A pleasant outcome

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Bucky made sure to make love to you again before you both had left the cabin. You could hardly believe that you were engaged to him now. He had been so sweet when he was helping you get dressed again, and smiled proudly at the peppered love bites that were visible even after you put your dress back on. You were proud there were a few love bites of your own that you left on him, and you were especially proud that right under that black button up was a slight bruise from you marking him as well. You both held hands on the way back to the compound, where Bucky kept brushing his thumb over your hand in circular motions, and giving you a large smile, seeming to be almost exuberant. You were overjoyed as well, feeling almost overwhelmed with emotions. You couldn't wait to tell your mama and uncle Brad who were likely waiting in the living room to find out the news.
When Bucky parked the truck, you waited for Bucky to get to your door since he softly asked you to wait, and then you slid out of the truck. He took your hand and excitedly led you towards the compound doors. He picked up his speed as soon as you got past the door, and you knew he was just chomping at the bit to tell everyone the news. You couldn't hold it against him either, with the grand smile that was across his face.
"Do you know how much I love you?" he asked as he stopped for a moment and you almost ran into him.
"I hope nearly as much as I love you" you smiled at him softly. He chuckled and bent quickly to put one hand behind your knees, and one behind your shoulders and quickly picked you up like a bride and pulled you up enough to give you a quick, chaste kiss on the lips. He started taking long strides towards the living room and stopped the moment he entered, with a prideful smile on his face. Uncle Brad, mama, Steve, Sam, Cloud, Melody, Blue, Billy and Soren looked up expectantly.
"She said yes" Bucky spoke louder than necessary.
"It's about time" mama stood up and came over to pull you both into a hug. Bucky set you down on your feet to receive the hug at least, but kept one of his arms around you.
"I knew she would say yes" Billy puffed out his chest.
"We all did," Cloud agreed. Melody let out a happy howl, quickly joined by Blue, who didn't even know why he was howling, but wanted to join in on the fun.
"Finally, official mates" Melody sang and pranced around the room. "I've waited so long for this"
"Not quite Melody, there's still a ceremony" uncle Brad chuckled.
"Congratulations you two" Sam and Steve said all at the same time.
"I'm finally getting to have the son I've always wanted" mama sighed as she held you both in a warm embrace. "This is cause for celebration" she gave you both a kiss on the cheek.
"I bet they already started celebrating" Sam quipped quickly and you felt your cheeks get heated again. Mama finally let you both go, and uncle Brad came over to hug you both briefly before Steve pulled you both into a warm hug. He gave a deep chuckle as he pulled back from you both before Sam got his hug in.
"Now that they got their hugs in, let me see it" mama came over and grabbed your hand and looked at the ring. "Wow, that's impressive"
"Steve helped design it for me," Bucky grinned with pride.
"It looks beautiful" mama smiled at him.
"He sure knows how to spoil me. '' You cooed looking up at Bucky and putting your hand on his chest. He didn't miss a beat, but leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips.
"I should spoil you more," he chuckled.
"Where's our hugs?" Melody demanded.
"That's true, you are very right. Come here" you pulled yourself out of Bucky's embrace and knelt on the floor. Three wolves came barrelling at you all at once as you held out your arms and they knocked you back onto the floor. You couldn't help but laugh as they started licking at your face. Blue crawled through the two older wolves and rested himself on your chest and barked happily at this new game.
"I'm proud of you pup" Cloud pulled back and looked up at Bucky expectantly. "You chose well" he decided.
"You saw it coming" you giggled easily.
"You still had a choice" he reminded you and barked softly at Bucky. Bucky finally clued in and knelt down on the ground, and Cloud went over and licked his cheek before Bucky started scratching him behind the ears.
"We are going to be a real family now" Bucky whispered to Cloud while Melody got up off of you and launched herself at Bucky. He managed to catch her and hold her with one arm while she licked his face enthusiastically.
