Catching up and nerves

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You had placed the laptop on the bed so your mom could see Blue playing with his toys while you tried to hide the fact you were only in a t-shirt with its placement. When she came on video she immediately started cooing over Blue and how big he was getting.
"Look at him, my grandpuppy is growing up so fast" she cooed. You saw Billy in the background watching and he gave a small bark. "Billy agrees" she added quickly. "Look at him playing with his toys" she looked like she was in awe of him.
"He's feeling a lot better today, I had a fever for a few days and the whole pack was down for the count. Poor thing had to be coaxed to even eat" you admitted.
"That's part of the bond" she let you know quickly. "If you pull back the bond, it would just make you sicker" she reminded you.
"I thought about it, once I had the energy but I knew that it would be better to ride it out" you admitted quickly. "Mama, according to the family legends, if one of the pack gets hurt, will everyone feel it or just me?" you asked curiously.
"I don't know, you are in unknown territory" she admitted. "They all warn against having more than one companion at a time, but never the full reasons why besides it was dangerous for all of you"
"I was just thinking about when Melody goes into heat, or when Snow has her pups..." you drifted off.
"You'll have to let me know" she gave a small smile. "How about I write the legends all down for you and I'll mail it to you in another care package"
"Thank you mama, I'd love that" you gave a wan smile.
"So tell me about your little trip" she looked at you expectantly. You decided against hiding anything from her, and told her everything, even the showdown with Shawn. You told her all about Soren and how sassy he was with Uncle Brad with a huge smile on your face. You admitted the mine field was gone by now, and Soren was against him making another one. You told her about how the neighbor allegedly moved out anyways. You told her about how Bucky even came to stay for a few days, and how uncle Brad got you to continue your training regardless. Your mom's face darkened a little at the news about Shawn, but once you told her he was on the raft for good this time and that you had shot him, along with beating him up she seemed pleased.
"Uncle Brad even wants you to come visit. He called his wife and kids and told them about Soren too" you added excitedly.
"She called me. She told me she was excited to be with her husband again. She's stayed single all these years, waiting on him to be better. She just didn't want the kids to grow up with the way he wanted to die all the time, it wasn't fair to them" your mom admitted. "She's even started packing up to move back in with him" she smiled. "We were talking earlier this week. The kids are excited to see their dad again, but they don't know what to make of him having a wild animal for a companion. I told them it was no different than you. Your companion normally chooses you, not the other way around"
"I never believed in forcing the bond with an animal that didn't want it" you gave a small smile.
"Never forget that I am proud of you for that. Now look at you, five of them" she giggled. "Uncle Jerome didn't believe me, but I told him to watch the papers, since Tony is so keen to have you announced"
"I almost forgot about that. I haven't even finished weapons training yet" you sighed and rolled onto your side while Blue shook a teddy bear with a small growl. You couldn't help but giggle and give him a kiss on top of his head.
"How are things with Bucky?" she asked pointedly and you found yourself blushing.
"They are going so very well. I'm in love with him. He doesn't know yet" you admitted. "I'm anxious to tell him, but I want it to be at the right time"
"I'm sure he loves you too, don't worry so much" she gave a soft smile. "You two were so close even before your first date"
"Those butterflies mama, I just think about him and they come back with a vengeance" you smiled dreamily.
"I doubt they will go away for the rest of your lives" she giggled. "Have you been baking?" she asked quickly.
"Yes, and I even cooked the team another meal. I'm headed out to meet Clint's family with the wolves tonight, and Blue is going to make his first trip off the compound. I'm a little nervous" you bit your bottom lip.
"They will love you, just show them there's nothing to be afraid of" she reminded you. "Do they have pets?"
"They do, I promised Clint I would talk to their pets for them and tell the kids what they say" you nodded. "A cat, a dog, and some horses he said"
"That should be fun for them, they would like that" she promised. "You used to do that as a kid for your friends" she reminded you.
"Most of them didn't believe me" you frowned a little. "Until I told them things that only their pets knew, and I didn't"
"Well, how did you convince Tony?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Cloud did, if I'm going to be honest. And Fury" you shrugged. "You should see the helmet they made so they can hear the wolves the way I do. I think Tony is planning on training me on how to focus a bit better"
"Can they hear them?" she seemed curious.
"Yes, they also heard some of the birds flying by when I tried focusing more on opening up. I had to tell them what to turn down, and what to turn up" you thought about it for a moment. "Its been a learning experience in itself. All the pups talk now. Edwin, Zora, and Anastasia are their names" you smiled proudly. "Zora only says mommy so far. Edwin and Anastasia both say mommy and daddy. Blue says Mama, Papa, and Steve"
"He's got three down pat already?" she asked excitedly.
"He does, he's learning so quickly" you sighed happily. "Clint is determined he's the next name"
"Who's papa?" she smirked and you blushed.
"Bucky" you admitted. "Sam and Scott were in on it, and kept referring to him as papa. Now when Bucky talks to him, he refers to himself as papa too. Its so adorable" you grinned and bit your bottom lip.
"I'm so glad there's so much good news. I'll have to do my calls with my bragging rights again" she smirked. "The girls are coming over to play cards in a few minutes. Can you call again soon?"
"I will mama, I love you both!" you called and waved at the screen.
"We love you too" she blew you a kiss and signed off.
"I'd better go put on my robe and take you down to the lab with a few of these to play with the pups and get fed while I get ready to go to Clint's" you sighed giving Blue a kiss on the top of his head.
"Papa" he called out.
"Papa is working" you smiled and gave him another kiss. "So is Steve" you warned him. You knew he understood you, but he went quiet. You went and grabbed your robe and put it on and picked him up with some of his toys before heading down to the lab to drop him off with Snow and the boys.

By the time you were done in the shower, you could hear Bucky's shower going and you smiled softly to yourself. You had made sure to shave everything needed, and did your skin care regime before brushing your teeth and working on your hair and makeup. You wanted to look your best for meeting Laura and the kids. You put together a backpack full of toys for Blue and for the kids to play fetch with the wolves as well. You looked through your closet and settled on a dark blue cotton summer dress with light blue lace that covered it like a sheer. It had a satin ribbon that went under your breasts and you tied a bow in the back and checked to make sure that it looked even. You wanted to look your best regardless tonight. You knew Clint lived out on a farm, so you grabbed a light blue cardigan to go on top in case it got chilly and a pair of dark blue flats to wear. You went through your earrings and put on a set of wildflower studs, and the necklace that Bucky had bought you to set everything off. You heard Bucky's shower turn off, and bit unsurely at your bottom lip, thinking of the night coming that you both promised to share together. You were even more nervous now, wondering if you would be up to par. You were nervous about being naked in front of him, even though he had seen you in a bikini, this was much different.
You set the bag on the bed and went back to clean up the bathroom and make sure it was good and well put together. You then started moving around the bedroom and nervously picking things up and putting them away. You made sure the bed was made correctly and fluffed the pillows. You tried dusting off some of the fur that was on the bed, but it wasn't working.
"Wow" you heard from behind you and turned to see Bucky standing there in a white button up shirt, tucked into a pair of dark blue jeans and a black leather belt. He was wearing a pair of black dress shoes and you flushed a bit thinking how good he looked.
"Wow yourself" you smiled at him automatically.
"You look amazing" he took a few steps towards you. "I love the dress" he got closer and ran his flesh hand along the fabric at the top.
"I was going to wear it on Sunday but I found another dress I wanted to wear" you admitted softly. "That and I'm nervous" you bit your bottom lip. "What if they don't like me?" you asked gently.
"They will love you" he gazed into your eyes. He thought about saying "Just like I do" but he held back. He didn't want to rush your feelings. "You packed a bag?" he looked at the backpack.
"Its just some toys for Blue, and for the kids to play fetch with the wolves" you spoke softly.
"They are going to have a lot of fun, don't worry so much" he smiled and leaned down giving you a soft and lingering kiss on the lips. You heard a knock on your door and you both pulled back. You went to answer it and saw that Clint was standing there holding four boxes of pies and the wolves were all standing at his feet looking at you expectantly.
"Are you ready kid?" Clint smiled.
"I just need to go get Blue" you nodded and grabbed the backpack.
"I'll get Blue, you go with Clint. I won't be long" Bucky gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and you grabbed your purse on your way out the door.
"I'm really nervous" you whispered to Clint as you got to the door and Bucky was already halfway down the hallway.
"They already love you; you just need to show up kid. They are looking forward to meeting Bucky and the wolves too" he grinned.
"I brought some toys for them to play with the wolves, and some toys to keep Blue occupied while we eat" you gestured to the backpack.
"We have a lot of toys where I live" he chuckled. "Its going to be fine. Just be yourself" he reminded you.  

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