Good things that don't change

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When you got to your room, you saw that your laundry had been done for you, as well as the sheets and blankets had been changed to a moss green color and you smiled in appreciation. You headed to the bathroom first, needing to use the facilities as well as wash up a little. You had been in the car for so long. Blue let you put him down on the floor and he walked around a little bit while you did everything before he wanted up again. You calmly picked him up and went out to see that Bucky had left your overnight bag on the table, and all your vases now had roses in them. One vase was yellow, one was blue, and one was red. You smiled to yourself, enjoying the smell filling the room and put all your dirty clothes in the hamper. You saw that your closet was re-organized but still to your liking which was a nice surprise. You figured Tony had something to do with the small changes in your room. The pack all were laying in the dog beds looking at you curiously as you set Blue down with them and you grabbed one box at a time to put on the bed.
"Did you guys want to go for more of a run while I put this away? I know it was a long drive" you looked at them with a smirk.
"Do you mind?" Melody looked up. "I feel so crampy" she twitched her ears.
"Come on" you went over and opened the balcony door. "I'll whistle when its time for supper, so don't go too far" you warned them. They all ran out, and you left the door open in case they wanted to come back early. You started opening the boxes and saw some of the baby doll nightgowns had come in the mail and you giggled as you tried one on, on top of your clothes and smiled happily looking at them. They were a bit more see through, but you figured it would be for nights where you knew it would just be you and the pack. Or maybe for a night alone with Bucky if things escalated to that. You flushed at the thought and went to hang them all up. You opened up the next few boxes and saw it was the books you had ordered. They all had great reviews, and promised to be full of smut. You giggled to yourself, remembering all the books you used to have back at the cabin of the same type. You paused thinking about how you hadn't had sex in years, and wondered again about Bucky and what it would be like with him. Butterflies filled your stomach at the thought of being that intimate with him, as you remembered the feeling of his skin as you two had made out by the river. His kisses were electric, and wonderful. Nothing like any kiss you had, had in the past.
You started putting your books away, taking a moment to read the back of each one again. You flushed at some of the descriptions of the stories, and bit at your bottom lip. You decided on one of the racier ones to read tonight. It wasn't like anyone read over your shoulder, and at worst Wanda would know what you were reading. You knew she wouldn't judge you for it. You put the book to the side, promising that you would definitely start it tonight. You couldn't wait. You turned on your music to your love songs again as you finished putting things away, and once you were done you checked the time to see you still had at least half an hour before supper. You carried Blue outside with your book and sat on the swing for a moment looking out before you started reading.
"I thought I might find you out here" Bucky came out of his room on the balcony, and headed towards where you were.
"Blue should be getting hungry soon" you gave a small smile, barely taking your eyes away from your book. You were already getting into a smutty part and you flushed a bit as he sat down beside you. You moved so your legs were across his lap, and he put his arm around you.
"You reading a new book already?" he chuckled.
"I ordered a few sets off Amazon, so far its pretty good" you admitted with flushed cheeks. He dipped down and looked at the back and you saw him reading what the book was about and he blushed a bit.
"You really like those kind of books?" he stammered a little.
"Do you want me to be honest?" you raised an eyebrow still blushing.
"Yes, I prefer your honesty" he responded quickly.
"I haven't had sex in years, this helps with that. Keeps the imagination going that it could be good again someday" you blushed as you answered.
"Someday might not be too far away" he blushed and kissed you on the cheek. "Do you mind if I read this when your done?"
"Want to know what I'm into?" you giggled.
"I'm curious" he nodded.
"This isn't necessarily going to answer your questions" you shrugged. "But if you want to read it, you can" you nodded.
"Gives me something to do when I can't sleep" he chuckled a little to himself. Blue let out a howl all of the sudden and you jumped. "I'll go get the bottles" Bucky tapped your legs and you moved your legs.
"Thank you Bucky" you gave him a smile. "I can come with you"
"Enjoy your book, the faster you read it, the faster I can read it" he winked at you.
"Its not that big, I'll probably be done it tonight" you blushed a bit.
"Even better" he grinned and walked through your bedroom to go get the bottles. You rocked Blue and continued to read while he started saying "mama, papa" several times over. Your heart filled to the brim with love for him, and you gave him a few kisses on his face until Bucky came back. You saw he also had the paper towels and he sat back beside you again. He reached down and pulled on your legs and you put them back over his lap as he handed you the first bottle.
"Back to normal" Bucky grinned at you as he reached over to wipe Blue's face.
"I did miss this" you admitted leaning more into him as you fed Blue.
"You have no idea how much I missed it" he whispered to you.
"Only difference now is he keeps saying mama and papa" you gave a half smile.
"That's on Sam and Scott. I didn't even know they were doing it until Thursday" he admitted quickly.
"I don't really mind" you giggled. "I'm worried if something happens, but I don't mind" you decided. "You've been helping to take care of him since the beginning too"
"We all wanted to, he's a good pup" Bucky grinned and leaned into you more and kissed you softly on the lips. Blue let out a small bark, and you saw the bottle was empty already. Bucky passed you the next bottle, and took the empty. You both snuggled into each other, and watched as Blue ate. Bucky continued to wipe his face for him, trying to make sure nothing got on your clothes. He took a moment to brush some of your hair out of your face, and tuck it behind your ear before giving you another soft kiss on the lips again. By the time the third bottle was done, Bucky was already up grabbing the empty bottles to bring to the kitchen, and you went down the stairs to take Blue to the bathroom. You checked the time and saw it was almost supper time and let out a loud whistle. Blue walked around on the grass for a moment and used the bathroom before he started to whine wanting back up again. You scooped down and picked him up again while you saw the pack come running out of the woods towards you.
"You did gain some weight while I was gone" you giggled to Blue, and gave him another kiss on the muzzle.
"Is it finally time to eat?" Snow asked excitedly.
"Just about, lets go pack" you smiled to them and started heading up the stairs again. You saw Bucky was just coming back out onto the balcony and he smiled at you. "I forgot, thank you for the roses" you leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I adore them" you added softly.
"I adore you" he leaned down to kiss you again and you sighed happily against his lips.
"I adore you too Sargent" you nipped at his bottom lip and his hands went to your hips pulling you in automatically. Blue let out a bark as he tried to deepen the kiss, before he pulled back with a resigned sigh.
"Later" he decided.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now