Letter from uncle Brad

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When you got back to the compound, Bucky was quick to jump out and come open your door for you before you had the chance. You giggled a little and slipped out before you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he leaned down for a soft kiss on the lips.
"I'll miss these when we are on our missions" you sighed softly.
"That's cute" he chuckled.
"What's cute?" you asked him curiously.
"That you think I wont kiss you on a mission" he grinned at you and you blushed.
"We have to stay focused" you reminded him.
"I'll find the opportunity" he winked and opened the front door for you. You shook your head and walked in, and found yourself pounced on by Melody and Cloud.
"You were gone longer than we thought" Melody chastised you.
"I wasn't gone that long" you felt confused.
"Next time I want to come, I don't care if I have to share the front seat" Cloud licked your cheek. "I'm done being upset"
"Thank you" you gave a small smile. "And yes, next time you will be coming" you quickly agreed. "The boys asked where you were"
"I should have come" he sighed. Bucky took your hand and started leading you towards your room so you could drop off your purse. You quickly did so, then he pulled you in the direction of the living room. Jasper and Snow stood up as you came in and came over for scratches behind the ears as soon as you were visible.
"Glad you're back" Jasper looked at you.
"I told him about the strength of your fire, he wants to see it next time" Snow reported quickly. "I also told him how the humans will be able to hear us now when you wear a helmet"
"I'll be mindful of what I say, I suppose" he grunted.
"I like your honesty though" you shrugged and Bucky led you to the couch.
"About time you two got back" Clint grinned. "I thought I'd give you a moment to say hello to the pack first" he winked.
"We were starting to wonder" Nat chimed in, snuggled into Bruce's side, between Clint and Bruce on the next couch over. Steve, Sam and Scott were all in chairs doing their own thing. Clint handed you Blue and you snuggled him into you happily as you sat down.
"Thank you for watching Blue" you sighed happily as you heard Blue say mama as though he was happy.
"We found a documentary series on the worlds parks and preservations" Nat announced quickly. "You game?"
"Absolutely" you grinned while Clint turned on the tv and put it on. You leaned back, and felt Bucky put his arm around you and pull you in closer to him. You snuggled in as much as you could without moving Blue too much and gave a soft sigh before Cloud jumped up on the couch and laid across Bucky's lap and put his head on your lap. You smiled softly, and used your spare hand to scratch him behind the ears the collar as you watched the show. Each episode you saw was an hour long, and you enjoyed how their main focus was talking about preserving the earths wildlife and showing what different countries were doing to make sure that the environment was preserved. Blue let out a small bark and Clint reached for him before you had a moment to react, and he got up with him. He went over and grabbed one of the several bottles that were on the table in front of Bruce and Nat and started rocking him and feeding him at the same time.
"Don't forget I'm your uncle Clint" he whispered to him. Blue nuzzled more into him, and you felt your heart warm at the sight of it. Bucky reached down and pulled on your legs a bit and you automatically shifted so your legs were over his lap, and he pulled you closer so it was your thighs instead. You put your head on his shoulder and continued to watch the show.
"That was fascinating" Bruce marveled as the show ended.
"We better keep a few episodes for during the week" Clint sat down while Nat turned off the TV.
"I hope you don't mind, we had the pups sleep a bit with the pack while you were out" Nat smiled at you.
"Not at all, its good for them to know all the safe scents" you gave a broad smile. "Do it anytime" you added. "I'm sure the wolves were talking to them most of the time if they were awake"
"Snow really took over today, warning us when it was feeding times for each pup. She really was a big help" Bruce let you know.
"She sassed me a bit earlier about when I was in the training room. She didn't like not being able to see me" you admitted. "I've been sassed a few times today. They are all interested in the helmet idea, of you all being able to hear them. Jasper said he would try to behave himself, but I like his blunt honesty"
"Will I be told off by Cloud again, only this time I'll hear him?" Clint grinned, giving Blue his last bottle.
"I have no idea. He's done being mad for today at least" you giggled.
"I still can't believe I got told off with just a look from him" he shook his head.
"I'd like to come up and help with her training" Bucky looked to Clint.
"You'll distract her" Clint shook his head.
"I can remain professional" Bucky promised. Clint seemed to take a moment to think about it.
"Tell you what, you can come up and help once in a while. She needs to take this seriously, and with you she starts taking it easier and relaxes too much" Clint decided. "If I feel like she's not making progress for the day, I can kick you out. Deal?" he asked.
"Deal" Bucky nodded. "I can do that. You'll have to focus doll"
"Clint had my full focus today. I got three knives in the walls" you smiled happily. "I just have to learn to throw better, and be mindful when I grab the knife"
"Your posture needs work too" Clint put down the third bottle and you frowned a bit, but let it go. "I'm going to run him out"
You heard Mommy and looked over to see Nat and Bruce were just snuggling with Anastasia.
"She's about to ask for a bottle" you warned them, and Bruce automatically reached for the bottles.
"Play your music for a bit" Nat smirked at you. "I don't want to hear that sad shit"
You nodded your head and reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone and turned on your love songs and it automatically filled the air around you.
"Did you talk to Tony about the pictures yet?" Bucky asked you as you started looking through the pictures on your phone. You shook your head.
"What about pictures?" Bruce asked and you looked up at him in surprise.
"I wanted to print off some photos to put up on my walls" you blushed. "But I wanted to use the lab to print them out with Friday since she has the best quality"
"Its my lab too, just use my computer" Bruce shrugged.
"Really?" you asked excitedly.
"Yeah, you should decorate your room more like Tony said. I imagine the walls are pretty bare" Bruce smiled at you.
"They are" Steve nodded. "You could tell at her cabin she had photo's up on the walls everywhere at one point"
"It just makes it feel more like home, the same with flowers" you smiled softly, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Tony had your mail delivered to your room today too, did you check your desk?" he asked quickly.
"No, I just noticed my box of frames were delivered" you flushed.
"I guess it was a pretty big stack of mail" Bruce gave a small smile.
"I'll check it before I go to bed. Maybe I heard back from my uncle" you smiled softly to yourself.
"The hermit one, or the other one?" Bucky asked.
"Hermit, we used to be really close. I've tried to stay in contact with him over the years through the mail since he doesn't have a phone anymore or anything. After losing his companion he stopped answering it anyways" you shrugged. "But he will take the time to answer a letter, which I love. He doesn't talk about much, but keeps me updated on his living situation which barely changes. Sometimes its only one sentence, but its something at least"
"How big is your family?" Steve asked suddenly.
"I only really know my mom's side, but I have a few aunts and uncles, a bunch of cousins. I'm kind of the black sheep" you giggled. "They all had their companions from young ages, and it was domesticated animals. I was grown up and living on my own when Cloud came into my life, and he was a wild wolf at the time. Now mama is calling everyone up and bragging I have five companions, that are all wolves. I never thought I'd see the day"
"You're worth bragging over" Bucky kissed the top of your head.
"If I hear you brag about dating her one more time, I am going to gag" Sam quipped quickly. "I used to enjoy running with you in the mornings and working out with you Tinman"
"I'm sorry she's ruined me" Bucky didn't sound all that sorry at all.
"Alright, he's ready for bed" Clint came back in and handed you Blue. "You need an early night because it's a week long of missions" he reminded you. "You were slow moving today, I know you had a nightmare, but you'll have to work through it tomorrow"
"Alright" you stood up. "Thank you papa Clint" you winked at him.
"Anytime kiddo" he ruffled your hair again.
"I'll grab you the bottles you need for the night" Bucky stood up.
