Milky way

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After you got home from taking Blue to the farmers market, you and Bucky had decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing together and with the pack. When it came time to go back to the compound you both sighed heavily and put what you hadn't eaten into the freezer, and packed up all your dirty clothes. You decided to leave your soaps, but grabbed the rest of your toiletries.
"You ready doll?" Bucky asked after bringing the suitcase outside. You were in the middle of making sure to lock the French doors in your bedroom. You looked around and pouted slightly.
"I don't want to go back yet" you admitted gently.
"I don't want to either, but we are going to be home late enough as it is" Bucky came over and wrapped his arms around you lovingly. "We have time for a dance" he whispered in your ear. You giggled and looked up at him with all the love in your heart.
"There's no music" you giggled.
"Who needs music?" he kissed the tip of your nose. He chuckled, and pulled out his phone and turned on Etta James singing "At last", and he took one of your hands, starting to move you slowly around the bedroom, dancing with you. He put you into a turn, and when you came back he dipped you back. When you came back up he softly brushed his lips against yours. You hummed happily, leaning more into him. When the song ended he continued to dance with you with no music. You held him a little closer, and nuzzled your head on his chest. "Come on, doll" he whispered softly, just holding you and no longer moving. You could tell he didn't want to leave either.
"Come on you two" Cloud barked at both of you. You jumped a little in surprise, not having heard him make his way through the house. "Time to go to our other den"
"Cloud says it's time to go to our other den" you sighed, and looked up at Bucky sadly.
"I enjoyed our little weekend getaway" Bucky put his hands on either side of your face, studying you closely. "I'm looking forward to next weekend" he whispered softly.
"Me too" you smiled up at him easily. "I'll need to find the time to do our laundry this week" you frowned a little.
"We need to find time, you mean?" Bucky grinned. "I like doing laundry with you. I get more cuddles" he winked at you and you blushed slightly.
"I do love to cuddle you" you admitted easily. "Are you taking me back to our other den?" you giggled.
"As long as I get to sleep with you tonight" he brushed his lips against yours again before taking your hand and leading you towards the front door. Cloud barked again, and followed you both out to the front yard. You stopped long enough to lock the front door, and Bucky made his way over to the SUV and opened the passenger side door waiting for you. You turned and picked up Blue who was waiting at your feet, and headed to the car. Bucky waited for you to get settled in your seat and buckled in before he closed the door. He ran around to the drivers side and got in and reached over to hold your hand gently kissing your knuckles before he started heading back to the compound.
"What do you think of moving into the couple suites? I know you said we were moving in together, but the next couple suite is supposed to be mine. Are you going to move with me?" you looked at Bucky worriedly.
"Doll, when I said I wanted to move in together, that means that where you go, I go" he gave a grin.
"You'll be moving further away from Stevie though" you reminded him.
"If you'd let me, I'd move in today" Bucky shrugged. "I'll always be able to see that punk"
"Okay" you nodded. "Move your stuff in" you gave him a gentle smile.
"You sure about this?" Bucky looked over at you.
"I'm sure, move in tonight if you want to" you nodded.
"I don't have much" he shrugged, and looked to you to make sure that you were sure, but your face gave nothing away. You honestly wanted him to move in, because a night without him seemed unbearable.

