A talk with Wanda

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Clint never gave you the option to take out Blue when he was done his bottles. He just grabbed him quickly and headed outside, whispering softly in Blue's ear. You couldn't help but giggle slightly watching him walk out. Bucky quickly passed you your book, and pulled you in close while he opened the one he selected for the night. When Clint came back, he never gave you back Blue, just sat back down and held him close.
"Its my turn to feed him next" Scott said out of the blue close to an hour later. You had been so focused on your book you jumped a little.
"Spoiled sport. Fine" Clint chuckled. "You want to hold him for a bit?" he looked to Scott expectantly.
"Yes please" Scott nodded, and Clint handed over Blue easily. Scott started to coo to Blue automatically and you smiled softly in their direction.
"The boys missed you tonight, they showed me their tests. I put them on the fridge, they passed again with a hundred percent" Wanda walked into the room with two cups of tea and a huge smile on her face. "They said thank you for the pie" she added.
"Thank you for the tea, Wanda" you smiled to her and took a sip.
"I miss our tea times" she went and took a seat, and Vision came in with their Zora. "Zora liked the car ride, she loved getting all the snuggles from the boys" Wanda giggled. "I think they stayed with us a little longer since there were cuddles involved"
"That's good that she had fun" you smiled. "She about to ask for the bottle, so is Blue" you warned.
"I'll get it" Sam stood up and went to get some bottles from the kitchen.
"Zora is growing quickly, we are excited to see if she learns more words soon" Vision gave a soft smile.
"I'll let you both know as soon as it happens" you promised. Sam came back with the bottles and you sipped at your tea again while both of the pups were being fed. Vision seemed to be enjoying himself immensely while Zora ate from the bottle. You had to put your book down since the book got to a really steamy part, and you had started imagining Bucky doing those things to you and now you needed a release again. You flushed a bit when Wanda looked at you and giggled.
"I'm sure that's coming" Wanda grinned at you.
"What's coming?" Bucky looked over curiously.
"The time to take the pups out, they look like they are almost done" you lied quickly and saw Bucky study your face. He knew you were lying. He looked to where you put the book down and got a smirk on his face and clued in. He put his arm around you and kissed you on the cheek, and lingered there for a moment, and you turned your face to look him in the eyes. He leaned forward again, and pressed his lips softly against yours as though he was memorizing the moment in his mind. You knew you were, you loved the way his lips moved against yours. Even small chaste kisses like this one, you wanted the moment seared into your brain forever. He pulled back and gave a soft smile, and went back to his book.
"No, no. We have girl time coming" Wanda saw that Scott was getting up to take Blue out. "Zora is almost done her bottle too"
"I guess I'll give her to you" Scott chuckled and came over to hand you Blue.
"Can we go for a small run?" Jasper lifted his head. "I'm sore from today, and need to work it out"
"Of course, I'll leave the back door open for you when I go to bed" you spoke out loud and saw a few people look up at you.
"Just whistle when its bedtime, we will come back" Snow stood up and licked Jasper on the muzzle.
"Okay, I'll whistle" you promised.
"They going for another run?" Steve asked gently.
"Jasper is sore from training today, so they asked if they could go for a run" you nodded. "I'll just whistle for them when I'm headed to bed"
"That's better than leaving the door open" Sam spoke up.
"Its what I used to do for Cloud for a long time, it's a habit that's hard to want to break" you admitted and saw that Zora finished her bottle.
"We are going to join him pup" Cloud stood up, and waited on Melody giving her muzzle a lick as she stood up.
"Just be safe pack" you sighed and got up to open the door. You saw Wanda get up to follow you outside, but you let the pack all out first before following them down the balcony steps.