"Good night everyone" you waved and the pack all jumped up automatically and followed you. Bucky headed to the kitchen first so you went to your bedroom. Cloud scratched at the balcony door so they could all go out to the bathroom and you opened the door and left it open for a moment before going to check your desk. You did have a lot of mail. It was mostly bills that you knew were already paid, since they came automatically out of your bank account. You put those to the side, and finally found the envelope you had been hoping to see from your Uncle Brad. You opened it quickly and walked out onto the balcony and sat down to read it.
"Dear Y/N,
You shouldn't keep writing to an old hermit that's waiting to die, but I wont stop you. Its one of the few things I look forward to every month. I've been fine. I found a bird that broke its wing, and I've been helping him with it. That neighbor finally moved out, but I left the mine field right where it is. The wilderness knows not to go to that side of the lot around here. No one's moved in yet, I hope it stays that way. Its nice that the voices have gone down, now I only hear the bird normally or some of the deer that walk through in the mornings to eat at my trees. The bird's name is Soren. He talks a lot more than I do. Its nice to have the company for a change I guess. I tell him a bit about my old Luna before she passed, and how much I miss her. He keeps asking why I don't want another companion, but I told him I'm no good for one. I just want to be with my Luna, but it's a sin to take a life even if its your own. I'll end this here. I miss ya kid.
Uncle Brad"
You read the letter a few times, and felt Bucky come outside and sit beside you.
"You going to tell him the truth too?" he asked gently after reading the letter over your shoulder.
"I think its time" you nodded. "He might not believe me, but its better to tell him now that it sounds like someone's interested in being his companion" you admitted. "I wish I had the time off, I would go tell him in person. He just lives so far away, and its up in the mountains so there's no cell service or anything" you sighed softly.
"I would be worried about you, but it would only be a few days if you went right? Maybe take a weekend" Bucky offered.
"Maybe" you gave a soft smile and saw the wolves all coming back up to the balcony seeming to be ready for bed.
"Are you going to be okay to sleep alone tonight?" Bucky asked softly.
"I have the pack, remember?" you looked at him with a smile. "There's no being alone with them, ever"
"Knock on the wall if you need me?" he countered quickly.
"That I can do" you gave a soft smile. "Only if you kiss me goodnight" you grinned and he gave you that flirty smile you had come to love so much. He pulled you up onto his lap and gazed into your eyes, brushing your hair out of your face and putting it behind your ears. He put his hand behind your head to bring you closer to him and you moved slowly until you felt his lips brush against yours a few times. You didn't wait for him to tug at your lips, but opened them automatically and he deepened the kiss quickly and he tugged on you to come closer again. You tried to be mindful of Blue as you leaned in more, happily, and enjoying the moment with Bucky. You loved kissing him, it reminded you that there was so much more to life than what you had been experiencing your entire life. It was like the last year hadn't happened, your mind just went blank, and your full focus was on Bucky. Even the wolves voices weren't coming through like they normally did. You wiggled slightly on Bucky's lap, and he groaned, and you flushed knowing why. He started to kiss you more hungrily and giving you less time to catch your breath. It seemed more heated than usual, and you were reveling in it. He started moving his way along your chin to your neck and he went for your earlobe again, and started moving his way down to your collarbone. You moved again, feeling the heat pool between your legs and you let out a soft moan and he nipped at your skin before he started sucking on it again in a different spot. He had a knack for finding your weak spots it seemed.
He slowly made his way back to your lips and he started kissing you hungrily again. You didn't miss a beat kissing him back. You found solitude in his kisses, and enjoyed that it was just you and him in the moment. He finally pulled away and you pouted a little bit.
"Was that too much?" he looked at you worriedly.
"Not at all" you smiled happily and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips that he quickly returned. "I'll see you in the morning Sargent" you winked at him and slid off of his lap carefully while heading into the bedroom. He grinned to himself, and took a moment to watch you as you set Blue down with the pack and headed into the closet with your letter still in your hand. He smiled to himself and shook his head still smiling and headed to his room quickly.  

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