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You spent the entire afternoon sparring with Bucky, and enjoyed yourself thoroughly. He started anticipating when you were going to kick him, so he would grab your leg and pull you close to him so you were almost face to face when you looked up at him. Once he would let go of your leg you would either jump up on his shoulders and have to turn so you could put your knee in his back, or you would jump back and hit him with a light punch in the stomach or chest. It was almost like he was dancing with you in a way, he had a smirk almost the entire time. You knew Clint was telling you to go rougher on Bucky but you didn't have it in you. You liked when you were both in close quarters, even if you were sparring. It almost felt like you were flirting with each other the way you both moved. The touches were light, and sometimes when it was against your skin, it felt like a caress.
"Alright, you're sweating all over my matt, go hit the showers. Both of you" Clint chuckled. Bucky held the ropes open for you to get out and you gave him a smile. Nat handed you a bottle of water and you drank from it gratefully. You looked over to see Billy was watching Melody and Cloud practicing on the dummy together. You finished your bottle, and Bucky pulled out another one from the cooler and handed it to you with a smirk.
"Thank you" you smiled shyly and took it drinking it down. He chuckled as he drank his one bottle.
"You fought pretty well" he stooped down a little to say a little closer to your ear.
"You too Sarge" you turned to look at him with a smile.
"We should work on getting you out of that hold I put you in the last few days, next week" he gave a half smile.
"Nat said its possible to get out of it" you blushed a little.
"I'll help teach you" he stood back up to his full height and smiled again.
You saw Steve was instructing Melody and Cloud and walked over.
"How are they doing?" you asked, and felt Bucky stop close behind you.
"Melody is going to suits next week. She's as good as Cloud on the dummy. She's been working pretty hard all week. I'm impressed" he smiled at you and then grinned looking over his shoulder to see Bucky standing close by.
"So, this is what your companions do Pup? Learn to fight men?" Billy asked as you started walking past Cloud and Melody's ring.
"Yes, they do very well. You should see Cloud in the field. You would be proud of him" you spoke internally to him.
"What is this human you were fighting with in the ring, with the metal arm?" he asked curiously. "The one standing close to you"
"His name is Bucky" you blushed.
"Is he a boyfriend?" he asked outright.
"Just a friend" you blushed even more.
"He seems strong" he spoke the obvious.
"He is, and he's very trustworthy. He protects me a lot, even when I'm sleeping" you admitted.
"We want him to be her mate" Melody jumped out of the ring. "Humans move slowly in these matters"
"You'll learn Pup, that sometimes slower is better. She needs a mate that's reliable, and will stay. Unlike her father" he told Melody. "He just walked out one day, and that was the last time. My companion cried for a long time over him, and mourned her loss. He had chosen another, after even having a child" he sounded bitter still.
"Is that why she worries so much for Y/N?" Melody asked curiously.
"One of the reasons she would rather she was closer, and doing something safer. Having a second companion is a dangerous job, you know this?" he asked expectantly.
"I know all the risks, I chose my companion" Melody barked. "I'll share her, but I choose her and I choose this life"
"You look happy Pup" Billy looked back to you. "It's a relief to see after hearing the news" he went towards the door. Bucky looked at you curiously but opened the door for Billy to walk out. Melody went and jumped back in the ring and you went out the door that Bucky still had opened.
"What was that conversation about?" he asked you gently as you watched Billy head towards the stairs to the upper floors.
"Me, my choices, and Melody's choices" you gave him a shy smile. "Billy worries, he was there the whole time I was growing up. He said I seem happy"
"Are you?" he asked gently.
"I am, I'm happy here. I know moving to the compound wasn't in my control, but I'll admit, I'm glad it happened" you smiled at him shyly. "Just like other things I'm glad about"
"Like what?" he walked beside you towards your bedrooms.
"We became friends, after all that senseless fighting" you smiled fully at him. "No more secrets, that feels really nice"
"I like those things too" he smiled at you, and brushed some of your hair out of your face as you stopped at your door. "I'll see you at supper" he smiled and headed to his room.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now