"You two took long enough to get home" Steve was sitting by the front door outside as you pulled up to the compound. You gave a soft smile and jumped out, quickly followed by Bucky. You opened the back door and the pack jumped out and went to Steve quickly giving small whines. "How was the weekend?" he asked quickly.
"Wonderful" you smiled bringing over Blue. Blue whined to be let down and ran to Steve excitedly and jumped up into his arms.
"It was a pretty good weekend, it was good to get away" Bucky grinned, grabbing the suitcase out of the back of the SUV. "Blue is getting better with not needing the bottle as much" he added as he got closer to you both.
"That's true. He still likes it before bed, and first thing in the morning" you nodded while Steve snuggled Blue.
"Can you watch him for a bit?" Bucky asked as Steve stood up, still holding Blue.
"You two need private time again? Sure" Steve laughed.
"No, I'm moving all my stuff over to Y/N's room" Bucky gave a grin. "Blue likes to run under our feet, and I don't want to hurt him"
"I've got him" Steve nodded understandingly.
"You really are moving in tonight?" you giggled, as Bucky opened the front door.
"I'm doing it right now, I'm even bringing my dirty laundry" he winked at you and smiled broadly.
"Shame on you, bringing your dirty laundry" you laughed. "Good, I needed more in my hamper" you continued to giggle and led the way to the bedroom. The pack quickly followed, and Blue let out a howl.
"I'm going to go feed him" Steve decided.
"Thank you Stevie" you looked over to him with a smile. "I don't know that we will be that long" you looked to Bucky for confirmation.
"You'll see" Bucky chuckled and went into the bedroom, putting the suitcase on the bed. He went and opened the balcony door and left it open as he headed towards his bedroom. You started unpacking the suitcase slowly and putting all the dirty laundry in the hamper. Bucky came back with a few photos and put them up on the wall with all the other ones he had already put up for you. It seemed so long ago that he asked you to be his girl. You smiled as he found space on the wall, and then walked back out again. He was back a few minutes later with two armfuls of books and he set them on the bed. You went over and started putting them on the bookshelves, and he came back again with another two armfuls of books. He helped you put these ones on the shelves and quickly left again. You sighed to yourself and finished unpacking the suitcase, putting everything away. Buck came back again with his toiletries in a box and put them in the bathroom, finding room on his own for it. You saw he was careful not to move any of your things around too much. By the time he was done bringing in his clothes and his extra tactical suit, it had only taken him an hour really to fully move in. You had gotten comfortable on the couch with Snow cuddled into your legs. You were wondering if now would be the time to surprise Bucky with the last gift you had bought him, but hid under the bed. Bucky came over and sat on the other side of you and put his arm over your shoulders.
"All done" he announced proudly.
"Not quite" you looked at him. "I got you something, but I was saving it for a special occasion. It's going to be a welcome home present I think" you got up and pulled a box out from under your bed.
"What's this?" Bucky asked as you picked it up and brought it over to him with a proud smile.
"Open it up" you encouraged him. "I ordered it online for you" you admitted.
"You shouldn't have" he looked excited as he opened up the box, and saw that it was a 55 inch Harbormaster telescope. "Oh doll" he gasped.
"You'll have to put it together, and put it on our balcony. You'd probably get a better view at the cabin, but I think this will be good here too" you gave him a shy smile.
"This looks expensive" he marveled at it.
"Don't ask the price, just enjoy it" you smiled at him.
"I love you" he looked at you meaningfully, and crashed his lips against yours. You were surprised at first, but leaned into the kiss. "I'm going to go put it together" he got up excitedly and headed out to the balcony. You saw him take out the golden telescope and start putting it together quickly. You saw the task was taking his entire focus.
"You've made your mate happy" Snow looked at you and you smiled at her.
"I bought it weeks ago" you admitted. "I wanted to surprise him with something nice". You started carding your hands through Snow's fur and she hummed happily in your head. You looked up and saw that Bucky took out his Swiss army knife and continued putting together his telescope. You heard a soft knock at the door and you called out that it was open. Steve came in with Blue and gave a grin and he took the chair across from you.
"He fell asleep right after his bottles" he grinned. "What's Bucky doing?"
"I bought him a telescope" you gave a shy smile. "He's putting it together" you shrugged.
"He looks so focused" Steve chuckled.
"It's one of the many things I love about him, when he puts his mind to it he really gives it his all" you smiled broadly.
"You both have missions this week" Steve warned you.
"Local or far away?" you arched an eyebrow.
"A few hours flight, I put you and Bucky together with Clint to go in, with Cloud of course. Tony and I talked about letting Melody go too, but you said she was going into heat soon" Steve looked over at Melody who was snuggled into Cloud on one of the dog beds.
"Yeah, I wouldn't want to risk it if she's in heat" you shook your head. "Then she might be pregnant once she's done" you added gently.
"We will focus more on Jasper's training, and continue to train Melody" he seemed to understand.
"What kind of data are we going for this time?" you asked gently.
"It's more on their werewolf project, so there's a possibility that there will be more wolves" he warned you.
"I'll keep my focus, not to worry" you promised. Steve sat back and watched Bucky with you for a few minutes and you saw he was done putting his telescope together and he got up and looked through it excitedly.
"I sure did miss you guys while you were gone" Steve gave a small smile as you both watched Bucky. "Its weird to have the pack suddenly gone, and you two not here for meals on the weekend"
"You'll have to join us at the cabin one weekend" you shrugged. "I've got a new couch, thanks to Tony"
"You guys have got to see this, you can see things so clearly in the telescope" Bucky called in to you both. You both stood up at the same time, and you led the way out onto the balcony.
"Come here doll" Bucky pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you. You looked through the viewfinder and gasped as you saw the milky way so clearly.
"Would you look at that" you were in awe.
"You can really see everything through it" he whispered softly to you. You stood back up to your full height, and made room for Steve to look through it.
"That's really something, Buck" Steve stood back with a smile. "Sure beat's the ones we had back in the forties" he added.
"I'm glad we aren't in the forties now" Bucky chuckled. "I would have missed out on one helluva view, and one helluva dame" he added and you giggled.
"Well, this dame is going to get ready for bed. You boys enjoy the telescope" you gave Bucky a quick kiss on the cheek. You grabbed Blue from Steve's arms and headed back into the bedroom. When you looked over your shoulder you saw them both taking turns to look through the telescope and talking quietly amongst themselves.  

AN: Thank you G.S. for the help and the edits!

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora