A night with Wanda

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Steve, Sam and Bucky ended up taking the balcony to look out of the telescope, so you and Wanda ended up having girl time in the living room instead with the pack. You both had a lot of catching up to do. Wanda asked a few questions about the heat, but most of the answers she already knew from your mind. You were happy to tell her all about the farmers market and how much you and Bucky loved to go visit the cabin. Wanda told you about how she and Vision had decided to try to have children, and you both giggled and talked about Tony having to put a daycare in the compound.
"What about you and Bucky?" Wanda asked expectantly.
"Oh, I don't know. I want kids, and I know he wants kids" you smiled and looked over your shoulder to the balcony where you could see out one of the floor to ceiling windows of the boys looking out the telescope. Bucky snuck a look inside and you locked eyes for a moment and he winked at you and gave a broad smile. "I know I love him, and that's all that matters for now" you looked back at Wanda.
"You did bond with him" Wanda smiled knowingly.
"I didn't know that it could happen, in my defense" you shook your head.
"But it did happen. What's it like?" she asked, sitting forward a bit.
"We don't like to be apart," you admitted. "I feel incomplete, just like when the pack leaves me. It's like you are naked without them. You are missing a piece of you"
"That's interesting. Are you going to tell the team about it?" she asked in a hushed voice.
"I'd rather it not be in mixed company. We don't know if this John Walker is going to be sticking around, and I'd rather not share the fact that I speak to wolves or bond with animals outside of the team. What do you think he's going to be like?" you were curious.
"I'm not sure, but once I get a read on him I'll let you know" she smiled. "Tell me, is there a surface in here you didn't have sex on?" she looked around, and your face was burning red.
"Pretty sure we covered it, but technically never in this room" you giggled.
"Let's not tell the boys in case they want to visit" Wanda gave a giggle.
"If Tony soundproofed the suite, and did it overnight, I can imagine what we were up to was not a secret" you blushed.
"It was pretty constant" Wanda sipped her tea looking at you. "Aren't you sore?"
"Not even a little bit. I feel better than I have in a while. I have some slight cramps but that could be my period" you shrugged.
"You have a lot of kiss marks" she giggled, spying some showing on your neck.
"The man is thorough" you joined in the giggling. "He knows my body better than I do at this point" you sighed, and looked back out at him looking through the telescope again.
"Is Melody pregnant now?" Wanda asked curiously.
"We will know in a month or so. I know that Cloud did his job quite a bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if she is. That's why I'm grateful she isn't assigned on missions right now" you admitted. "Just in case"
"I want the missions" Melody spoke up.
"Not if you are with pups" Snow countered quickly. "You very well might be. You need to give it time"
"Jasper gets to go" Melody whined.
"Jasper can't have pups in his belly" Snow reminded her.
"What about when you have your pups, will you be okay with him going on missions?" Melody looked at her.
"This is the life we chose, and we knew that coming into it" Snow barked softly. "I don't want him hurt, he is my mate, but he is brave and he will help our human"
"Mama" Blue came over and jumped up on your leg. You leaned down and picked him up. "Love mama" he snuggled into your neck.
"Sorry" you looked at Wanda.
"It's fine, I can tell when you are talking to them. Your mind goes blank to me" she gave a kind smile.
"Blue's been forming sentences now. He likes to say ''Love mama and Love papa" you smiled proudly.
"He's a mama's boy" Wanda cooed to you.
"No, he's Bucky's little boy. You should see the two of them playing on the floor together. It's adorable" you sighed happily, snuggling with Blue. "I have some pictures on my phone" you took it out of your pocket and showed it proudly to Wanda who giggled looking at the pictures.
"Vision and I will have to come visit the cabin one weekend. It looks so nice, much better than those pictures" Wanda gave a serene smile.
"I hope you both do, and bring the boys. The cabin isn't that big, but big enough to have some company for supper" you felt Blue become more of a dead weight and knew he had fallen asleep.
"I'd better get going, you have a little one to put to bed" Wanda put down her empty tea cup.
"He just sleeps with us" you shrugged. "But he does have to go use the bathroom before he gets too far asleep" you gave Wanda a side hug. "Thank you for coming"
"You're going to get Bucky to wake him up and take him down to the grass aren't you?" Wanda gave a sneaky smile.
"Oh, you know it. I don't want to wake up a grumpy pup" you giggled and headed towards the balcony while Wanda left.
"Hey doll!" Bucky called as soon as you walked out the door to the balcony with Blue in your arms. The pack all followed you out, and looked at Bucky expectantly. "Oh, he fell asleep before his nighttime walk?" he asked, reaching out his arms for Blue.
"Yeah, he wanted uppy again, and he snuggled in and fell asleep pretty quick" you gave a soft smile.
"You want me to take them down, doll?" Bucky asked for confirmation.
"I don't want to wake him up" you pouted.
"I'll wake him up. I'll be right back you two" he looked at Steve and Sam.
"We will wait" Steve went and sat on the swing with Sam, watching Bucky run down the stairs.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Sam asked after a few minutes.
"I don't like waking him up, and Bucky is pretty close to Blue" you gave a small smile. "Besides, I'm going to bed first tonight, I don't want it to be with a grumpy baby. Blue will forget why he's grumpy by the time Bucky comes to bed" you waited patiently for him to come back with Blue. You saw him come back up the stairs and Blue was whining softly and calling for his mama. You walked over and took him quickly from Bucky who leaned down to grace your lips with a soft kiss.
"I'll be in soon" he whispered in your ear.
"Take your time Sargent" you purred to him. "We are going to bed, we have to get up early in the morning for our walk" you kissed Blue on the head and went through the balcony door to your bedroom. You noticed the blinds were still shut tightly and had to giggle to yourself. Cloud, Jasper, Snow and Melody jumped up on the bed while you set Blue down for a moment and headed into the closet to change quickly. Blue was watching you like a hawk. You gave a small smile and went to the bathroom to use the facilities before coming back out and picking him up and crawling into bed.

