A possible visit

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You made a quick lunch for everyone while Bucky continued to play with Blue on the floor. You couldn't imagine being happier. Your phone had gone off with a few text messages that you ignored while you were preparing lunch. After setting the table, and putting food down for the wolves you finally picked up your phone. It was from your mom, saying she had been trying to get ahold of you for the last week, and she was about to put in a missing persons report.
"I just need a minute" you told Bucky and went outside onto the front porch swing and dialed your mom.
"It's about bloody time" mama picked up the phone.
"Hi mama" you had a smile in your voice and on your face.
"I have been so worried about you, you haven't answered your phone or any of my text messages or even my emails all week" she started sassing you.
"Melody went into heat" you told her quickly, and the phone went dead.
"Well, that will do it" she sighed softly. "I take it Bucky is a bit sore now"
"He seems perfectly fine for now" you giggled.
"I was trying to get ahold of you to see if you got that book I sent you on the family legends" she came back to the task at hand.
"Not yet, but I haven't paid much attention this week. I can ask Happy if something came in the mail. They have been staying away from our bedroom this week" you giggled slightly.
"So did it transfer through the whole pack?" she asked expectantly.
"No, thankfully. It just affected me. We've discovered that I can't work while the girls are in heat the hard way" you spoke softly. "We tried a mission, but I ended up getting hurt. I'm fine now" you added quickly.
"How badly hurt?" your mama demanded.
"It was a close one, but Clint and Bucky got me back to the doctors in time. They put me in the regeneration machine and I was all healed up" you glossed over it. "Jasper came with me on the mission since Cloud mated himself to Melody"
"How did Jasper do?" She sounded a bit upset.
"Really well, he protected both Bucky and I very well" you nodded softly to yourself.
"Your uncle Brad and I are coming for a visit the week after next. I already cleared it with Tony, and your uncle Brad seems a bit excited to see where you have been living, and meeting Blue of course" she warned you.
"Is Clint coming to get you both?" you were surprised.
"Uncle Brad came to visit me" she told you excitedly. "Soren is lovely. His whole family is going to drive back to the house while he comes with me for a visit. Where are you? I can hear a lot of wind"
"I'm at the cabin" you smiled softly. "Bucky and I left this morning with the pack. He's in the living room playing with Blue right now and waiting on me to have lunch. You should see Blue mama, he's gotten so big" you cooed. "You'll be bringing Billy and Soren right?" you asked quickly.
"Of course, it never goes well to go anywhere without your companion" your mama reminded you.
"When I'm on missions, I trust the team to watch my pack" you whispered. "I know it's not the safest thing to do"
"No, it's not. But that's the nature of your job I suppose" she sighed audibly. "How badly were you hurt again?"
"It was close, but I wasn't paying attention. The heat was too much" you bit your bottom lip.
"You shouldn't have gone anywhere when your companion is in heat. I should have taught you that, but frankly, I had a male and I thought you would only have a male as well"
"How did uncle Brad deal with it?" you asked softly.
"He was lucky with your aunt, she matched his needs. It's rare that it happens, but you can partially bond with another human if it's true love. That's what they have, it's why she never dated anyone else. They bonded together, and just like your wolves, they don't want another person. It's only happened maybe three times in the last five generations of our family" your mom explained.
"I didn't know that was possible" you gasped a little and looked through the front door to see Bucky had moved to the couch with Blue. "I think it's happened. We don't like even being apart for a moment"
"That happens" mama hesitated.
"Baby, come here please." you called to Bucky and put the phone on speaker. Bucky came out and sat down beside you and started rocking the swing. You naturally moved to be under his arm, and he moved easily, keeping Blue in his other hand. "Mama, can you explain this to me a little better?"
"Hi Bucky" your mom didn't miss a beat. "It's rare, incredibly rare, but you can sometimes partially bond yourself to another human like you would with a companion. You don't share the telepathic link, but your bodies will be linked just like your hearts. Their needs become your needs, just like with the companion. You don't necessarily feel their physical pain, but feel the urgency of it. It's only happened three times in the last five generations, your uncle Brad is one of the only people I know that have experienced it. Now that his wife is back in his life, he's become whole again. She understood his need to be alone all these years and waited on him. Once she knew he had his new companion she packed everything back up to be with her husband again, because she knew he was ready for her. She could feel it in her body, and in her heart" she explained. "Your uncle Brad can explain it a bit more for you"
"Is it normal to need to be together all the time?" you asked hesitantly.
"Don't you remember as a child? The only time they were separated is when one went to use the facilities at family events. They always gravitated together. Luna's heat was the reason why your cousins always came over and stayed for a week a few times a year" mama responded easily.
"Well, at least wolves only have a heat once a year" you sighed looking at Bucky who had a huge grin on his face.
"I should have prepared you for that. Why are you asking? Did you bond yourself to Bucky?" she asked quickly.
"I think so" Bucky answered for you. "The heat really affected us both"
"You both are lucky, you'll have a better understanding of each other's needs now" mama sighed. "Well, I'm glad to know that you are okay. You worried me, but I didn't think one of the wolves would go into heat so soon"
"Hydra's experiment on Melody did something to her body's chemistry and she went into heat late in the year. It's normally in the winter months for wolves from my research" you let her know. "I don't know if it's going to be like this permanently, or if I should anticipate it happening more. I'm really not sure" you flushed looking to Bucky who just smiled.
"We will deal with it when it happens. Just no missions until it's over, for either of us" he gave you a kiss on the side of the head.
"I'll see you the week after next mama. Send everyone my love, and tell Uncle Brad I can't wait to see him too" you had a lot of information to digest, and you were getting hungry.
"I love you both, I'll see you soon" she hung up and you looked at Bucky.
"Are you mad?" you asked softly.
"Mad about what, doll?" he asked, surprised.
"That I bonded myself to you" you answered quickly.
"No, I'm happy about it. Didn't you hear your mom? It's because it's true love" he grinned. "That's pretty rare too"
"I just feel so blessed with you" you gave him a quick kiss and stood up. "It does explain why we don't want to be apart for very long" you mused.
"I'm not complaining" he chuckled and followed you back into the house. The wolves were already done with their steak, but waiting on Blue. Bucky put Blue down on the floor and he went to his ground meat quickly and started to eat it down.
"We were thinking of taking him for a walk again tonight" Cloud looked to you.
"Not too far, he was pretty tired last time" you spoke out loud for Bucky's benefit.
"We will bring him back safely, not to worry" Jasper promised.
"They're taking him again tonight?" Bucky asked for confirmation and you nodded. "Don't forget he's just a baby"
"We won't" Melody swished her tail at Cloud who chuckled in your head.
"You know what that means?" you started towards the dining room table, but Bucky wrapped his arms around you and started peppering the side of your neck with kisses. "Exactly" you giggled.
"I'm looking forward to it" Bucky chuckled and went to his seat. You both ate your sandwiches and vegetables you had prepared quickly. You noticed Bucky kept looking to you often, so you got up and brought your plate over to sit beside him instead of across from him. He grinned, and reached out to hold your hand while you both finished eating. He brushed the pad of his thumb across your knuckles softly once in a while, and when he was done he brought your hand up to kiss your knuckles. Once you finished you grabbed both your plates and gave him a soft kiss on top of his head before going to put the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Are we still on for our farmers market date tomorrow?" you asked as you loaded it.
"Of course, I was going to try Blue out on the leash this afternoon to see if we can maybe have him walk around tomorrow for a change. He is getting bigger, and won't want to be held forever" Bucky looked to you worriedly.
"You don't need me there for that, Cloud will help you" you gave a small smile.
"I'd prefer if you were with me though" he pouted a little bit.
"I'll come out and sit on the swing while you teach him" you nodded.

