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"Good morning my Alpha" you had woken up a few minutes early, and saw that the pack was already back and laying at the end and on the sides of the bed. You had watched Bucky sleep for a while, and leaned forward to kiss him softly on the lips. He had kept you up most of the night making love, and if you were going to be honest with yourself, you were ready for more. Blue whimpered and started moving up the bed to lay between the two of you.
"Good morning my love" Bucky's eyes slowly opened as you pulled away from the kiss. "My Luna" he grinned happily. "My everything" he added with a husky voice .
"How did you sleep?" you pulled the comforter up over your naked shoulders.
"I always sleep best beside you" he sighed softly. "Did you get enough sleep?" he whispered.
"I'm ready for more, but the baby is home" you gave a mischievous giggle.
"My favorite cock block" he pulled Blue in close and gave him a kiss on the muzzle.
"Did you want pancakes for breakfast?" you leaned forward and gave Blue a kiss on the back of his head.
"I want you for breakfast" he looked at you hungrily. "But if I have to eat, pancakes sound good" he smirked.
"Pancakes it is" you rolled out of bed, grabbed a pair of clean panties, and put on Bucky's shirt from yesterday.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, sitting up in bed.
"To make breakfast" you smiled at him.
"Not without me" he got out of bed quickly, and handed you Blue while he put on a pair of clean boxers and followed you out, deciding against putting anything else on. You loved the way he was so confident with his body around you. You went into the kitchen and grabbed some bowls to start making pancakes while Bucky started grabbing eggs and bacon out of the fridge. You smiled softly and watched him from the side of your eyes as he started cooking the bacon. You grabbed the pancake mix and started making the pancake batter, having to put Blue down on the floor. He whined wanting back up, and Bucky bent down to pick him up again.
"Didn't we just get sassed last night for spoiling him too much?" you reminded Bucky with a smile.
"He's still our little boy" he reminded you. "Just like a baby" he added, giving Blue a kiss on the nose. "It's all these little things that make life so much better lately" he hummed, coming over and giving the side of your neck a gentle kiss. He went to pull back, but then started peppering your neck with kisses eliciting a giggle from you. You felt Blue lick the back of your shoulder and jumped a little.
"I'm getting double kisses this morning" you turned in Bucky's arms and smiled up at him and went to your tiptoes to kiss him softly on the lips. "You're teaching him to give kisses" you smiled softly at him.
"I can't help that you are addictive" he looked at you hungrily.
"You're addictive" you countered quickly. "It still seems surreal to me that we are together sometimes"
"I wouldn't have it any other way" he whispered and leaned down to give you another gentle kiss on your lips. "I feel like I waited my whole life to be with you" he sighed softly.
"I feel the same" you cooed to him. "My love" you added with a purr. "You need to let me make the pancakes" you giggled in his warm embrace.
"Let me help make the pancakes. I'll hold you, and you flip them and make them" he chuckled softly.
"You could work on the bacon" you reminded him, smelling something burning.
"Oh shit" he moved quickly away and went to turn the bacon in the pan. You let out another small giggle as you watched him move so easily. You took out the frying pan and started working on the pancakes. Bucky smoothly started working towards making the eggs, when you noticed you were feeling a little more fatigued than usual, and had slight cramping in your lower abdominal region.
"Oof" you rubbed your lower stomach. "I think we might need a time out soon"
"A time out?" Bucky looked at you concerned.
"Cramps" you grumbled.
"I can ride the crimson tide" he gave his flirty smile. "We can just put down some extra towels..." he tailed off while your face went red.
"Bucky!" you exclaimed.
"It will help with the cramps, right?" he grinned.
"That's fair" you giggled and continued to flip the pancakes and put them on a plate. Bucky leaned down and kissed you on top of your mark on your shoulder. You moved to put the pan down for the eggs, and Bucky started frying them up. You finished with the pancakes and moved to the fridge to pull out the steaks and ground beef. You started to fill up the dishes for the pack making sure to add a little extra for Snow and for Blue. Bucky started plating the bacon and eggs and setting the breakfast table. You looked to watch him move around so easily in the house, and felt like your heart felt lighter just watching him. He hadn't even put Blue down yet, he still carried him around so easily. You put the dishes on the floor and the pack came out to eat.
"I'm starving" Snow sighed as she came to her dish.
"You were out pretty late" you observed with a smile.
"We needed to stretch our legs" Jasper nudged Snow slightly before he went to eat.
"Are you still taking Blue today?" Cloud asked as he brushed past your legs.
"That's the plan, Blue loves to be with his papa" you giggled looking over and seeing Bucky smile at you.
"He loves to be with his mama too" Melody reminded you.
