Sunday morning date

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When Bucky woke up in the morning, he wrapped his arms around you more securely and kissed you softly on top of your head. He couldn't help but feel that waking up next to you felt so right. He felt filled to the brim with love for you, and thought he was the luckiest man alive. You nuzzled into his arms more and gave a soft moan in your sleep. He looked down proudly at you wearing his t-shirt still, and wanted nothing more than to pull it off of you. Blue let out a small bark and Bucky knew it was about time for Steve to show up to pick him up. Trying not to disturb you he pulled back slightly and sat up in bed before grabbing Blue from beside your breasts and going to the bedroom door. He walked out into the hallway in his boxers and knocked on Steve's door who opened it quickly and gave a smile.
"You forgot the bottles" Steve chuckled, taking Blue away
"I'll bring them out when we go for breakfast" Bucky yawned. "He woke us up a few times last night. I think he's hungry again though" he warned him.
"I'll make sure he eats" Steve promised. "Make sure you bring out the bottles before you go" he reminded him.
Bucky went back into the bedroom and saw the wolves all raise their heads expectantly. Cloud gave a soft bark and looked at the balcony door. Bucky went over and opened the door for them and they all jumped off the bed and quickly ran out the door. You were startled awake from the loss of warmth and looked up confused.
"Honey?" you asked softly.
"I just let the wolves out so they could use the bathroom" Bucky spoke softly to you.
"Are you coming back to bed?" you gave a soft pout. He gave a soft nod, leaving the balcony door open and crawled back into bed only to wrap his arms around you and lovingly kiss you softly on the lips. You hummed happily, basking in the morning glow that was softly coming through the large windows and door frame.
"Always" he whispered against your lips and pulled you in tighter. You quickly fell back to sleep, feeling so full of love.

When you woke up again, the wolves were jumping on the bed. Melody was loudly singing that it was morning, and time to get up. Snow was quick to add that she was hungry and wanted to go eat. You heard Bucky try to shush them and calm them down, but the only one listening was Cloud.
"I'm up" you finally spoke up defeatedly.
"I told you it would work" Melody said proudly.
"You should have let her sleep a little longer" you heard Bucky sassing them. "She was in a deep sleep"
"That's not how it works" you giggled. "They're hungry" you told him quickly.
"I'll let them out to go to the kitchen" Bucky unwrapped his arms from around you and got out of bed. You sat up and gave a loud yawn, and smile as the wolves went bounding towards the door.
"Happy?" he asked as they were walking by.
"Very" Jasper looked at him.
"Jasper said very" you giggled. "Come on grumpy gus, we have a date" you stood up and walked towards Bucky. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a soft chaste kiss on the lips.
"I'm looking forward to it" he whispered huskily, leaning down to claim your lips again, deepening the kiss quickly. "I'd better go get changed" he pulled back, with an excited look on his face.
"You probably need this" you took off your shirt and handed it to him.
"I'm not thinking about breakfast anymore" he looked down at your naked body. You giggled and turned to go towards the closet. Bucky grabbed you from behind and kissed you gently on the back of your neck, making you shiver in delight.
"I was looking forward to pancakes" you giggle again.
"I'll wait then" he sighed heavily, and gave you another kiss on the back of your shoulder. You could feel his erection poking into your back and you wiggled slightly in his embrace. "But to be clear, I really hope the wolves go for a long walk tonight" he warned you.
"Me too" you turned in his arms and winked at him, walking backwards into the closet. You turned to grab a clean pair of panties and a bra in a moss green and started to put them on. Bucky put on his t-shirt and walked out into the hallway, making his way to his room. You grabbed a pair of high waisted dark blue denims, and a moss green sleeveless blouse which was low cut in the front, that you tucked into your jeans. You put on a dark brown belt, put on your kitty socks, and a pair of dark brown dress shoes. You looked down at your outfit, and felt satisfied. You could still see hickeys on your skin from your lovemaking with Bucky. You hurried into the bathroom where there were clothes still on the floor, making you giggle a little more to yourself. You quickly put on some light makeup with browns on your eyelids to make the look come together, and a light red gloss on your lips, putting the gloss in your purse for later.
You came out of the bathroom and saw Bucky was just finishing making the bed for you both, and you smiled softly at him as he looked up at you with a proud smile on his face. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a long sleeved white shirt, and his black boots.
"You ready doll?" he asked expectantly.
"Heck yeah, I'm ready. I'm going with my man for pancakes and the farmers market" you beamed and grabbed his hand.
"Can I drive?" he asked, knowing you wanted to take your truck.
"Yes, of course you can" you nodded and pulled the truck keys out of your purse. He led you to the truck and opened the passenger side first for you to get in, before running around to the drivers side. You hummed happily, opening up your phone to get to your driving lists to listen to while Bucky drove you both to the diner.

