Before the visit

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When you went in your room you went directly to the bathroom to do your business as well as wash up a little bit. You brought Blue into the closet with you and changed into your dark blue short lace negligee and flushed looking down. You had a feeling if you moved too much, your panties would show. You heard a knock at your balcony door and you came out with a smile, holding Blue and waved Bucky in.
"Hi, wow, you look great" Bucky was looking you up and down. You studied him in his sleeping shorts and white t-shirt and bit your bottom lip. "Oh that's not fair" he growled and stalked towards you and leaned down brushing his lips against yours. You tried not to lean too much into him as Blue let out a small bark as Bucky deepened the kiss. You felt like your toes were going to curl with the way he moved his mouth and tongue with you. You let out a small moan, and you heard him groan a bit as he wrapped his arms around you and Blue let out another bark. You regretfully pulled back and smiled up at Bucky and he was grinning down at you. "I'll have to wait to kiss you properly I guess" he chuckled.
"He's being territorial" you shrugged. "He keeps saying mama, but I know he's not hungry" you admitted, still hearing Blue say mama several times over. You leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose.
"He's going to have to learn to share" Bucky gave a flirty smirk and held out his hands as if offering to take Blue. You quickly handed him over, and saw Blue nuzzle into him easily. You felt him internally sigh and started to calm down.
"Looks like he wanted you" you gave a half smile. "He stopped saying mama"
"We will have to keep him between us tonight" Bucky grinned triumphantly.
"Oh no, Mister Barnes, I am getting my snuggles tonight" you shook your head. "He can lay on you, but so am I" you flushed.
"I wouldn't stop you, even if you asked me to" he took a step towards you and leaned down to brush his lips against yours again. You leaned forward enough that you could feel his arm that was holding Blue brush against your breasts and you sighed happily as he continued to kiss you. He took a step closer to you and Blue let out another bark again. You both sighed defeatedly and took a step back from one another. "I've got an idea, it's a temporary fix" he handed you Blue and you watched him curiously as he left the bedroom in a hurry. You went and sat on the side of the bed and waited for him to come back while you rocked Blue a little bit. When Bucky came back in he was carrying a black towel with something inside of it and you watched him as he came closer to the bed.
"What is that?" you finally asked as he got to you.
"How water bottle" Bucky grinned. "Just for a few minutes" he put it on the other side of the bed, and you touched it to see that it was indeed warm. You put Blue on it, and he stayed asleep.
"Smart, but why?" you looked at him in surprise.
"I wanted a moment to kiss my girl" he winked at you and stalked towards you. He sat down beside where you were, and turned to grab you by the hips and placed you on his lap facing him. You giggled as you put your legs on either side of him, feeling his erection pressing up against you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and put your hands in his hair as you pressed your forehead against his. You took the initiative and brushed your lips against his and he quickly started to deepen the kiss. His hands trailed up and down your back, then went to your hips to pull you in more and you moved your hips against him feeling the heat pool between your legs again. You heard him groan against you, and knew instinctively he could feel it. He pulled back to start kissing a trail down your neck, and you sighed happily leaning back slightly, taking in the moment, and moved your hips against him again and he groaned again. He nipped at your collar bone, and you bit your bottom lip, pulling a bit on his hair.
"Fuck" he whispered against your skin before he started sucking slightly on one of your sweet spots, pulling on your hips to encourage you to move them again. You leaned back into him and kissed him on the side of his head and waited for him to pull back slightly and you pushed your lips against his again. You pulled away from the kiss and started working down the side of his neck, grinding your hips against him again, and he moaned your name softly. You found a spot that made him shiver and you gave a small nibble before you started sucking softly on that particular spot. Once you were satisfied you marked your territory you started moving down to his collar bone, and you felt his hands digging into your hips and you ground yourself into him again. "Fuck" he moaned again. You found a spot that made him shiver on his collar bone, and you nipped again before sucking on it. You suddenly felt your body picked up and you were suddenly laying on your back on the bed with Bucky on top of you between your legs and he started kissing you on the lips again, deepening the kiss quickly. You moved your hips against him again, and felt him twitching against you and you let out a satisfied moan wanting more of the friction. He nipped at your bottom lip and pulled slightly at it as he moved against you again. He took a moment to gaze deep in your eyes, and his hand came up touching the side of your cheek. "You're so fucking perfect" he gave a smile and you flushed.
"Feelings mutual James Buchanan Barnes" you whispered, and felt proud that your voice came out as raspy instead of squeeky. He leaned down and started kissing you again while one of his hands trailed up and down your side, you felt him move his hips and his erection pressed into your center again. Your clitoris was enjoying the friction a little too much and you let out a small cry as you pushed your hips up into him a bit more. He chuckled slightly and he started kissing along the side of your neck again. You felt his hand pause beside your breast, as though he wanted to touch it but was afraid to. You pulled your hand out of his hair and took his hand and placed it on your breast and he moaned immediately and gave a small squeeze before he started massaging it. He brought his vibranium hand over and started on the other breast and you moaned happily as he continued to kiss you along the neck. He came back up and captured your lips again, grinding himself into you and you moved your hips at the same time. He moved to start kissing down your neck again, but this time went towards your chest and you ran your hands through his hair reveling in the pleasure he was giving you. You moved your hips against him again and he moaned immediately, meeting you with his own thrust. He kissed down to the material of your negligee and pulled back to look you in the eyes, as if asking silent permission before he moved to suck on your nipple through the material and you let out a small cry and arched your back in response. He nibbled a little bit, but continued to suck until the material was completely wet, and your nipple was completely hard and he moved to the other breast. You wrapped your legs around him and moved against him again and he let out another moan while you nipped at your nipple through the material and your other nipple was completely hard and wet. He quickly went back to capture your lips again, kissing you as if it was the last thing he would ever do in his life. You sighed happily in his arms and he moved against you one more time and you raised your hips to meet him. You were so lost in the moment, you didn't hear the warning of Blue saying mama. You were too busy kissing Bucky and enjoying the moment. You both jumped when he suddenly howled from beside you, and Bucky started to laugh, and you quickly joined him.
"I think he's hungry" you blushed as Bucky climbed off of you and you had to fix your negligee.
"I was hungry for you" Bucky winked at you and grabbed the bottles while you grabbed Blue and put him in the feeding position. Bucky handed you the first bottle and then grabbed a napkin and started wiping his face for you.
"I was hungry for you too" you finally whispered with a blush.
"We will have to finish this at a later time" he gave a flirty smile. "Maybe get a babysitter for a few hours, or a night" he added with a bit of a flush. You blushed at the thought of it, but nodded as you continued to feed Blue. He finished the first bottle quickly and you moved to the second bottle. You both continued to feed Blue in silence sitting close together, Bucky leaned forward once you started on the third bottle and kissed you leisurely on the lips. You smiled into the kiss, keeping in mind that you were still feeding Blue so you couldn't move far. He pulled back from the kiss and smiled at you proudly. You put the third bottle down and started to get up.
"I can take him" Bucky offered.
"Your still at full mass, Sargent. Let me take him" you giggled.
"Super soldier, I can't help it" he flushed a bit.
"I'll be right back" you gave him a quick kiss on the lips and headed to the balcony and ran Blue outside quickly.

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