An afternoon drive

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When you woke up, it was Bucky picking you up off of the floor. You were a little surprised at first, but quickly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and you saw a smile grace his face.
"It's just about lunch time," he grinned at you. You looked down and saw that Snow and Jasper's steaks were already there on the floor for them, and they had fresh water.
"I'm just so tired all the time" you pouted.
"I started reading some of those parenting books on the internet while we were hanging out in the living room. Steve and Sam joined your mama, Uncle Brad and I with the rest of the pack. I gotta admit, it's weird not having you, Snow and Jasper out there with me" he gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek. You wiggled a little and he set you carefully on your feet and you gave him a kiss on his bearded cheek in response before standing on your own. "The books said the worst is the first few months, and you are already a month in, so it won't be much longer"
"Mama used to complain she was sick all nine months with me" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Hopefully you won't be,'' he held you close for a moment.
"I hope not, this is really bothering the pack. I don't want them to suffer with me" you pouted.
"We know what we signed up for," Jasper reminded you gently. "Thankfully the pups aren't bonded to you as well"
"I'd hate for them to think this was normal" you wrinkled your nose in response, and quickly explained what Jasper said to Bucky. "Are we going for our drive after lunch?" you asked expectantly.
"Yeah, I've got everything I need for the drive. We can grab one of your favorite drinks on the way from Starbucks" he offered.
"I can't have caffeine" you pouted again.
"You like some of the other stuff they have" he reminded you and you nodded in acknowledgement. "We won't be gone too long," he promised.
"You should have fun" Snow perked up. "I can tell you are starting to feel a little better already," she added.
"I am feeling a little better, so it's the ideal time to go," you acknowledged softly. Bucky still held you close, seeming to be enjoying the close contact. "Baby, if it's lunch time you need to let me go so I can walk there" you giggled.
"I have a better idea" he bent down and picked you up like a new bride again. You started laughing at the silliness of the moment and wrapped your arms around him again. "I want you to keep your strength up" he joked as he headed to the open suite door.
"I have plenty of strength" you laughed as he started down the hallway towards the dining room.
"But do you have enough for what I have planned for you" he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"Oh you..." you blushed and tapped him playfully on the chest.
"Can't help it doll. I'm insatiable when it comes to you" he winked and you felt the heat starting to pool between your legs already. You knew it was from the bond, in reaction to him and he audibly sniffed and leaned down to kiss you on the side of the neck. "Smells like it's reciprocated" he whispered hungrily in your ear.
"Always" you shifted your legs together to try to bring some relief. You wondered if you would ever survive him.
"What are you two giggling about?" Sam asked as you both came into the dining room. He appraised you with your flushed cheeks and Bucky's smirk.
"James is being silly" you held tight to his shoulders as he set you down in a chair, before he pushed it in.
"Ah, young love" Uncle Brad chuckled. "Don't forget I'll still shoot you if you hurt her son" he looked at Bucky pointedly.
"If I hurt her, I hope you don't miss" Bucky nodded.
"I don't plan on it" Uncle Brad gave a smile, which made you shiver. You knew he would make good on his promise.
"Are you feeling any better?" Wanda asked with a smile, breaking the silence in the room.
"I am, just needed a nap with Snow, Jasper and the pups" you nodded quickly as the food started getting passed down the table.
"They must be getting bigger, we should come see them soon" Wanda looked to you, as if for permission.
"Snow has been pretty comfortable with everyone that's come in so far. She's a good mama. The pups are growing steadily, and are latched onto her quite a bit. If they aren't eating, they are sleeping" you giggled.
"Just like our pups when they were young" she sighed happily.
"Basically" Bucky nodded, joining in on the conversation. "Jasper is never far away, he's pretty protective of his little family"
"Just like you are" Melody chirped up and you flushed. "We are all pack, afterall" she reminded you. "And we are pregnant together. He's already protective of your little litter" she cooed.
"Litter?!" you yelped speaking out loud, and looked around the table after a moment, having forgotten yourself.
"Your uncle says not to worry, you likely won't have a litter" Soren's voice entered your mind. You looked at them both shocked. "He also wants me to remind you he's been through it four times already, he knows the signs". You blushed a deep red, and reached out for Bucky's hand after filling your plate. He filled his plate and took your hand, kissing your knuckles.
"What's this about a litter?" Steve asked after a few minutes, thoughtfully chewing on his food and watching you sharply.
"Melody is pregnant, I forgot for a moment" you half lied.
"It's going to be exciting with all the new pups around here. I need to safeguard the furniture in the living room" Tony pursed his lips a little bit.
"We will train them as they grow, right now Snow is doing a great job. So will Melody. Once Snow is ready, we will start taking them down to the grass to get used to going to the bathroom there" you promised.
"Where are they going now?" Tony seemed curious and Bruce grinned.
"You really didn't read up on puppies much, did you?" Bruce asked quickly. "The mother eats it for the first few weeks"
"I didn't need to know that," Tony shuddered.
"When Edwin has puppies, his mate will be doing the same thing" you reminded him.
"But Edwin won't, and that's what's most important" Tony countered quickly. "I let him lick my face"
"Don't be such a big baby, it's natural honey" Pepper chastised him softly.