"Things seem to be going well with Bucky" Wanda looked at you knowingly as you both sat in the grass with Blue and Zora walking around and going to the bathroom.
"Really well, I think" you paused for a moment. "I hope"
"From what I saw in both your minds, its going very well" she smiled softly. "I'm not giving anything away"
"Thank you, I'm not ready to say anything yet" you blushed a little and looked up at the balcony to make sure no one was listening in.
"What are you afraid of?" she whispered to you.
"To lose him" you waited a moment before answering. "We haven't been dating that long..." you trailed off.
"Time is irrelevant. You two started not on the best of notes, but the attraction was there. Its been over a month that you have been close friends. Everyone else can see it" she smiled gently.
"It feels like my feelings developed so quickly" you whispered.
"Not really, they were always there" Wanda shrugged and picked up Zora as she came to her again. "He's already planning on asking Steve to watch Blue for an hour so you two can have some time together again" she warned you and you blushed.
"We were making out in the hot tub and laundry room again" you continued to blush at the admission.
"I saw that in your mind. It seems to be going very well on that front" she giggled.
"He wants to take things slow, but I'm finding myself wanting more" you admitted, and biting your bottom lip.
"He's old fashioned, but it will happen naturally" Wanda shrugged. "All good things do" she added softly. "My first time with Vision was magical" she giggled as she sat closer to you. "He did a lot of research before he made his move. He was my first, and he will be my only" she sighed and you picked up Blue. You both laid back in the grass and looked up at the night sky together.
"I want Bucky to be my last" you whispered. "That's why I don't mind to keep holding on until he's ready"
"He plans to be your last, and for you to be his last" she looked at you. "Enjoy this time, its special"
"I am" you nodded with a shy smile. "I think the pack keeps going for runs at night to purposely give us more time together"
"That much is obvious" Wanda giggled again. "It's good that they like him so much"
"Uncle Brad and Mama like him a lot too" you admitted.
"How was your visit with your uncle?" she looked over curiously.
"When I showed up he pointed a gun at me at first" you giggled. "Once he realized it was me, he seemed a little hesitant but seemed happy. I told him everything, and I really do mean everything. He seemed to take it in stride. He insisted that I needed to learn knives and guns while I was there. It wasn't much of a break from training to be honest. But the atmosphere is so relaxing, it was hard to want to leave. Everything worked out pretty good at least. He wants me to visit again with Bucky, the pack and Blue. He wants pictures of everyone from here at the compound so he can see more who I'm talking about I think" you gave a shy smile.
"I think he will come around to leaving the mountain again, now that he has his new companion" she reached out and held your free hand. "He called me one of the sisters" she raised an eyebrow at you.
"I think of you and Nat as the sisters I never had" you admitted softly.
"We feel the same way too, not to worry" she smiled serenely. "So do the boys" she added quickly. "I know they were a little disappointed you didn't join me"
"Maybe next time, I have a date tomorrow though" you reminded her.
"I'll bring them their meals, not to worry. I liked doing it. I can see why you've been doing it on your own so long" she winked at you. "I used your trick of looking for Peter's webbing to track them down"
"It works like a charm" you giggled.
"We need to start bringing you a sweater for our girl talks" she sat up suddenly and let go of your hand.
"Why?" you sat up, holding Blue close.
"Bucky's getting worried again" she smirked. "He's about to call you back in"
"I haven't even been sick around him yet" you shrugged.
"Your body is running a bit warm, I wouldn't say that quite yet" Wanda warned you. "You probably should have used the indoor pool and hot tub"
"I feel fine, just a little light headed" you looked at her worriedly.
"You do have a weak immune system. Drink your tea, and try to go to bed early" she gave a small smile.
"Can Bucky get sick?" you asked, starting to feel a bit of a panic.
"Rarely. He has a very strong immune system. I haven't seen him sick in years" Wanda reassured you.
"Doll?" you heard the door open and looked up at the balcony as you both stood up. Bucky leaned against the railing and smiled at you gently. "Are you coming back in, or are you leaving me alone with the boys tonight. They are pretty interested in the books we are reading" he winked at you. Wanda gave a giggle and started up the stairs.
"They are romance novels, and that's all" you blushed a deep red and headed up the stairs.
"Very creative romance novels" he chuckled as you got to the top step and he leaned over to kiss you softly on the lips.
"I adore you, you know that?" you asked softly, gazing into his eyes. You saw him flush a bit, and leaned forward and kissed you softly on the lips again.
"I adore you too" he whispered. "I texted Stevie, he said he will watch Blue for an hour for us tonight so we can have some time together again"
"Is this for goodnight kisses?" you whispered as Wanda walked in with a small smirk on her face.
"Among other things" he winked and pulled you in for another soft kiss. "I found a very interesting part of the novel I want to try out" he grinned and opened the door for you. You flushed a bit and walked inside, looking forward to finding out exactly what he was talking about.  

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