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With your pies done, you saw the chef coming in and they gave you a small smile seeing all the pies.
"I'm sorry, I didn't leave you much room" you flushed a bit, while Nat rolled her eyes at you.
"I can work with it" they gave a kind smile. "I have a few boxes for cakes if you want some"
"Yes please" you nodded, and took four of the boxes and started putting Morgan, Clint's, and Bucky's pies in boxes quickly, then used a pen and put their names on it.
"You should go wake up Bucky for lunch, I've got pup" Nat suggested, and you felt your face flush a little.
"The man hated me until yesterday" you shook your head.
"Put on your big girl panties and go wake him up. He needs to eat" she pointed her finger at you, and you hesitated for a moment before grabbing his pie and leaving the room. You walked slowly, trying to talk yourself into knocking on his door. He hadn't been asleep that long, and it didn't seem right to just wake him up for a meal. You stopped in front of his door and stood there for a moment trying to decide if he would even want you to be the one to wake him up.
"Y/N?" Steve came out of his room and looked at you curiously.
"Nothing" you jumped back guiltily.
"I didn't ask yet" he chuckled.
"Its almost lunch time" you looked down at the pie box in your hands. "But he's probably sleeping"
"He doesn't sleep that long" Steve gave an easy smile. "You can knock"
"I don't want to wake him" you shook your head. "You do it" you looked at him.
"He'll be happier if you do it" he shrugged and walked away.
You scrunched your nose and finally took a chance and did a light knock.
"Come in" you heard immediately. He didn't even sound like he was sleeping. You opened the door a fraction and stuck your head in. "Hey, hi, I was wondering if you got enough sleep?" you saw Bucky was sitting on the side of his bed shirtless and you blushed. You tried to remind yourself he was a jerk even though he apologized, the last eight months was hard to get over.
"Yeah, I was just getting up" he gave an easy smile.
"I made you a thank you pie" you took a step into the room. "I heard you like plums" you added gently.
"For me? Thank you" he grinned and walked over to you with a huge smile on his face. He opened the box and smelled in. "This smells fantastic"
"Well, I hope you like it" you tried not to look around but saw his room was fairly bare, with just a few photos in picture frames, and a book case full of books.
"Thanks for coming to get me, I'll just get a shirt on. Thank you for the pie" he put it on his desk and ran into his closet. You bolted out of the room, trying to wrap your head around how nice he was being since finding out your secret. It was like a different man altogether. It bothered you how good he looked without a shirt. You flinched inwardly and walked quickly back to the kitchen where Nat gave a satisfied smile.
"Is Pup done eating?" you asked, feeling like your heart was thundering in your chest.
"Just finished" she nodded.
"Great, I'll take him out" you smiled and she handed him to you easily. Cloud and Melody woke up and started to follow you while Nat grabbed the dog bed to put it back in the living room. You took the living room balcony down to the grass with Pup and let him do his business. Cloud sat down and looked at you expectantly.
"What?" you asked telepathically.
"Are you alright? Your heart is going quickly, and your face is flushed" Cloud sniffed at you. "You don't smell sick"
"I just was walking quickly" you lied, and you knew he could tell.
"She smells like the man that is not her mate" Melody added, and you could hear the smile in her voice.
"I delivered him his pie" you admitted. "And then I walked back quickly"
"Interesting" Melody wagged her tail.
"There are still misunderstandings pup?" Cloud asked you gently.
"I can't wrap my head around how nice he's being all the sudden" you sat down in the grass and Pup came to your lap immediately and curling up.
"You should talk to him about it" he spoke knowledgably.
"I mean, he had these few moments where I thought he was going back to being mean again, but it disappeared so quickly" you continued on.
"You're overcomplicating things" he growled a bit. "You're getting stuck inside your head again" he warned you.
"You're right" you sighed, and scratched him behind the ears, then did the same to Melody.
"I hope they find Shawn soon" you sighed. "I want to go up to the cabin, see if any of my books are salvageable"
"They weren't, I was there" Cloud laid his head on a free part of your lap, and you decided to just stay on the grass for a few minutes and enjoy the sun. "Read your new books this afternoon. You do have to video call your mother tomorrow. You need the relaxation you can get" he reminded you.
"Y/N?" you heard from above you and saw Clint looking down over the balcony. "Come back inside where it's safe" he was watching you closely. You sighed heavily and picked up Pup and walked up the steps with Cloud and Melody in tow.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now