Bucky's reaction

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"Are you serious?" Bucky started to tear up as his face broke out into a large smile, and internally all you felt was relief.
"We are four weeks pregnant" you nodded, wondering if maybe you should have waited until the first trimester was over.
"I'm going to be a real father?" he asked in disbelief, and you smiled softly at him.
"You already are, according to Blue" you pointed out softly.
"This is the best news I've ever heard" he leaned forward and captured your lips quickly. You were trying to be mindful of Blue, when he felt him lifted off of your lap and you pulled away from the kiss momentarily to see Cloud picking up Blue by the scruff of the neck and pulling him away. Bucky saw this too, and grabbed you by both of your hips and pulled you onto his lap and he hungrily kissed you and you eagerly reciprocated his kiss. He tilted his head to the side and gave a soft moan as his tongue slipped into your mouth and started massaging yours. You pulled back for air and sat back a little to gaze into his eyes. He was still smiling happily and rested his forehead against yours. "We are going to be parents" he couldn't wipe the grin off of his face even if he tried.
"You're really happy about this?" you asked worriedly.
"It's like a dream come true" he leaned forward and gave you a chaste kiss on the cheek, while his hand rested on your lower stomach and he looked in awe.
"I've been so worried," you admitted softly. "I thought you might think I was trying to trap you into marriage, I only realized when Bruce told me that I haven't taken my pills since the heat started" you sighed with relief.
"Doll, I've wanted to marry you for months now, do you honestly think this would change my mind?" he asked softly. "I'm crazy about you. You are my bonded mate. We've been raising a baby all this time already" he reminded you and you both looked over to see Blue was whimpering with Cloud holding him back. "Why would you worry about stuff like that?" he asked curiously.
"I just know you are old fashioned, and didn't want to make it seem like..." you couldn't even finish the sentence.
"You've been worried over nothing. I'm here, and I'm here to stay. I can't believe it, I'm going to be a dad" he cooed to you and you reached up to wipe the two small tears that escaped his eyes and made their way down his cheekbone.
"We are going to be parents," you spoke softly. "More than just wolf parents" you gave a small relieved giggle.
"We need to remodel the cabin" he looked at you with excitement filling his eyes and lightening up his face. "We need a nursery"
"I was already thinking of that, if you had decided this is what you wanted" you nodded.
"If?" he asked, surprised.
"I wanted to give you the option to back out" you bit your bottom lip gently.
"No way in Hell. You are my mate, and that is my baby" his voice came out more firmly. "You really were worried about this?" he asked a little more softly.
"I almost made myself ill just thinking about it on top of the morning sickness, '' you admitted.
"It looks like I need to remind you I'm here for good" he wiggled his eyebrows at you and you giggled, putting a hand on his chest. "Wait, we can still have sex right?" he asked after a moment's hesitation.
"Yes, of course we can" you nodded.
"Good, Cloud, you are babysitting tonight" Bucky ordered him and Cloud gave a bark. Blue let out a howl as Bucky stood up, grabbing you by the hips and carrying you with him towards the bedroom.
"I need to pick up the dishes" you giggled as he readjusted you so he had one hand behind your back and one under your knees. It seemed more complicated in your head how he would move you into this new position, but he did it with such ease, and you were barely jostled in the process.
"I'll come out and do it later, I need a minute alone with my Luna" Bucky kicked the bedroom door all the way open, then used his foot to kick it closed again before he walked towards the bed. You both could hear Blue still howling out in the living room, and Bucky groaned as he sat you on the bed. "Just... give me one minute. Do not move" he warned you.

Bucky waited until you nodded in confirmation that you understood and he opened the bedroom door and headed over to Blue with determination evident on his face.
"Okay my little cock block, not tonight" he picked him up and Blue stopped howling almost immediately after. Bucky went through the suite door and headed straight to Steve's bedroom and knocked loudly on the door. He could hear laughter coming from Steve's room, and was a little worried he might have company.
"Hey Tinman" Sam opened the door, and Bucky looked in to see that Steve was just finishing the painting he asked him to finish of the two of you. "We were just talking about you two" Sam chuckled.
"Need a babysitter?" Steve asked, already knowing the answer.
"Just for the night" Bucky nodded. "It was a long enough week to be away from my dame" he wasn't even going to bother hiding why he was asking for a babysitter.
"Sure, bring him in. I still have some of his toys over on the couch" Steve nodded while Sam chuckled.
"You know you must go through a lot of protection the way you two go at it" Sam chuckled again. Bucky went to say something sarcastic in response, but stopped himself and gave a small smile.
"Thank you Stevie, I'll pick him up in the morning" Bucky looked to Steve.
"Am I still watching him in the afternoon?" Steve raised his eyebrow and Bucky took a moment to realize that all of his dreams were about to come true and he grinned.
"Y/N's mama wants to watch him. I wouldn't mind if you kept her some company though" he looked at him hopefully.
"You got it, jerk" Steve nodded. "Do you have a status update on that bug she's been having?" Steve asked as Bucky turned to leave. Bucky carefully masked his face from breaking into a grin and he kept his mouth closed for a moment, knowing that you probably hadn't told a soul yet.
"Yeah, she's fine. Just a bug" Bucky nodded and walked out quickly again.

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