The whole truth to mama

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When you got to breakfast, your stomach was already a bunch of nerves. You could feel something between you and Bucky had shifted, and you weren't sure what it was. You knew you had to call your mom as soon as breakfast was over, and didn't want to tell her everything but it was necessary. She had to know, it was time. You had to stop hiding. You sat between Pietro and Clint, and Pietro reached up to give Pup a few pats that he wiggled a bit for.
"We have another test this week Princessa, you'll have to make sure the cook sends us some pie because we stayed up studying and we know we are going to ace it" Pietro grinned.
"What day?" you arched an eyebrow.
"Monday" Peter grinned at you.
"What subject?" you probed them a bit more.
"Chemistry" Peter's grin widened.
"That pie didn't even have a chance" you giggled. "Maybe if you come home early we can celebrate together?" you arched an eyebrow again.
"We can do that" Pietro nodded.
"We can have a picnic outside on the grounds" you smiled.
"That's not so safe for you" Clint spoke up.
"Its just for a little bit, Cloud has a great sense of smell. Come on, it'll be fun" you playfully punched him.
"I'll join you then" Clint sighed. "Besides, more pie" he grinned.
"I think we should all do the picnic as a team" Wanda spoke up. "It would be fun to celebrate the boy's victories in school. We don't do that enough. Y/N always keeps them to herself" she added with a bit of a pout.
"I'll allow it" Tony nodded. "There's still lots of pie there" he shrugged. Clint filled your plate for you and you gave him a grateful smile, and he shrugged before passing the dishes down to the boys. Happy came over and put your coffee already made the way you liked it in front of you and gave you a pat on the shoulder.
"Thank you, gentlemen," you finally said out loud.
"Its nothing" Happy shrugged it off.
"Laura used to struggle holding the newborns and trying to eat. It's the least we can do to help" Clint shrugged.
"I don't know when I should stop holding him all the time, or when I should start making him walk around on his own" you bit your bottom lip.
"Not yet, he was a newborn. He needs the warmth and the attention" Melody spoke up from her dish. "He is getting bigger though, which is promising. I can't wait to have my own pup's someday. But I have to wait on my human" she sighed and you frowned at her.
"You don't have to wait on me" you shook your head, speaking in the telepathic link.
"My human needs a mate first. That's my rule" she licked her muzzle and went back to her food.
"I don't need a mate" you sighed looking at her, still speaking internally to her.
"Pup, talk to your mama" she brushed you off. You rolled your eyes and started eating slowly, savoring your food. You took a moment to sip your coffee and sat back once you were done, and just took in the room. Everyone was talking easily this morning about different plans for the day. Wanda and Vision were going on a date. Pepper and Tony were going to work on a few things in their suite. Scott was going to take one of the cars to go visit his daughter and girlfriend for the day. Clint shrugged and said he was just going to watch some TV. Peter and Pietro said they were studying. Bucky yawned, and knew he would be sleeping. Nat and Bruce said they were going to watch a movie in their suite. Happy said he wanted to get caught up on his stories. Steve said he wanted to do some more art in his room.
"Don't forget, the full truth" Nat reminded you as she stood up and went to put her plate away. You nodded in acknowledgement with a knot in your stomach. You went and prepped some bottles for Pup while Clint held him. You put both your dishes in the sink since he was being so kind to take care of Pup for you. You grabbed extra paper towels and made four bottles since you weren't sure how long the conversation would be. You ran them to your room, then came back for Pup.
"You'll be okay kiddo" Clint whispered to you as you nodded and headed to your room with Cloud and Melody behind you.

When you got to your room, you heard Bucky's bedroom door close, and Steve's shortly after. You hoped they wouldn't be able to hear the conversation you were about to have. You took a moment to wash Cloud and Melody's muzzles and opened the computer and sat in the chair still holding Pup and made the call you had been dreading.
When your mom's face came on she was all smiles and then she saw Pup and looked confused.
"Hi mama" you smiled broadly to her.
"What on earth..." she started.
"His name is Pup, isn't he darling?" you grinned.
"Is that another wolf?" she asked quickly.
"Yes mama, I have three now" you raised your chin proudly.
"We are only supposed to have one companion at a time" she reminded you.
"It makes sense, since wolves run in packs though" you shrugged.
"Where did you find this one?" she sighed and you saw Billy come onto the screen. Melody came over and popped her head up curiously and Cloud went to the other side to show he was there.
"It's a long story, and I'm going to explain it. But I need you to remain really calm" you gave your bravest smile.
"I know that look, what did you do?" she leveled her gaze at you.
"Well, remember when I was off work sick for a week a year ago?" you asked.
"Yes, you called me almost every day. I miss you doing that" she reminded you.
"Well, there was an accident in the lab" you bit your bottom lip. "I might have given myself powers by accident in a chemical blast"
"You did what?!" her face went a bit red. "You never told me a thing!"
"I didn't want to worry you. But everything I have to tell you today, is going to worry you" you bit at your lip again.
"Alright, I'm listening" she crossed her arms, and you saw Billy was staring at Melody curiously.