"You talking to the wolves again, babe?" Bucky asked expectantly as he looked at the wolves for a moment.
"Of course, Snow is hungry this morning. They are happy they got to stretch their legs last night" you gave a smile. "They reminded me that Blue loves both of us"
"Of course he does" Bucky smiled and set Blue down to go eat his food. "Come on Doll" he gestured for you to come sit beside him. You happily sat down and dug into your breakfast.
"What do you say to getting some more puppy toys today? Blue already destroyed some of the toys" Bucky gave a grin.
"I think it's a great idea" you gave a shy smile. You both ate your breakfast in silence, and Bucky reached out to hold your hand once in a while. You admittedly were enjoying the extra attention, and leaned over to kiss Bucky on the cheek as you finished eating. You went to put the dishes away in the dishwasher and help clean up the table.
"Let me help, doll" Bucky stood up and helped you fill up the dishwasher before you both turned it on. "Let's go get dressed" he smirked, giving you a small slap on the rear end.

When Bucky finally parked, you got out of the SUV holding Blue close to your chest. Bucky had tried to run around to open the door for you before you got out, but you beat him in time with a small giggle.
"Let's try him on the leash" Bucky caught up to you, and coaxed you to set him on the ground. You bit your bottom lip unsure and set Blue on the ground, and made sure his leash was clipped on properly. You both held hands as you started walking down the different aisles. You stopped to pick up some more plums, strawberries for the afternoon, and some peaches. Bucky excitedly walked ahead with Blue to get to the stall to pick up dog toys. Blue whined trying to get back to you and pulling on the leash. Bucky easily held him back. You made your way back to Bucky and Blue and looked at the dog toys, picking out a few for the rest of the pack as well. You held hands again after filling another bag full of toys and headed towards the food trucks. You went towards a truck getting some fresh doughnuts and bought a large bag.
"Here, why don't you take a seat, doll. I'll be right back" Bucky gestured to one of the picnic tables and handed you Blue. You watched him curiously as he left all the bags with you, and headed back towards the craft section of the market. You sat back and ate a few doughnuts while you waited, and you even fed a few to Blue who seemed to like them.
"We will have to keep this a secret from papa" you giggled.
"Nice dog you have there" a tall man with black hair and brown eyes came towards you with a smile. "What breed is it?"
"Husky mix" you quickly lied while he leaned down and tried to pet Blue who shied away and whined going back to you quickly.
"Pretty cute, just like his owner" he winked at you and you found yourself blushing. "What's his name?
"Blue" you looked over your shoulder, looking for Bucky feeling incredibly uncomfortable.
"I'm Mark, what's your name?" he asked quickly.
"Y/N" you gave a small smile and shook his hand.
"You know, I've got this theory on dogs," he grinned. "They say a lot about the owners. See your dog, is pretty shy and timid, so that tells me you are too"
"I'm not that timid" you shook your head.
"That's good for me" he gave even more of a smile.
"My boyfriend is coming right back" you licked your lips nervously.
"Is this a real boyfriend, or a fake one?" he chuckled, moving in a little closer. "Because a real man wouldn't leave a pretty lady like you all alone without a damn good reason, and I don't see one"
"My James is a real man, and he's coming right back" you crossed your arms. "I have a three strike rule. I've put super soldiers on their ass, I can have you done in three moves" you threatened him slightly. "It would be pretty easy," you said with a smile.
"Super soldier?" he asked, trying not to look too cocky. "You mean those jokes that call themselves Avengers"
"Watch your mouth" you warned him and Blue could feel it in the bond and let out a growl.
"Listen pretty lady, I thought I would throw you a bone..." he started to stand up.
"Everything okay, doll?" Bucky came over, taking off his sweater and showing off his vibranium arm.
"Yeah, meat head was just leaving" you gave a soft smile and looked at Mark. "Right?"
"Like I said, I was throwing you a bone" he growled standing up to his full height.
"Excuse me? What did you say about my dame?" Bucky growled, taking a threatening step forward.
"You aren't so scary lover boy" Mark looked Bucky up and down.
"He's not the one you have to be scared of" you went over and grabbed him by the wrist and threw him over your head. He hit the ground with a loud grunt. "And don't talk to my Bucky that way" you growled at him.
"You ready doll?" Bucky asked, picking up the bags and grabbing Blue's leash.
"Yeah, I'm ready," you smiled. "Where did you go anyways?" you asked as you both casually walked away from Mark who was groaning on the ground in pain.
"I had to get my dame a new bracelet" he grinned proudly, taking a thin silver chain out of his pocket with a blue rose pendant on it.
"It's beautiful" you cooed.
"Let me put it on you when we get home" he put it back in his pocket.
"I love you James" you cooed and followed him diligently to the SUV.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now