"We are always pack" Melody corrected him.
"You already were a pack, but family means something deeper to humans" uncle Brad chose to speak out loud so everyone could hear him. "It's an unbreakable bond, that can't be severed"
"Weren't we already a family then?" Melody asked him and you whispered to Bucky what she said.
"We were, but now it's going to be official in the eyes of the law" Bucky thought about it for a moment before answering.
"What's a law?" Melody looked at you, tilting her head to the side and giving a soft whine.
"What we work to uphold, as a pack. There are a lot of laws that humans abide by" you explained softly, still out loud for Bucky's benefit as you cuddled Blue close.
"You humans are so complicated" Melody whined softly.
"Yes, you are right. We are very complicated" mama chuckled softly.
"You should get off the floor doll, we don't want you getting sick" Bucky reminded you gently.
"She's already sick, Tinman," Sam reminded him.
"Yeah, she is" Bucky's face broke out into a smile again, but stood up to his full height and held out a hand for you to take. You held fast onto Blue before taking Bucky's hand and he pulled you up slowly to your feet. Sam looked at him curiously and hummed slightly to himself, wondering why Bucky would smile at the fact that you are sick. Bucky led you to the couch, and helped you sit down and you rolled your eyes a bit at how overly attentive he was being. Bucky quickly took the spot beside you and wrapped his arm around you.
"Mama, tired" Blue yawned from your arms. You smiled down at him and flipped him onto his back and brought him up closer to your face so he could nuzzle into the side of your neck. He quickly went to sleep, while you leaned more into Bucky.
"So when can we expect a wedding?" mama asked after a small prolonged silence.
"A few months," Bucky grinned.
"A year or so" you said at the same time. You both looked at one another and he chuckled. "A few months isn't long enough to plan a wedding" you grinned and shook your head.
"I know in this house, we can make miracles happen. Besides, we both wanted an outdoor wedding, and something small" he reminded you.
"But..." you wanted to argue that you would be showing in a few months, but the argument died on your lips.
"A wedding in October is always nice" uncle Brad grinned from his spot on one of the couches, obviously siding with Bucky.
"That sounds perfect" Bucky looked at you expectantly. That was even less time away than a few months.
"People will think it's a shotgun wedding" you frowned a bit.
"Who cares what people think? It's a celebration of love," Mama reminded you.
"Are weddings in your family different from other weddings?" Steve asked your uncle Brad.
"Our companions are with us, like her mama and Billy will both walk her down the aisle. Normally companions walk the other companions down the aisle, but it might be hard with so many of them" uncle Brad took a moment to think about it. "The companion's get their own table in the wedding hall, since there's always so many of them, and they don't get to see one another very often. The parents of the bride or groom normally watch their companion while they are on their honeymoon. It's the only time it's socially acceptable to be away from your companion, because they are watched very closely by the parents. It's a fair sized family with all our companions included, you'll need a lot of space. Y/N and Bucky are the only ones with wild animals besides me now. Most of us have dogs or cats, just house pets" he explained. "Y/N used to be the only exception until this asshole decided to bond himself to me while I was sleeping" uncle Brad gave a small smirk.
"Best decision I ever made, ya jerk" Soren countered quickly making you and your mama giggle. You whispered to Bucky what Soren said and he gave a good natured chuckle.
"Going to family functions with Cloud was always uncomfortable" you shuddered at the memory.
"The companions made me uncomfortable too," Cloud quickly agreed, and your mama quickly translated what Cloud said.
"You two don't have to invite everyone" Mama reminded you. "It's your day, not theirs"
"We just wanted a small wedding" you looked at Bucky and bit your bottom lip.