When you were done your pancakes, Bucky made sure to get up to go pay before you had the chance to argue again. You giggled at his antics, but got out of the booth and smiled happily to him. He gave his flirty smile and wrapped his arm around you, leading you out of the diner and back to the truck.
"Ready for the farmers market?" he asked softly.
"Of course I am, I'm glad you remembered your baseball cap today" you grinned. "I'd hate to have Tony yell at us again" you turned on the music.
"I don't care if we get caught doll, I want the world to know I found an incredible dame, and that I belong to only her" he shrugged as he started the truck. He quickly pulled out of the parking space and made his way to the farmers market while you sang softly to the music. You were admittedly enjoying yourself immensely, but you always did when you were with your Bucky. You looked at him, feeling so full of love and wondered how you got so lucky to be with such an amazing man.
"What?" he finally asked when you kept staring at him.
"You're amazing" you said after a moments hesitation. It wasn't the time to tell him you loved him yet.
"I think the same of you doll" he grinned happily.
"I just keep thinking of how lucky I am" you sighed.
"You keep taking the words out of my mouth" he chuckled.
"At least we are still on the same page" you smiled at him softly, wondering how he would take it when you finally admitted your feelings. Would he freeze up? Would it scare him off? You didn't know for sure, you just knew what you were feeling. You knew the wolves knew what you were feeling, the constant anxiety and worry of saying those three little words out loud. You rolled down the window and looked out, trying to get out of your internal musings and saw that you were almost there. You grabbed some of the reusable bags and put them into your purse quickly, just in case you bought anything.
As soon as Bucky was parked, you jumped out of the truck, but politely waited for Bucky to come around. He quickly took your hand and gave your knuckles a kiss before the pair of you started walking. You saw a fruit stand, and went to buy a few plums and handed one to Bucky with a smile. He quickly started eating it with his other hand. You also bought some peaches, and paid quickly for everything. You started eating one of the peaches as you walked hand in hand, and you both stopped at the garbage can's to throw out the pits. You got to where they had home made wares again, and you danced excitedly in one spot for a moment before Bucky slightly tugged at your hand and started leading you through the stalls. It was nice just to do window shopping as well. You liked seeing everything that was for sale. Bucky stopped at the same jewelry stand as where he bought you the necklace and paid for something before bringing it over to you where you were at the plushie stand again.
"I figured you needed the matching earrings" he spoke softly, handing you the package. You looked at him in shock and opened the bag. You saw a pair of sapphire earring studs in the shape of a rose and squealed slightly.
"They're beautiful!" you sighed and leaned up to kiss him hungrily on the lips. His hat tipped back with the amount of energy you put into the kiss, but he just groaned in appreciation and reached down to grab you and hold you by the hips pulling you closer. "You spoil me so much" you cooed to him.
"I don't spoil you enough" he smiled down at you lovingly. You took out your wildflower earrings you had been wearing and put them in the bottom of your purse, and immediately put in the new earrings that Bucky had bought for you.
"I love them" you smiled up at him. You paused for a moment, wanting to tell him you loved him as well. He grinned and leaned down to kiss you again and you both hummed happily against one another.
"I think we should head back, otherwise we will be late for lunch, and you know how Tony gets" Bucky pulled back looking at the time.
"Can we cuddle after we do laundry?" you pouted slightly.
"We can cuddle even while we are doing laundry" he chuckled, taking your hand and kissing the knuckles again while leading you back to the truck.  

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