A homemade supper

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When your mom came back, you were just finishing pulling out all the ingredients to make bread to start. You knew the traditional family meal, but you also knew what you were craving. You started mixing the ingredients together slowly into a bowl, mixing a few batches at once, and trying to make sure that you had enough for the entire team for supper.
"There's our song bird" Billy came into the room and sat down looking at you. Cloud and Melody were quickly at his side, you had wondered where they had wandered off too. You knew if they were with Billy, they would be fine. He was probably asking more questions again. Maybe Melody had questions too, since he was the oldest companion, she had ever met. You looked up and smiled at Billy and saw your mom come into the room with a large bag and she set it on the counter.
"Its just a few" she grinned at you. "I would have brought more, but I didn't have much time"
You wiped your hands on your dress, getting flour on it and walked over curiously opening the bag. She had gotten you several art history books, as well as books on space, and a few of the romance novels that you always preferred.
"Thank you, mama," you hugged some of the books to your chest and gave her a large hug and kiss on the cheek. "I love them" you cooed.
"You better go put them in your room, I'll start on seeing what we have for ingredients" she announced and you excitedly picked up the bag of books, still holding a few to your chest and ran them back to your room. You peeked down to the living room and saw Tony, Pepper and Bucky were there as well. It looked like they were watching tv. You flushed a bit, but headed back into the kitchen.
"How about we make your grandma's special ribs, some home made perogies, and asparagus" your mom asked you as you walked back in.
"That sounds good, but what about dessert?" you quirked an eyebrow.
"I'll leave that to you" she grinned.
"I can bake a few cheesecakes" you decided. "It's been a while. Cherry though, Pepper is allergic to strawberries"
You went back to focusing on your bread, kneading the ingredients together then separating the dough into a few different spots on the counter with flour under it as you went between them and continued kneading the bread. You finally had to let it set for a bit so it could rise and set a cloth over them in a few separate bowls to make the process go a little faster. Your mom turned on ABBA, which you used to listen to with both her and your grandma when you worked in the kitchen together. You started humming to the music, being mindful not to be too loud. You saw your mom was working on the perogies filling so you went to start making the pasta that surrounded it. You found yourself starting to dance a little to the music, and mouthing the words as you went. You heard "I have a dream" come on and your mom gave you a small swat knowing you loved this song. You used to sing it with your grandma while you cooked with her. You started singing softly, and she came over and gave your butt another playful swat and you started singing louder with the music, forgetting that anyone else could hear you. You continued on checking the bread, and the pasta before you started grabbing the ingredients to make the cheese cakes since they would need to cool before eating. You looked around the kitchen as you sang and danced to the music and saw your mother and Billy watching you with satisfied looks, while Cloud laid down beside Melody who seemed to be watching you closely.
"There's my song bird" your mom came over and gave you a kiss on the temple. "I thought that man took that away from you too" she sighed and went back to making the center for the perogies. You saw she was using real bacon, cheese and mashing potatoes together to make it perfect. You finished the song, and your next favorite "The winner takes it all" came on and you started using the spatula that you were using to mix the cheese cake together as a microphone and your mom let out a laugh as you danced slightly with the music. You stopped to take a break to put together the graham crust into cake tins, before going back to the cream cheese cake itself. You sang through a few more songs, including Dancing queen where you danced around the room and sang happily to the music while your mom let out a few giggles at your antics as you got her to dance with you. You finally put the cheese cakes into the oven and sighed happily to yourself.
"Okay, enough ABBA. I got you to sing to our music, now where's yours?" your mom came over turning off the music on her phone.
"Oh mama, I don't sing to much anymore" you flushed and shook your head. "Normally just sad songs"
"No no, I'm not taking no for an answer, and I don't want to hear someone took your voice away. You have to have some happy ones on your phone" she took your phone and started looking through your lists and found one of your driving lists that you usually took with Cloud.
"What's this Ellie Goulding, Love me like you do" she asked you point blank.
"It's a song, its pretty" you blushed.
"Anyone you think of when you play it?" she pushed moving closer to you.
"I just play it on my headphones lately" you bit your bottom lip, not wanting to answer the question.
"Sing it" she turned it on, and you blushed and started singing to it automatically. Your hips started moving slowly to the music, and you belted out the song as you went. You thought of Bucky while you sang and it made you blush.
"That's my song bird" you heard Billy sigh and laid down beside Cloud.
"I missed this" Cloud admitted. "She used to sing all the time" he commented to Melody.
"Its beautiful, our human is amazing" she sighed and laid down with them watching you raptly. "Look at her smile" she cooed.
"That's the smile I remember" your mom sighed happily and brought over the filling for the perogies so you could start filling them. "So this is list is called "Cloud and Y/N's driving list" I like it" she chuckled as you continued to sing love me like you do. The song switched to Strawberry Wine by Deanna Carter, and you switched singing the songs with ease. You continued filling each small perogies and swayed to the music as you continued.

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