had really thrown yourself at him, and he no longer felt like questioning if you wanted him too. He could feel it through your clothes. Just like the night before you left. He loved the way that you looked at him, it was as if he was the only man in the world to you. It made him feel even more special. He didn't know how he lucked out so easily, but he was happy he did. He still sometimes dreamt of being the winter soldier, but when he woke up he would remember you were just next door and the world seemed to be alright again.
"We better go get Steve and Scott" Sam broke his musings. "Hopefully they got a little more info than we did"

Uncle Brad it turned out wasn't kidding. He had set up a target practice and came out with several guns for you to choose from after breakfast. You sighed internally but looked to the pack.
"Go to the river, and mind your ears" you warned them.
"This is for your own good pup" Cloud decided before giving you a lick on the cheek and headed to the river. Your uncle put a rifle in front of you, before grabbing Soren and taking him over to the riverside to sit with the pack. When he came back, he started explaining each part of the gun to you, and showing you how to check the barrel to make sure that it was loaded or not, or to check for blockages. He went over as much gun safety as your brain could handle before he showed you how to load the rifle, and he handed it to you. You looked at him curiously and he sighed heavily.
"You want to be careful how you hold it" he showed you how to hold it properly. "Now I want you to aim it at the cans on the fence. You need to take in the fact that the breeze might move your bullets slightly. You need to focus" he showed you how to aim, and check to make sure you were aiming properly at a target.
"It's going to give you a bit of a kick" he warned you. "Now shoot" he instructed and you fired. The bullets sprayed and hit the fence, not necessarily the cans. You felt like you were going to have a bruise on your shoulder. "Again" he instructed and you tried aiming again. You aimed a little higher and saw one can moved slightly. He kept instructing you to keep going, so you would reload and try again and again, and again. You finally started hitting the targets when it was getting close to supper, but your shoulder was killing you. He went inside for a moment while you started collecting the guns to bring inside and he came back out a moment later with a cold compress. He took the guns and brought them inside, and returned a minute later with his fishing rod.
"Come on, lets go to the river" he clapped you on your good shoulder. "You did good today" he decided. "We will go back to working on knives after supper"
"I thought you wanted me to make a pie?" you gave him a grin.
"You can make the pie while I make supper. I don't need the oven" he shrugged. "I expect to hear my songbird" he chuckled leading the way to the riverside. You followed him diligently and took off your shoes, sitting on the rock and dipping your feet into the water. "Did you bring your swimsuit?" he looked at you expectantly.
"I did" you gave a shy smile.
"The river is still good for swimming, you should take advantage of it tomorrow morning before you start on your knife training again" he nodded to himself.
"You're not really giving me a break on my vacation" you sighed.
"You need to focus on something besides your past. How do you think I've managed to survive the days?" he asked you gently. "I still think of my family, every day. I wanted to tell the kids so badly about Soren this morning, but I don't want to give them false hope in case he changes his mind"
"I'm not changing my mind old man" Soren quipped. "I'm here with you until the day we both die. I'm not trying to replace Luna, I'm just the second companion who see's a man in need of one"
"You're not wrong" you sighed. "That's what I was making my way up here to talk to him about"
"Everyone wanted this so badly for me. I forgot how much it means" your uncle looked to you as he continued to fish.

"What do we have?" Tony asked as the team all started coming in. Both Wanda and Nat were dressed in cocktail dresses with make up on.
"He's chasing her" Bucky announced as he came in. "We brought a few to Shield for processing"
"He apparently took a team and went underground. They don't know where he is. We tried a few unsavory methods to try to get them to talk" Steve admitted.
"They plan on using her to get her serum from her blood" Nat reported. "They want to replicate it, and use the basis of it to make their werewolf serum"
"Hydra is pissed he's gone with one of their teams. Its his last chance before they cut him loose" Wanda reported. "They figured out she's an Avenger now, and don't want to bring any more attention to their bases since we keep destroying them"
"Do they know about her psychic abilities with animals?" Tony raised an eyebrow.
"No" Wanda shook her head. "I dove deep into their minds. They only know of her fire power. They think Cloud and the rest of the wolves are just cherished pets"
"That's promising" Bruce gave a soft sigh. "The less they know, the better"
"She dated him for three months, and she never told him about her ability" Tony realized out loud.
"She barely told you, until you insisted you were bringing her to the team" Steve smirked at him.
"I remember, she said she wouldn't come without Cloud. I had a hard time buying that he was just a service dog" Tony admitted. "Only Fury knew that secret before me"
"She's a lot more open now, its nice" Sam gave a small smile. "I remember when she first started too. She barely looked any of us in the eye, she was always focused on Cloud"
"Until we started training Cloud at the same time as her, then she started coming out of her shell" Clint grinned.
"Watching them fight together though, is beautiful. They are like one person" Vision observed. "Two halves of one whole"
"That's what the companion is supposed to be, at least the way she explained it to me" Bucky seemed thoughtful for a moment. "Even Billy had to be her mother's second half as she was growing up. He's the closest thing she had to a father, besides Tony and Clint" he admitted. Clint and Tony looked up quickly and seemed to both be in shock.
"She is like my own kid" Clint finally spoke.
"That's what I've been treating her like too" Tony admitted softly.
"She see's us all as family" Wanda gave a small smile. "That's why we need to focus and find him"
"I'm going to call her mom and see if her or any of the family have seen anything strange going on. He might target them" Tony sighed.

You couldn't help the smile that came across your face as you started making an apple pie for your uncle while he prepped and made supper. You had turned on some ABBA and danced and sang as you moved around the kitchen. Soren watched from his perch in the living room as you moved, while the wolves just happily watched you from the couch. Cloud and Melody snuggled more into each other while you continued to sing and dance.
"That's the songbird I remember" your uncle sighed happily as he watched you.
"She should do this more often, she smiles more" Snow looked to Jasper.
"She smiles like that at us, Blue and Bucky" Jasper watched you closely. You still had the cold compress on your shoulder, so your movements were a little hindered. You had made quick work of the dough before you put in the apple slices and moved to the stove to make the caramel to put on top of the apples. Your uncle stood back while you whisked quickly and brought the pan over to fill the pie. You put the pan in the sink before putting the lattice on top, and putting the pie in the oven. You continued to sing while you went and washed the dishes that needed to be done so far and your uncle went back to slowly preparing supper.
"Should only be an hour" you gave a wan smile as you finished. "Well, forty-five minutes now" you changed your mind.
"That's all it will take for me to finish supper" he nodded and went back to cooking. "Go take a seat, I won't be long. This will need to simmer for a bit, why don't you deal out the cards for us" he gestured to the table and you went and dutifully sat down. He went and grabbed Soren and put him on the kitchen counter and gave him a few fish. You saw he had already cubed the steaks for the pack as well. He slowly made his way over and sat across from you and gave a small smile. "Do you miss your team?"
"A little bit" you admitted picking up your hand. "I miss Blue quite a bit, it feels odd not waking up several times a night to feed him"
"How often do you have to get up with him?" he asked as he played his first card.
"Three times a night, Steve comes to get him around six in the morning for his breakfast" you gave a small smile.
"The older brother" he nodded, showing you he really did pay attention when you told him everything that had happened over the last year.
"Seems like what I imagine one would be like" you giggled.
"They going to show up here?" he raised an eyebrow.
"The only way they would show up is if its an emergency, life or death. They know you're a hermit, and there's booby traps everywhere" you shrugged.
"Good, I prefer it that way" he nodded to himself.  

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