Grocery shopping

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You sat down and had a cup of tea with your uncle while you waited for Bucky to finish up taking a shower. You knew he was taking a little longer since he was full of dirt and some blood that wasn't his. When he came back downstairs you were just finishing a game of cards and he gave you a shy smile, standing in his sweat pants and an undershirt.
"You beat me again, you little shit" uncle Brad growled a bit, then chuckled as he got up and put both your mugs from your tea in the sink. "Get some sleep you two, you have a busy day tomorrow" he headed over to Soren who jumped easily onto his shoulder and he started heading up the stairs without another word.
"I'll take the floor" Bucky offered immediately.
"So will I" you shrugged, grabbing the blankets and started to lay them out easily.
"You should take the couch, its more comfortable" Bucky started to argue and you just looked at him.
"I can't, the pack sleeps on the floor. I've been having bad nightmares" you finally whispered.
"I'll lay with you, if you want" he offered after a moment.
"Sure, it's the same idea. We are just sleeping with the pack" you smiled at him and put a pillow down for him before you got down on the floor. Bucky quickly crawled under the blankets with you and pulled you close to him from behind and you rested your head on his arm. The pack automatically crowded around you both and laid down surrounding you both.
"You're right, it's the same as sleeping with the pack back home" Bucky chuckled. "We are just missing Blue"
"We all miss Blue" you whispered.
"He's in good hands" Bucky promised. "The team adores him, and he misses you too"
"Can you do me a favor?" you asked after a few minutes.
"Anything" he sounded a little concerned.
"Hold me tighter" you asked, and felt him kiss you on the back of your head and he wrapped both arms around you completely. You relaxed enough that you started to fall asleep.

You did wake up a few times during the night, by startling yourself awake. Bucky woke up automatically and would hold you a little tighter and kiss the back of your head. He would whisper that you were safe, and he was still there. It was almost like magic that you would fall asleep again, taking great comfort in the fact that he was there with you. When the sun started shining into the living room you woke up for the last time, and turned in Bucky's arms to give him a soft kiss on the lips. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you.
"Good morning" you smiled back at him.
"Good morning beautiful" he leaned forward to kiss you again. "I thought I was dreaming that I had you back in my arms again" he whispered pulling back.
"If it's a dream, then I'll be disappointed when I wake up" you giggled feeling him pull you in tighter. "I do enjoy our cuddles"
"I enjoy our cuddles too, I've missed them a lot this week" he admitted. "Especially when I was feeding Blue"
"The pictures you, Clint, Steve, Scott, and Sam sent me of you feeding Blue made it look like you were enjoying it a lot" you smiled at him.
"I always enjoy my time with him, but doesn't stop me from missing my girl" he touched the side of your cheek. You leaned into his touch and smiled at him.
"You are such a sweet talker Sarge" you winked at him, and kissed him softly on the lips again. "You ready for grocery shopping this morning?" you asked gently.
"Take me anywhere, as long as its with you" he pulled you close again and you giggled.
"I'd better go start on my knife practice until breakfast" you pouted a bit, rubbing your nose against his gently.
"Did you want me to make breakfast?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Uncle Brad likes to make breakfast. Come help me work on my stance" you sat up, with Bucky not too far behind you. He helped you fold the blankets and put them back on the couch. The pack got up and started stretching, and hurried towards the front door. "I need to pee and brush my teeth really quick" you blushed at the admission.
"I'll wait, I need to go do those things too" Bucky admitted. "Thank goodness we always keep extra's on the jets"
"I always wondered why Tony had extra clothes on there for me" you grinned and grabbed your stuff before running up the stairs. You saw Soren was already awake, but your uncle was still fast asleep. You went and did your business quickly and went back down the stairs. Bucky went up with his toothbrush and toothpaste in hand after you and you waited by the front door with the roll of knives. When Bucky got back he followed you quickly outside to the picnic table.

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