"That boyfriend I broke up with, tried to kill me and has been stalking me and attacking me for the last year. But its okay, because the police have been really great and they are going to find him. Shield is putting him on the raft which is a really secure prison" you started and you saw her face get redder. "I've been keeping it a secret from everyone because I didn't want anyone to worry" you admitted.
"What about your companion?" she demanded.
"They would take him from me if he attacked a human being. There's so much judgements against wolves" you sat back, still patting Pup.
"You should have gone with a golden retriever" she started rubbing her temples.
"A wolf chose me, that's an honor" you reminded her. "No other animal chose me" you shook your head. "Not any of the cats you brought home for me, or the other dogs. None of them wanted me, but Cloud did"
"You should move here" your mother decided. "Its safer, and you can stop your work for shield"
"I can't, and I transferred out of Shield eight months ago" you paused for a moment and she looked at you like you had three heads.
"Why didn't you tell me? I've been worried sick about that job" she demanded.
"I took a job with the Avengers" you spoke confidently. "And it's the best job I've ever had"
"Young lady, you are to come home this instant" she stood up. "I would ground you if I could"
"No mama, I'm staying. I'm almost thirty, I can make my own decisions" you shook your head. "I'm good at what I do now, and I'm not behind a desk all day. My new job makes me happy"
"They just wanted you for your ability to talk to animals" she looked mad.
"No, that chemical blast also gave me fire powers. Tony's been training me on how to use them, and Clint and Natasha and sometimes Wanda work with me in the gym all the time" you felt like you were going to have a heart attack.
"Why can't you go for something like a secretary, so I know your safe?" she shook her head at you. "I knew you were keeping things from me, but this is crazy. You've been lying to me for a year"
"I know your disappointed" you frowned a bit, and heard Pup start to whine, so you grabbed a bottle and put him in the position and started feeding him without a second thought. "But I'm so much happier now, and I'm relieved you have the truth now"
"You should never lie to your mother" she shook her head at you.
"I shouldn't have. I'm honestly sorry. I lied to a lot of people, but I want the truth out" you added. "And you above all deserve the truth. I was just scared to worry you" you admitted.
"So, this ex boyfriend, how come he's not in jail?" she demanded.
"He keeps getting out on bail" you admitted softly. "I have a restraining order, I've had it for a year almost now"
"What they have taught you at the Avengers, can you protect yourself from him?" she demanded.
"I could kill him if I wanted to. He's a sick man, and I've chosen to let the law take care of him instead" you gave a small smile. "Cloud wanted to kill him, but I wont allow it"
"Cloud, where are you" she looked at the screen and Cloud jumped up again. "Next time, kill him" she looked him in the eyes and he let out a small bark. "I'm coming to see you. I want to see for myself that your okay" she took out her phone and you could tell she was already looking up flights.
"Mama, I am okay. You don't have to come out here. I have missions I have to go on, I can't take the time off" you shook your head.
"I wont be in the way, I just need to see you for myself" she huffed. "This is a lot young lady. Now where is the other companion?" Melody jumped up and looked in the screen. "She's smaller than Cloud" she observed.
"Her name is Melody" you smiled. "We rescued a group of wolves from an enemy base, and she chose me when I said I was taking Pup with me to make sure he survived"
"Pup the small one?" she asked.
"Yes, isn't he adorable?" you asked as you wiped his muzzle and he barked when you took to long to give him the bottle back. "He's a little miracle"
"He's not a grandbaby" she gave a small smile.
"Close enough" you smirked.
"I still expect you to settle down once you are done with this Avengers business and have a family" she warned you.
"Mama, I have an ex hunting me. I'm not ready to find a husband, or a boyfriend for that matter. I need time to heal after the last year" you rolled your eyes.
"You're not getting any younger" she warned you. "What about adopting a few kids and moving home. You don't need a boyfriend for that"
"I'm not moving home. This is my home" you looked at her.
"I'm coming to see you. I need to see that your safe" she spoke with finality. "Let me judge if that's the right place for you"
"I've already decided that it is" you shook your head. "You coming isn't going to change my mind mama" you sighed.
"You shouldn't have lied" she sighed. "And I booked my flight. I'll be there Friday"
"I don't live at the cabin anymore" you warned her. "I live at the Avengers compound"
"How long is this lie?" she glared at you.
"This is relatively new, since the last time we spoke" you assured her.
"Tell your boss I'm coming, and I'm bringing Billy" she held your gaze.
"Fine, I'll tell Steve and Tony you're coming, but I'm not going home with you" you shook your head.
"We will see" she shrugged. "I have to go start packing"
"How long do you plan on staying for?" you pursed your lips.
"The weekend" she gave a small smile. "It wont take long to convince you I'm getting too old for your shenanigans"
"This is an honest to goodness job, and I'm good at it" you gave a small smile. "I'm proud of it"
"I love you, I'll see you Friday" she signed off and you finished feeding Pup sitting back in the chair and taking a long breath in and out. She took the news better than you thought, but you knew she was up to something if she was heading to see you that quickly.
"Her glare is scary" Melody suddenly spoke up.
"Tell me about it" Cloud shuddered. "I can't believe she just ordered me to kill someone" he looked at you.