You went out for the afternoon and laid across the swing and watched as Bucky started trying to show Blue how to walk on the leash. He had Cloud on a leash in one hand, and Blue on his leash in another. Blue didn't like it and kept laying down or pulling back on the leash itself and whimpering asking for his mama. It broke your heart to pieces to see him struggling so much. Cloud tried coaching him, while Melody, Jasper and Snow laid on the ground nearby and were giving him soft praises. You finally put down your book and walked over to pick up Blue off the ground where he was whimpering.
"He's not listening" Bucky sighed.
"He's just a baby, Honey" you reminded him softly as you cooed to Blue and peppered his muzzle with kisses. He finally calmed down enough, you set him back on the ground and you took a few steps away getting on the ground and holding out your hands. He walked to you slowly and kept looking up at Bucky to make sure he was okay to move. He finally got to you and you praised him telling him he was such a good boy. You put him down and moved further away and opened your arms and waited for him. Bucky slowly moved forward with Blue and Cloud and Blue pulled slightly on the leash trying to get to you faster, while Cloud barked at him to keep the same pace as Bucky. Blue seemed to get scared every time that Cloud would bark at him. You continued to do this several times over, and the barking lessened as Blue was starting to get the hang of being on a leash. You traded spots with Bucky and he would get on the ground and you would encourage him to walk forward to get to see his papa and then Bucky would pick him and give him congratulatory kisses.
"I think he's getting it" you looked at Bucky proudly.
"I think he is, finally. Just needed a little team work" he gave you his flirty smile and you melted on the inside again.
"We do make a great team" you cooed to him.
"Come on, lets go make supper" Bucky got up and gave you a chaste kiss on the lips and you hummed happily.
"We'll leave after supper" Cloud warned you as you unclicked both leashes from Cloud and Blue.
"That's going to be a long night" you looked at him worriedly.
"It's needed" Snow yawned slightly. "Jasper and I feel a little cooped up"
"Okay, just don't forget to bring him home if he gets too tired" you gave a smile and linked your arm with Bucky's, heading back into the house for supper. 

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