Shawn's last stand

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"We have a problem" Clint landed the jet at lunch, and saw all the other jets were there too.
"I saw that, she think's Hydra found her" Nat nodded.
"Her instincts are bang on usually" Clint went and opened the back of the jet. "I think everyone got the message" he indicated to the other jets.
"I wrote back and told her to run" Bucky admitted.
"She won't" Steve shook his head.
"I can't help but hope she will listen" Bucky sighed.
The four of them walked inside and saw that the team had already assembled together in the dining room, some of them eating while waiting. Peter and Pietro were already there and suited up, ready to go.
"It might not be Shawn" Tony chewed at his lip nervously.
"But it might be" Scott spoke up. "Regardless we got to go"
"Her uncle isn't going to like having a jet in his yard" Sam shook his head.
"We got to make sure we aren't landing on the mine field" Wanda reminded the team.
"We can look at the pictures, use that as a guidance system to where its safe" Steve thought out loud.
"I've been looking at them. She stays to the right of the house" Clint was scanning through his phone.
"We should head out and help her" Peter spoke up.
"We need to gear up first, we don't know what we are facing, or even if she's wrong" Tony shook his head.
"She's rarely wrong Tony, have more faith in our protégé" Clint shook his head.
"I have faith in her, I just hope that she's wrong" Tony sighed.
"I'll stay here, and check in with Shield to see if they have an update" Bruce spoke up. "I'll also help with the pups" he was holding Anastasia, while Happy was holding Blue, Pepper was holding Edwin, and Wanda was holding her pup.
"I'm going to gear up, I think you all should do the same" Nat stood up at the same time as Bucky. He seemed anxious to get going.

"What do you mean you want me to hide?" Soren demanded as the four of you came into the house. You were headed for your bag, when your uncle Brad told him point blank he had to fly and get away.
"I mean you need to get away for a few days" your uncle Brad snapped at him.
"We have company coming" you decided not to lie. "I'm going to tell Melody, Snow and Jasper the same thing"
"Like Hell" Jasper snapped at you. "I'm not hiding, Snow needs to, but I do not. I know how to fight"
"You don't know how to fight the humans" Cloud looked at him.
"I know how to rip out a throat, that's all I need to do. She's my human too" Jasper started pacing in the living room while you changed into a pair of black jeans, black shirt and sneakers around the corner.
"This isn't easy to do, and we don't want to kill them. We maim them, and take them into custody" you spoke up.
"Speak for yourself, I'll shoot to kill" your uncle Brad looked at you as you came back around the corner.
"I need rope from you, as much as you've got" you looked at him seriously. "And no, we don't kill them unless we have to"
"We saw you are back" Melody and Snow came in the front door that neither of you had bothered closing. "We chased some deer, it was so much fun"
"You need to leave" Cloud looked at her.
"What's going on?" Snow demanded.
"Hydra found us" Jasper looked to her. "I need you to run back into the woods, and hide to make sure the pups are safe"
"Take Soren with you" your uncle spoke up.
"I'm fighting" Melody growled.
"You're stubborn" Cloud growled back.
"I've been training for this, you can't stop me" she looked to you, and you sighed.
"You haven't trained enough Melody. I would rather you went to help keep Soren and Snow safely" you looked at her.
"I'll protect Soren, let Melody stay. She's a good fighter" Snow spoke up. "I know just the place to hide where we can keep an eye on you and know when its safe to come back"
"I can't fly that far" Soren spoke softly.
"I can make it so she can carry you most of the way" you decided. "Put this to good use" you pulled out the service dog outfit. Snow came over and you started to put it on her.
"This is uncomfortable" she complained.
"Its temporary" you promised. "As soon as its safe, I'll call to you". You looked to Soren who jumps down onto Snow's back, and his talons sink into the cloth at the top.
"They need to go, I can hear cars" your uncle Brad looked to you.
"Go Snow, go" you ordered and she ran out with Soren on her back. Your uncle grabbed the rifle and gave it to you before he grabbed the shot gun and started stuffing his pockets with ammo, and you did the same.

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