"Disregard it" you stood up. "Lets go outside for a few minutes" you took the balcony and started to head towards the stairs. You looked into Bucky's room and saw he was sleeping towards the window and looked so peaceful. Your heart skipped a beat, but you looked away quickly and started walking down the stairs. When you stopped at the bottom you saw there were more guards on the property patrolling. Pup, Melody and Cloud finished fairly quickly and you went back up the stairs and went to your room to grab the book on raising puppies and went to sit on the swing with your feet up. You left the door open and saw Cloud and Melody jumped up on the bed and snuggled up together to get some sleep. You couldn't blame them, they had been out all night already. You read through the book quickly, but it wasn't the kind of material you were looking for. It was about having your first puppy, not about raising one from almost birth. You noted that they teethed the most when their baby teeth started falling out. You checked Pup and he was still toothless.

"Y/N?" you heard Steve ask unsurely. You had started to doze a bit with the way Pup was snuggled into you.
"Hey" you forced a smile, still worried about your mom coming and what she would say.
"Are you okay? Should you be out here?" he asked gently and sat down as you pulled up your feet and tucked them under you.
"There's plenty of guards down there, I'm not worried" you gave a small smile.
"I could hear you and your mom. Its good you got the truth out" Steve gave a tight smile.
"She's so not happy" you shook your head. "She's up to something" you admitted.
"She's coming Friday huh?" he sat forward in his seat.
"Yup, this Friday" you nodded.
"You ready for that?" he raised an eyebrow at you.
"Nope" you shook your head.
"Grandbabies?" he chuckled. "A secretary?" he started laughing. "Has she met you?"
"I admit, I've always wanted kids. But yeah, a secretary" you giggled.
"I could never see you as a secretary" he chuckled. "You would make a good mom" he gave soft smile.
"I have enough with Pup" you smiled as he nuzzled into you more. "Its more than I could have dreamt for after the last year"
"Where is she even going to sleep?" he finally asked after a minute.
"I have no idea" you started giggling again. "She just announced she was coming and that was that" you shrugged.
"Come on, you should be inside" he stood up.
"But the sunshine is calling my name" you pouted. "Look at it, its beautiful out here"
Steve sighed heavily and sat back down looking at you.
"You know its dangerous out here" he reminded you.
"This isn't the safest job either" you reminded him.
"You know what I mean" he shook his head.
"I'm betting Morgan is closing in on him. He hasn't come to get his pie yet, he must be close" you gave as mile. "The man loves his pie"
"Tony's found that Shawn has resources at his disposal. We think he targeted you initially for a reason" Steve admitted.
"You mean the experiments I was working on right?" you looked at him. "I know, I had a feeling. Not while I was with him. He seemed always interested in the science of my work. It was in retrospect, especially when Tony started asking those questions the other day. It makes sense. I didn't give him my formula's or anything, and I never brought my work home. He tried to visit me a few times at work, but security stopped him from getting in"
"We think he either works for hydra, or he worked for them at one point" Steve told you gently.
"It would make sense with all the experiments they do on people, and animals. The unlimited resources he seems to have" you admitted. "Could just be some big company that wants the formula for fire abilities. We can never say for sure, unless we have proof"
"Tony's working on the proof" Steve assured you. Pup started to whine and you got up quickly and went to go get the two bottles and brought them back outside with the napkin. You started feeding him and humming a lullaby to him and Steve rocked the seat slightly for you. He started reaching over, the same way Bucky did, to wipe Pup's face.
"You've been getting closer to Bucky" Steve observed after a few minutes of silence.
"He's a good man" you smiled to yourself and continued to hum. "I wouldn't have said that a few months ago, but I was wrong about him" you admitted softly.
"Its only been a couple days that your secrets out, and you already are admitting that?" he chuckled.
"Actions speak louder than words Cap" you flushed a little. "So far his actions are that of a good man with a good heart. I understand where his mistrust came from"
"Good, it was weird to have you two bickering all the time" he admitted.
"I hope we don't start bickering again in the future" you bit your bottom lip. "I like the way things are now"
"Its almost lunch time" he warned you as you finished with the first bottle and reached for the second one.
"Maybe we should let Bucky sleep today, he looked peaceful when I walked by earlier" you blushed a bit.
"That's rare, he has a lot of nightmares too" he got up and looked in Bucky's window and saw you were right. "Yeah, lets let him sleep" he agreed. "I'll puta plate in the fridge for when he wakes up"
"Thank you, its just he's been such a big help" you started, but stopped yourself from saying more. Steve didn't say anything in response, but wiped Pup's face for you. You sat in silence while Pup finished his bottle, and Steve frequently wiping his muzzle for him. When he was done he did a few whimpers and whines before curling back up in your neck. "Mama's got you baby boy" you spoke telepathically to him and he wiggled slightly in your hand. Steve grabbed the bottles and started leading the way inside. Clouds ears perked up and he yawned.
"Its lunch time" Steve told him, and Cloud nudged Melody to get up so they could go eat. Steve opened the door for the four of you, and he walked beside you down the hallway to the dining room.

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