"Hell, I don't care if we get married in Vegas" Bucky shrugged with a big smile. "It's whatever you are more comfortable with"
"I do recommend taking lots of photos to send to the family though, so they don't feel snubbed" uncle Brad spoke up. "Uncle Jerome is chomping at the bit to come see if you actually are an Avenger and have five companions"
"I hate how he always pinches my cheeks" you frowned. "He makes me feel like a kid. His companion basically made Cloud sit in the corner with him every time we visited, and Cloud didn't get to move around a lot. He's just so bossy"
"What kind of companion is he?" Bucky asked you softly.
"A cat" you admitted and both Sam and Steve burst out laughing while Bucky chuckled.
"A cat told you what to do Cloud? Come on man, you've got to be joking" Sam looked at Cloud who moved uncomfortably.
"They don't follow the same rules wolves do, they think all territory is theirs. I was on his territory, I had to respect it" Cloud answered while uncle Brad translated. You reached out your spare hand and carded your fingers through Cloud's fur. Blue was still fast asleep, but his little feet started moving as though he was chasing something in his dreams.
"They would be on your territory this time" Steve reminded him with a good natured smile.
"Aunt Melanie maybe, her companion is a large saint bernard" you mused.
"Last wedding he ate the cake before the bride and groom had a chance to cut it" your mama reminded you.
"He also farts a lot," Cloud said. "It smells, especially at the dinner table". You whispered to Bucky what he said, and you both giggled.
"Okay, maybe we will go to a family reunion next year, but the wedding is going to be very low key" you finally decided.
"Don't tell Tony that" Sam grinned.
"Oh no, that is exactly what we are telling Tony. The wolves have a lot to deal with already, we don't need to turn their world upside down again this soon for a human celebration" Bucky decided softly, reaching over and rubbing his hand up and down your leg. Blue whined in his sleep and gave a soft bark before nuzzling more into you. The warmth from him was making you tired, not to mention this afternoon's activities.
"It's almost supper time, I wonder what it is today" Sam broke into the silence.
"I'm hoping for pizza" you decided softly. "With hot peppers" you added after a moment.
"Considering I haven't seen the cook, I imagine its take out" Steve gave a small grin.
"Honey, can you text Tony and ask him if we are having pizza tonight?" you looked at Bucky, since both of your hands were engaged. One holding Blue, while the other continued to card through Cloud's fur. He was obviously enjoying himself.
"I'll do it" Sam offered, taking out his phone. He waited a moment and looked up at you and grinned. "He ordered pizza, and brownies. Are you sure your stomach can handle that right now? You've been sick for a while now"
"I'm sure" you bit your bottom lip, going deep into thought. You looked down at your left hand where your ring was sparkling brightly in the afternoon sun, that was filtering through the windows. You were still in your own little world when Wanda came in behind you and wrapped her arms around you, and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Congratulations" she whispered softly while Vision came all the way in and he sat on one of the fluffy chairs. Wanda walked over and nestled herself onto his lap, leaning in and whispering something in his ear. Vision looked up with a smile and looked at both you and Bucky.
"Congratulations, that's wonderful news" Vision looked pointedly at the ring on your finger.
"A fall wedding sounds adorable" Wanda smiled serenely. "We are looking forward to seeing how a wedding works with companions"
"It's not that different, we don't think" uncle Brad shrugged.
"Did you want to wear my dress?" mama looked at you.
"I think I'm going to pick my own dress" you blushed. "I don't think I'll still fit into yours" you giggled.
"That can be your something new" mama grinned. "A brand new dress, I'll have to make sure to come back to help with the planning" she decided.
"We are getting that internet thing at the house, and a phone again. You can call me, anytime. I can try to help you both over the phone" uncle Brad offered, making it clear he wasn't up for another external visit anytime soon. "I will come for the wedding, no matter when you have it" he added.
"You can borrow your grandmother's butterfly pin that I inherited. We can put it on the inside of your dress" mama seemed excited.
"Let's talk about it some more tonight, I think I smell pizza" Bucky saw you looked exhausted. You gave him a grateful smile, and he leaned over, and kissed your cheek.  

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