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"Y/N, Bucky, meet John Walker" Tony announced as you and Bucky came into the room to see the team had already gathered, and a tall blonde man sitting beside Steve which was originally Bucky's seat. Bucky took the free seat on the other side of Sam, but not across from you like he normally liked it to be. You both grimaced at one another, and you gave a nod to John who gave you a soft smile, and started looking you up and down. You moved uncomfortably in your chair and looked at Clint and gave him a broad smile.
"How was the weekend?" you asked happily.
"It was pretty good, the family missed you. I gave excuses, but I promised you would be there Friday. We might have to leave a little earlier so you can make some pie with Laura. She has been looking forward to it" Clint looked at you with a smirk.
"How were my boys?" you looked at Peter and Pietro.
"We saw so many pretty girls this weekend, Peter met a girl named MJ and was very interested in her" Peitro gave a wide smile.
"So Fury put in a good word for you" Nat looked at John curiously. "What makes you so special?"
"I've just been on a lot of tours, I have a lot of metals from the army" John shrugged. "More than even you, Captain" he looked to Steve.
"I didn't realize that it was a competition" Steve shrugged. Clint passed down the food and you took a generous helping hearing the wolves talk about how they didn't like the scent of John.
"It's not and never will be" Bucky spoke up, looking at him distrustingly.
"You're James, right?" John looked at him.
"Bucky, only my girl can call me James" Bucky grimaced at him. "You're John, huh?"
"John Walker" he nodded proudly. "Fury wants me on the team" he added quickly.
"You're on probation for a week" Tony quickly reminded him. "The team is full as far as we are concerned"
"You didn't announce the pretty one yet" John gestured to you, and you flushed a bit.
"Didn't have to, she's been on the team a long time. Also they are all pretty" Tony shrugged.
"I'm confused, which one is he referring to?" Pietro asked, a little confused looking between all the females.
"I have no idea, we are all pretty" Nat chuckled.
"Speak for yourself, you are all beautiful" you took a bite of a piece of bacon, brushing John's comment off.
"He was told to keep his paws to himself" Bruce spoke up suddenly.
"I think Nat could take him in less than three moves" Wanda winked at you.
"I give him less than that" you continued speaking like John wasn't even there. He was exuding confidence, and seemed to be keeping a close eye on you which made you uncomfortable. It made you think he was summarizing the competition for a spot on the team. You knew it wasn't a competition. You weren't about to give in to his need to compete either. You finished eating and Blue came to you quickly and you picked him up.
"John, you are in the gym for the day, missions are tomorrow" Tony announced. "You'll join Y/N, Bucky and Clint for their mission"
"Why are there so many wolves here?" John looked around, and the pack came over to sniff him, while Edwin, Anastasia, and Zora all barked at him.
"They are family" Sam tried to give an olive branch. "The pups were all found on missions, as were most of the pack. Except for Cloud, he's been with Y/N for years" he was careful not to give it a date.
"Shouldn't you be releasing them back into the wild?" he scoffed a little bit and you saw Wanda's eyes flash red before his coffee fell over and spilt all over him.
"We had to nurse them from almost the day they were born for the pups. The older ones chose to be with us" Steve was trying to be careful. "Blue over there was our first pup on base" he smiled at you while you rocked Blue back and forth. You knew he was looking for a bottle still, more out of habit, but you were trying to make that habit stop. You peppered his muzzle with kisses, and would pull back. He would whine, and you would pepper his ribs with kisses again. You could hear him giggle in the telepathic link, but it was coming out audibly as playful growls.
"So what is it you can do?" John looked at you pointedly and you paused for a moment.
"I have fire powers, and I'm good in the field" you shrugged nonchalantly. Blue gave another playful growl and you gave him your attention again.
"Down" Blue finally gave in, and you set him back on the floor. He padded his way to Bucky. "Papa, uppy" he pawed at Bucky's legs and he chuckled before picking him up.
"He wants his bottle doll" Bucky looked at you with a bit of a pout.
"He just needs to be distracted" you giggled. "Just eat your breakfast, and when you are done, just play with him for a second"
"That's all you do?" John chuckled a little bit.
"Pretty much, I'm nothing special mister military" you shrugged.
"Special enough to have caught someone's eye" he countered quickly.
"That would be mine" Tony spoke up, not liking the way the conversation was going. "She's one hell of an Avenger. I haven't announced her yet because of personal reasons, her's not mine. She's being announced in the next week or so"
"Rumor has it, she had Fury's too" John chuckled a little.
"I was a scientist, I didn't come by these powers naturally. I was good at what I did, but I'm also good at what I do now" you shrugged.
"Damn right you are" Bucky grinned at you. "You working on your powers this morning?" he asked, not liking that John was so focused on you. He could feel your slight irritability through the bond, and was not liking it either.
"As always" you gave a smile watching him play with Blue.
"He doesn't smell sincere" Cloud came to you to have his face washed.
"Benefit of a doubt, but I don't care for him much either" you admitted, speaking internally.
"He's paying too much attention to you, you have a mate already" Melody took Cloud's spot.
"I've noticed, I'm trying to ignore it" you admitted softly through your mind. "He may just want my spot on the team" you reminded her.
"Do we have to mind ourselves while he is here?" Jasper asked as he went to Sam to get his face washed.
"We all do, I don't want our bond being public knowledge" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Just try to stay where we can see you" Snow huffed a little, putting her head on Steve's lap.
"I'm just going to work on my powers, you know I can't control that" you grinned and sat back up in your chair. Your eyes drifted towards Bucky, and you gave a soft smile while he played with Blue. Bucky looked up and locked his gaze with yours, and returned the smile. Blue squirmed in his arms and let out a bark wanting down since he wasn't getting what he wanted. Blue went automatically to Clint who chuckled and picked him up.
"So you are the one that keeps giving in and giving him the bottle" you giggled.
"You little rat" Clint stood up and went into the kitchen to get one of the premade bottles that Zora was still working on, although she was also on solids too. "You got me caught" he started feeding Blue who happily barked as he fed on his prize.
"That's one of his nicer nicknames" you giggled, thinking of how Bucky called him cock block.
"I don't even want to know" Clint had a feeling. He grinned at you and sat back down with Blue. You leaned over and gave Blue another kiss before getting up and putting your dishes as well as Clint's in the kitchen.
"Alright fire girl, you taking me on in the gym today?" Scott asked expectantly.
"Get in line ant boy, I have a super soldier to take down today" you winked at him.
"I'll be in the line up" Scott shrugged. "I've been working with Nat, she's pretty rough on me"
"That's what you need, someone to rough you up a little" you giggled sitting back down.
"Alright, let's head to the lab" Tony stood up just as you sat down and you nodded getting up again.
"I'll show you to the gym" Steve gave John a weak smile, and led him towards the gym. He still had a large coffee stain on his shirt, but you had a feeling he was one of those guys that took his shirt off while working out.

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