You woke up happily with Blue nuzzled into your neck and Bucky's arms around both of you. You stretched slightly in your sleep and sat up after giving BUcky a chaste kiss on the cheek. You gave a yawn and headed to the bathroom, carrying in Blue and set him down on the floor while he looked around tiredly. You did your business and got up and started washing your face, brushing your hair and your teeth. You gave another yawn picking Blue back up and Bucky came in. He stopped long enough to brush his lips across yours, then gave you a loud kiss on the side of your neck."None of that today, Alpha" you giggled and headed out towards the closet. You took out one of your tighter t-shirts in a pale blue with a sports bra underneath. You picked out one of lace panties and slipped them on with a pair of black leggings and you looked in the mirror for a moment. "There's my pretty little Luna" Bucky came into the closet and put both hands on your hips, pulling you in close for a kiss. You hummed happily, and titled your head to the side slightly so he could deepen the kiss. "I kind of wish you were still in heat" he chuckled. "That was Melody, now we have to worry about two heats a year" you rolled your eyes pulling back. "I'm not complaining" he chuckled and firmly grabbed the globes of your ass with a satisfied hum. "None of that, we have company this week" you reminded him and wiggled out of his grasp. "Right, John" he grimaced. "Not even a little of that?" he looked at you with hooded eyes. "Be a good boy today and we will see" you gave a saucy response. "Are you going for your run or are you joining me?" you asked expectantly. "I'd rather be with you and the pack" he pulled out a clean pair of boxers and started getting changed. You saw he was already hard and waiting on you. You had to put that thought to the back of your mind and looked him up and down, just drinking him in. You caught yourself and looked down to grab your shoes and started putting them on. "You were checking me out again" he teased. "Am I ever not checking you out?" you quipped quickly. "You're a stud muffin" you giggled. "Only for you" he laughed good naturedly and put on his sneakers. "You taking me in the gym this afternoon?" you asked expectantly. "I'll demand it from Clint" he winked at you and gave you a playful spank before leading you out. 

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