"And it's not ending up on the hardwood floors" you nodded.
"With you working from the compound for the next few months, you can take the time to train Snow's pups while you are at it" Tony looked at you pointedly. Your face went red, and your jaw dropped a little bit. Bucky's face was also red, but he was grinning like a cat, knowing that Tony had already decided you would stay on base, regardless of your wishes now.
"Since when are we putting her in science and research full time?" Steve seemed a little shocked. "We need her in the field too"
"You'll still have her in the field, once in a while. Right now we need to concentrate our efforts in the serums and making sure that we go over all the data. The extra pair of eyes helps" Tony effortlessly lied.
"You should talk to me before you make these decisions" Steve looked visibly upset. "We both run the team"
"You need to start reading your emails old man" Tony responded quickly.
"I have been," Steve frowned.
"Clearly not, or else you would have seen that we needed her in the compound" Tony rolled his eyes.
"Steve, we can talk about it later" you looked at him. "I'm okay with the decision. I talked to Bucky about it. We hate working apart, but the science and research needs to be worked on as a priority" you tried to smooth things over. Steve seemed to stop glaring at Tony and gave you a soft smile.
"I just know how much you love your missions," Steve admitted.
"I do, I still do. It's not an easy decision to make" you flushed. "But it's for the best right now"
"Clint's going to be disappointed. He loves having you in the field" Sam reminded you and you looked away. It would be easier if you could tell them the real reason, but you were too early in the pregnancy to admit to it. Bucky reached over and rubbed your leg softly, reminding you he was there for you.
"Maybe once this new serum business is over with" you lied. You knew it would be a year and eight months. It seemed like too long already. You only hoped they would let you keep up with your training, since you did live on site. You didn't want to lose that knowledge base that you had going, and you also didn't want to go too soft since the main idea is that you would be headed back into the field once the baby was old enough to be watched by a babysitter instead of you and Bucky at all times. You knew the longer missions would be hell, but you had every reason to keep fighting. Hydra was still alive and kicking, so you needed to continue kicking ass and taking names while you were at it.
"Are you almost done, doll?" Bucky seemed anxious. You looked at your empty plate and nodded to him. He quickly grabbed your plate and his own and brought them into the kitchen for you. You watched him move, and wanted to purr in satisfaction. You noticed a bump in his pocket, and frowned, wondering what he would be carrying that big when you were just at the compound.
"Papa" Blue came running around the corner and jumped at his legs. He picked him up easily and gave him a kiss on the muzzle.
"Give me my grandpup, you two kids get out of here" mama held out her hands expectantly.
"We aren't in a rush, are we?" you looked at Bucky who seemed a bit anxious.
"No, but we should head out. The weather is beautiful today" Bucky gave a small, anxious smile.
"Okay, let me grab my purse" you nodded, wondering what was going on. Uncle Brad stopped you and held your hand for a moment and gave you a smile while Bucky handed over Blue.
"I'll take care of the pack while you are out. Soren needs to go for a flight, and I know Snow and Jasper probably need to use the bathroom" uncle Brad gave your hand a quick kiss, scratching it with his beard. You gave a soft smile and nodded, leaning down and giving both mama and uncle Brad a kiss on the cheek each. You paused for a moment and gave Blue a kiss on the muzzle. He cried out your name, but you knew Bucky wanted to get going. You sighed softly and rushed to the suite to grab your purse and truck keys.

Bucky held your hand as he drove you both to the cabin, and was uncharacteristically quiet the entire drive. You could tell he had something on his mind, and you wondered silently if he was that worried about the pregnancy.
"Baby?" you asked softly. "Are you worried?" you paused for a moment. "We don't have anything to worry about. We will tell the team soon enough, I just want to make sure that we make it a few months before we tell them. Tony probably sent the test results to Steve anyway, since it does impact the team. Steve likely just didn't understand the email"
"I'm just glad Tony made the decision about pulling you from the field so I don't have to argue it" he admitted gently. "But no, I'm not worried" he graced you with a smile.
"What's on your mind then?" you rubbed the pad of your thumb over his hand.
"Let's just enjoy our drive for now. We can talk about all my worries later" he promised.
"But we are alone now, and we won't be alone once we get home" you reminded him.
"After the cabin then" he promised, and you nodded more to yourself, wondering what in the world would worry him this much. He drove into the driveway and parked the truck and got out. He ran around to your side and opened your door for you and you looked at him confused.
"I thought you forgot something?" you asked as he waited patiently.
"We can enjoy a few minutes alone" he gestured for you to bring your drink. You grabbed both of the drinks and slipped out. You followed him to the front door and he unlocked the cabin. You paused as he waited for you to walk in first and you saw several vases full of roses all around the dining room and living room.
"What is this?" you looked at him confused.
"I've been buying them every week for the suite, but I haven't had the chance to buy them for the cabin," he grinned.
"But we can't stay and enjoy them, silly" you giggled.
"We can bring them home," he winked.
"What's really going on?" you asked quickly and he got that nervous look on his face again.
"Why don't we sit down for a second" he led you towards the couch.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz