Working on defense

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By the time you finished with Tony, it was lunch time and you were exhausted. You sat beside Scott again, who grinned and made a few jokes to make you giggle while you were eating. The conversation went easily around the table. You noticed Bucky looking at you once in a while, but didn't say anything to you today. You wondered if you did something wrong, or something right finally. He normally had something smart to say to you, but so far it had been nothing. It was almost unnerving.
Clint announced he was going to count the hits in the ring to make sure to call who was the fair winner between you and Scott. Scott pouted a little but agreed.
"Remember you need to focus on your defensive" Nat reminded you.
"I'll help her with it" Clint shrugged. "She's a quick learner. As soon as she's done with Scott, we will work on it"
"Thank you Hawkeye" you grinned. "What kind of Hawk are you anyways?" you giggled. Clint chuckled looking at you.
"Don't you start that again, I'm still taking you on in the ring" he warned.
"I'd better go get changed. The big gym right?" you asked, standing up and grabbing your dishes.
"Yeah, we will meet you there" Scott nodded and you put your dishes away, and were closely followed by Cloud to your room where you changed into a pair of cropped leggings and a sports bra. You put on your sneakers for inside and made sure you put your hair back into a braid. You took a moment to wash Cloud's muzzle and gave him a kiss between the ears before leaving your room and heading to the gym. Cloud followed you in and went to the ring that Scott and Clint were standing outside and he sat down. You quickly taped your hands and slipped into the ring before Scott had a moment to react. He grinned and jumped in after you putting his hands up and waited patiently.
"Three hits and its over" you warned him.
"I'll have you done in less than five minutes" he grinned cockily. You arched your feet so you were on the balls of your feet and waited for him to make his first move. He went with a three punch, and you successfully blocked each of them before you got him a kick in the abs and he fell back. Cloud barked from the side, where he was sitting beside Clint.
"Cloud's right, that was one zero Scott" Clint grinned. "Come on man, you got to try better than that to get past her. Nat trained her well". Scott made a kick towards you ribs and you flinched remembering the previous pain and he got a direct hit and looked at you confused for a moment.
"I guess its one one" you forced a smile.
"Stop thinking pup, you can do this" Cloud spoke to you, and you gave him a nod. Scott went for a punch and kick combo and you deflected them easily before jumping up and getting on his shoulders. You put your knee in his back, and he fell forwards and you rolled off of him.
"That's two one" Clint called it. Scott charged at you, throwing several hits and punches that you deflected. You saw an opening and hit him in the collarbone lightly and he fell back.
"So much for those new moves" you teased.
"I really thought I would have you this time" he grinned. "I'll have to get my girlfriend to start going over them again with me" he jumped out of the ring and Clint slipped in. You looked to your side and saw that Bucky had been watching the exchange, and wondered if he was going to say something smart about your fighting skills. Not that you cared. Not in the least. He's hated you, and you disliked him for the way he treated you. Although last night and in the laundry room started to show him in a different light, you weren't willing to start giving him the benefit of a doubt yet.
"Now I'm going to start attacking you, I want you to deflect the blows but not hit back" Clint instructed. "We will go over what you need to work on after" he warned you. You nodded, and were able to block most of the blows but he got a few in to your ribs. You kept flinching, the pain was still fresh in your mind. He got you once in the back when you turned to try to dodge a blow and you fell onto the side of the ring. The memory of the attack started coming forward in your mind and you started shaking a bit again.
"You alright?" Clint asked softly.
"Yeah, lets keep going" you nodded. He went for your ribs again, and the flashback hit at the same time and you curled onto the ground quickly anticipating pain that never came. Clint looked at you worriedly, and you tried to mask your face as you got back up again.
"Did you get hit in the ribs recently?" he finally whispered.
"Something like that" you admitted.
"Come on, try to kick me in the ribs and keep trying. I want to show you how to avoid it" he instructed. You went slowly and he showed you slowly how to deflect them. He spent the rest of the afternoon on showing you different defense moves and by the time you were done you had worked up a serious sweat and were exhausted and sore from all the hits. You did finally have it down pat to deflect the rib hits. You slipped out of the ring, and Cloud jumped up and licked your cheek.
"Grab a shower, we will work on this again after the recon mission" Clint wiped his face and you nodded. "Don't be late for supper" he reminded you.

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