Secrets Part 2

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You took a seat at Tony's desk, sulking a bit to yourself. Tony came over and lifted your shirt and grimaced.
"You should have gone in the machine longer" he assessed.
"I didn't want to risk anyone finding out" you admitted.
"You should heal" Cloud responded quickly.
"Tony?" Steve walked in and his eyes grew wide looking around and quickly closed the door. "What is this?"
"Y/N's little secret she's been keeping from us. I'm forcing her to move to the compound where she can be protected better. Part of our contract is that you have to know if something is affecting one of the team mates or potentially the team. I became aware of it today, so I'm bringing you in. This is the result of a stalker ex-boyfriend that's been attacking Y/N when she goes home. He keeps getting out of jail on bail. Now he's defacing her house and all of her belongings" Tony spoke simply. Steve went over and started reading the police reports and saw one was from the day before and today and looked at you.
"I don't want the mouth knowing" you grimaced. "He holds enough against me. This would just put him over the edge with why I shouldn't be on the team"
"Bucky isn't that bad of a guy" Steve started, then remembered all the things that Bucky had yelled at you and couldn't say much more. "He'll warm up to you eventually" he bit his bottom lip and continued to read the police report. "The guy from this morning..." he looked at you curiously.
"Not a boyfriend" you shook your head. "Its Detective Morgan"
"This bruising..." he drifted off, and Tony lifted your shirt a bit.
"Regeneration machine didn't quite fix it all, but got the purple out" Tony answered for you.
"Why hasn't Cloud protected you like he does on missions?" Steve kept going through the files, and looking at all the photographs.
"I order him not to. I can't lose him too" you shook your head. "Cloud could kill him easily"
"Why don't you fight back?" Tony shook his head at you.
"Because he's sick, and I could kill him. I block the attacks I see coming. I just cant fight him when he jumps me" you explained.
"How could you hide this from us?" Steve demanded. "We are a family here"
"Its my private life, and I didn't want it to affect the team. If Tony didn't figure it out earlier that I was wounded it would have remained private" you gave Tony a soft glare.
"How did you hide it?" he asked a little more softly.
"Makeup and missions" you shrugged. "No one notices if you go in alone all the time and seem to be accident prone". Your cell phone went off, and Tony nodded that you could take the call.
"Hello?" you answered.
"Hey babygirl, its me" Morgan was on the phone. You could tell he was at the office.
"Tell your wife I'll make her another pie for the performance this morning" you smiled softly.
"Will do. Listen, he's still in the wind. I got a patrol car down at the hotel to watch you for the night. You should tell your boss about this, in case he finds you there" Morgan spoke softly.
"Both of my bosses are here in the room, and they know now. Who's in the patrol car this time?" you arched an eyebrow.
"Timothy, he's still wet behind the ears, but one hell of a shot if he tries jumping you again" Morgan promised.
"I have business downtown tonight, but I'll make sure to bring him a coffee when I get back to the hotel" you promised.
"I'll keep you updated" he hung up. Tony and Steve looked at you expectantly.
"They haven't found him yet, but they have a patrol car watching my hotel for the night" you flushed.
"You should start sleeping here, immediately" Steve shook his head.
"No, you don't get it. He will find me here too. Its better if I'm further away for now" you shook your head.
"Give me the address for the hotel" Tony held out his hand, and you passed him the card Morgan gave you. "I'll have Happy bring Wanda to you in the morning and no arguments. Buy everything you need. He obviously destroyed everything. You'll be joining the compound meals once you've moved in. I'm going to see what we can salvage for your new room"
"Tony, I really don't mind quitting. I can go back to Shield" you looked at him pleadingly.
"We are not accepting your resignation" Steve's voice came out a bit loudly. "You're apart of the Avengers family, and its about time you started living like it. Make sure you get some stuff for Cloud too"
"Cloud doesn't like dogfood" you didn't fully understand the statement.
"He might like a dog bed" Tony shrugged. "What's he eat?"
"He eats raw meat, but will make due with diner food like I normally grab on my way to work in the morning" you admitted.
"I hate the diner food" Cloud grumbled.
"Its better than asking the diner to just give me a raw steak, without explanation" you rolled your eyes looking at him. Steve and Tony looked at you. "He said he hates the diner food too"
"We will work on his menu. Get him some dishes tomorrow" Tony shrugged.
"You're lucky he hasn't tried to kill you yet" Steve was still looking at the data that Tony had everywhere.
"He has" you shrugged. "When I found out he was cheating, he tried to kill me when I broke up with him. It was just after the lab accident, and I accidently burnt him" you spoke softly.
"I don't feel comfortable with you staying in a hotel" Steve looked at you seriously.
"Tony said I could stay for the week I already paid for" you shook your head.
"Tony is taking that back. You can have a night or two, but all your things are getting moved in starting tomorrow" Tony flipped through some of the photographs that Friday printed off. "Is this from a baseball bat?"
"On my back, second week I was working here" you nodded. "I told you I slept wrong, and you believed it"
"Where are you headed tonight?" Steve asked suddenly, bringing up your conversation with Morgan.
"Pietro and Peter always forget to bring something to eat when they are out protecting the city. I like to bring them something to eat and talk to them for a bit when I can" you shrugged. "They are sweet boys, and Cloud likes them too"
"How long have you been doing that?" he seemed surprised.
"Since she started" Tony answered for you. "She found out they were going to university during the day, and doing patrol at night and started checking up on them. Peter told me about it"
"I wasn't hiding it" you shook your head, and winced as you sat up more in your chair.
"I think you should go back in the regeneration machine" Tony came over and put a hand on your shoulder. "You have a lot to do tomorrow, and you need some rest. You look like you haven't slept. According to the reports, you likely didn't. I guess it wasn't insomnia this morning" Tony frowned at you.
"If mouth sees..." you started and saw Steve move uncomfortably. "Sorry, Barnes sees me going in and out of the lab he will know something's up. You promised this didn't have to go to the team"
"For now, if he comes here, this is going to be team knowledge" Steve looked at you seriously.
"He already hates me and wants me off the team" you sighed.
"Its not his call, and like I said, once you move in he will start to warm up to you" he gave a soft smile.
"I'm not warming up to him after the last eight months" you shook your head.
"He knew you had a secret, and doesn't trust easy" Steve spoke softly.
"No shit" you stopped yourself.
"Come on, back to the regeneration machine, then you are excused for the day" Tony waited for you to get up and went to the door.
"I need my clothes back from Wanda" you shook your head.
"I'll go get them, and let her know about tomorrow. Hell, I'll send Nat along. She loves spending my money" Tony grinned leading you out, and Steve with all the evidence of your last year of Hell.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon