Booster shot

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When you woke up again, you felt Bucky pull you in a bit closer to him. You didn't have to even look, you could tell by the smell and the way you were being held that it was him. You didn't feel as nauseous anymore, but you could still feel the fever. You felt Blue nuzzle into you and let out a soft bark.
"Shh, I got you buddy" Bucky's voice filled the room as he moved from behind you. You felt a draft of cool air as he got out from the blankets and you pouted slightly as he stopped holding you. You saw him reach for Blue, but paused as he saw your eyes look into his and he gave a slow smile. "Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?" he got down on his knees and touched your cheek.
"Not as nauseated" you gave a soft smile.
"Pietro brought you some orange juice, and Wanda wanted you to drink some tea" he gestured to your bedside table.
"I thought you were in the gym today?" you felt a little confused.
"I can't let my best girl be alone when she's sick. Lunch should be ready soon, and I'm bringing you in some soup. Do you think you can hold that down?" he asked you softly.
"I think so, I can try to come to the table" you tried to sit up and almost went cross eyed from the effort. "Maybe not" you took it back.
"Just stay here, I'm going to go get some bottles for Blue. The pack isn't feeling that great either" he continued to speak softly to you. "I'll be right back" he promised and got back on his feet heading to the door. You pulled Blue close to your chest, and turned in bed to see the pack were all on the bed sleeping close by. Cloud opened one eye, and got out of where he was snuggled in with Melody and came to lick you on the cheek.
"He's been keeping a good eye on all of us pup" Cloud promised. "He even turned on your music for you"
"He's a good man" you closed your eyes and felt Cloud move in closer to you and nuzzle in, trying to keep you warm. "I haven't been this sick in a while" you admitted gently.
"You missed some doctor appointments" Cloud reminded you. You sighed in response realizing he was right. "Doctor Cho came in a twice while you were sleeping" he updated you. You nodded, and ran your hands through his fur which brought you some comfort. "Bucky's almost back" he licked your cheek again, and moved back to where he was laying with Melody. You heard the door creak open a bit more, and close slightly and the silent footsteps making their way to your bed.
"I brought extra" Bucky sat on the side of the bed, and reached for Blue. You easily let him go, and he put him in the feeding position. You turned in the bed again so you could face him, and smiled softly at him still in a fevered haze. He looked so gentle while he smiled down at Blue and fed him the bottle.
"You look beautiful" your voice was a bit croaky.
"Not as beautiful as you do" Bucky chuckled in response. "You should try to sit up and have a sip of something to drink"
You nodded and groaned with the effort as you sat up in bed, the room almost felt like it was spinning. You took the tea and sipped at it to find it cold, but it felt good on your throat. You took a few more sips before setting it back down and saw that Bucky was already on the second bottle. You pulled the comforter up around your shoulders more and shivered slightly. He spared you a worried glance, and switched to the third bottle.
"I let doc know you are awake, she's probably going to come in and check on you again here shortly" he whispered to you.
"You shouldn't be in here, you might get sick" you warned him.
"Super soldier, I'll be fine doll" he chuckled slightly. "I've been trying to help keep you warm"
"It was working" you flushed a little. "It was nice to wake up to" you admitted.
"I could do it everyday if you'd let me" Bucky gave a small smile and you blushed again. "I like the package deal" he added softly.
"It's a pretty big package" you gave your best flirty smile, considering the circumstances.
"Pretty sure I can handle it" he finished with the third bottle and put it to the side. "Hold him for a second before I run him out" he handed you Blue and he crawled up in your arms, more onto your chest. You smiled softly to Blue and kissed him on the tip of his nose. Bucky grabbed a cloth that was on the side of your pillow and he went into the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later and gave a soft smile. "Lay back doll" he touched you on the shoulder, and you laid back down on the bed. He placed the cool cloth on your forehead and took Blue from you before pulling the comforter back up around you. "I'll be right back" he promised and hurried out the balcony door. You closed your eyes, and felt yourself falling back asleep again.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now